Specialist translation written / interpreting B2 - Russian language, level 2 3200-M1-2TPB2R
Classes designed for first-level students for whom Russian is the first language of specialization and who have mastered it at a minimum level of B2. Upon completion of the course, students are required to have mastered the language at level C1.
This course is a block of specialist translation classes that develops the efficiency of translation of texts formulated in four types of technolects:
- legal language and legal language,
- economic language,
- medical and pharmaceutical language,
- scientific and technical language,
In addition, texts on social sciences are provided for.
In the course of the course students are acquainted with the selected professional terminology in the above mentioned fields and various types of specialized texts. Students are presented with translation strategies that would enable them to effectively translate specialist texts.
Basic objectives of the course:
-development of language competence in the field of foreign languages, especially in the field of phraseology and stylistics of specialist texts;
-development of general knowledge, cultural and sociolinguistic specifics (recipients) of J1 and J2;
-development of specialist knowledge in the selected fields covered by the classes;
-improving the knowledge of the mother tongue, especially in the textual and stylistic plan;
-presentation of selected issues of analysis of specialist texts;
-practice the ability to use dictionary and text sources;
-developing the ability to use information on the cultural aspects that characterise the source and target cultures.
The course is supported by a variety of materials (fully authentic or prepared for the class) which contribute to the development of translation skills and introduce (inter)cultural elements. During the course, students are increasingly recommended to independently search for and verify solutions to translation problems. In addition, the course focuses on deepening the knowledge on one's own using modern and traditional sources.
Student's workload:
2 ECTS - participation in classes
1 ECTS - preparation for classes
1 ECTS - Preparation for tests
Term 2024L:
As in the description of the main subject. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student will have the following skills, competencies and knowledge:
- has theoretical knowledge of translation and praxeology of translation, knows advanced translation techniques, has translation competence in the field of translation from English into Polish and from Polish into English of specialist texts (K_W01; S_W01);
- has knowledge about sources of information (paper dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, parallel text sources, etc.) concerning English and Polish (K_W01; S_W01);
- can properly apply techniques, strategies and methods of translation from the speciality language into Polish; translators and interpreters in vista (S_U01, K_U09, S_U15);
- is able to search for, analyse, evaluate and select authentic texts in two specialty languages (K_U01, S_U11).
- is able to translate specialised texts well into the target language, using the appropriate terminology, style and register (S_U07, K_U08, S_U02);
Social competences:
- can work in a group / in pairs / cooperate with others, assuming appropriate functions (e.g. as a translator), can lead a small team (K_K01, K_K02);
- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the profession of translator; solves professional problems (K_K01, S_K03, S_K09);
- is aware of the need to constantly search for new dictionary and text sources (S_K05; K_K06);
- understands the need for continuous professional development (S_K08).
Assessment criteria
Methods of evaluation of student work:
- activity in classes;
- homework;
- texts to be translated into assessment.
- Semester Colloquium;
- other tasks to improve the translator's skills;
Passing a component of a course is based on meeting the following conditions:
- Continuous assessment of the classes: 33%
- evaluation of the evaluation work: 33%.
- semester semester semester grade: 33%
(if there is no semester colloquium in the given particle, the "continuous assessment of the classes" and "assessment of the assessment of the assessment work" each amount to 50%)
Adopted scoring rules for ongoing evaluation (in % is expressed in terms of the degree of implementation of requirements):
The assessment covers the lexical, grammatical, syntactic, stylistic, and punctuation value of the created translation texts, as well as the substantive verification of the content prepared by the students.
- Over 90% - 5 (very high text adequacy, proper stylistic and functional level, few non-substantive errors, high level of creativity in adjusting text structures of the language 1. to the realities and rules of the language 2. Evaluation 5! requires a statement of the highest translation competence.)
- • 85%-89% – 4+
- • 80%-84% – 4
- • 70%-79% – 3+
- 60%-69% - 3 (preservation of the adequacy of the text, stylistic level of tolerance of the potential recipient; preservation of the general meaning of the text despite lexical-grammatical errors, 1-2 meaningful errors of substantive nature, punctuation errors in the amount allowing to understand the translated text)
Principles of cooperation between the lecturers and students:
- absences - 3 permitted unjustified absences in a semester (this is in accordance with the Warsaw University regulations).
- In order to pass a course, the student must deliver translated texts (and, if applicable, obtain a positive grade from the semester semester colloquium) within the prescribed deadlines.
Practical placement
not applicable
The list of literature is presented by each of the lecturers depending on the subject.
Exemplary literature:
Kozłowska, Z.,2007, O przekładzie tekstu naukowego (na materiale tekstów językoznawczych), Warszawa.
Marecki K. (red.), Podstawy finansów, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2008.
Dobosiewicz Z., Bankowość, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2011.
Barchudarow L.S., 1975, Jazyk i pieriewod, Moskwa 1975.
Galas W., W.Gromulska, L.Hoffmann, M.Polak-Jasieńska, Русский язык для деловых людей, SGH, Warszawa, 1997
Grucza F., 1981, Zagadnienia translatoryki, [w:] F. Grucza, red., „Glottodydaktyka a translatoryka”, Wydawnictwo UW, Warszawa, s.9-29;
Grucza F., 1985, Lingwistyka, lingwistyka stosowana, glottodydaktyka, translatoryka, [w:] F. Grucza, red., „Lingwistyka, glottodydaktyka, translatoryka, Wydawnictwo UW, Warszawa;
Grucza F. (red.), 1986, Problemy translatoryki i dydaktyki translatorycznej, Warszawa.
Karolczuk M., Michaluk M., Szymula R., 2011, S ekonomiczeskoj leksikoj zapanbrata, Wyd. UwB, Białystok.
Karpiński Ł., 2009, Język rosyjski - logistyka, Wyższa Szkoła Cła i Logistyki, Warszawa.
Karpiński Ł., Zarys leksykografii terminologicznej, Warszawa 2008
Kielar B.Z., 1988, Tłumaczenie i koncepcje translatoryczne, Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich;
Kielar B.Z., 2003, Zarys translatoryki, Warszawa
Komissarow W.N., 1980, Lingwistika pieriewoda, Mieżdunarodnyje otnoszenija, Moskwa;
Lukszyn J., W. Zmarzer, Teoretyczne podstawy terminologii, Warszawa 2001;
Neymann M., Karpiński Ł., Szadyko S., Żywot-Chabrzyk M., 2008, Business communication czyli sztuka porozumiewania się w biznesie, Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Informatyczna, Warszawa.
Szadyko S., Abbriewiacja w specjalnych jazykach, Warszawa 2006;
Szwiejcer A.D., Teoria Pieriewoda, Moskwa 1998;
Węgorzewska W., Maskiewicz S., 2005, Język rosyjski - cło, Wyższa Szkoła Cła i Logistyki, Warszawa.
Barchudarow L.S., 1975, Язык и перевод, Москва.
ГОСТ Р 6.30-2003, Унифицированные системы документации. Унифицированная система организационно-распорядительной документации. Требования к оформлению документов
Сдобников В.В.б Петрова О.В., Теория перевода, Москва 2006
Тестовый тренинг для подготовки к сдаче сертификационного экзамена (профессиональный модуль «Медицина. Биология», субтест «Лексика. Грамматика») /сост. Е.М.Бастрикова. Казань, 2006.
Term 2024L:
As in the description of the main subject. |
Term 2024L:
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: