Specialist translation written / interpreting B2 - English language, level 2 3200-M1-2TPB2A
The course comprises segments in specialized translations, which are meant to provide the students with the ability to translate texts in four different types of technolects:
- legal and legislative language
- language of economics
- language of literature/culture and fine arts
- language of medicine
The students learn the basic specialist terminology in the disciplines mentioned above on the bases of a variety of specialized texts. With the help of presented translation strategies the students will be able to translate specialist texts.
The students have to choose two segments out of four available during the academic year.
Basic course objectives:
- development of linguistic competence in a foreign language, especially in regard to phraseology and stylistics of specialist texts,
- development of general knowledge, cultural and sociolinguistic competence of L1 and L2 readers,
- development of specialist knowledge in the areas specific to a given course segment,
- honing the native language skills, especially in regard to different genres and styles,
- practical exercises using dictionaries and text sources.
The course makes use of a wide range of source material, which helps the students develop their translating and interpreting skills and introduces them to (inter)cultural elements in translation.
They are also encouraged to develop their general knowledge about the world and to search for ways of solving their translation problems.
Course workload:
2 ECTS – classroom activities (30 h + 30 h);
1 ECTS – homework assignments (20 h);
1 ECTS – test preparation (20 h).
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Having completed the course, the student will have the following skills, competencies and knowledge:
The Student is familiar with complex structure of the English language as a system, knows the role of language in the communication between people and cultures, knows the theory of specialist translation terminology, knows the typical translation techniques used in specialist translation from English into Polish and vice versa, is familiar with how a translator/interpreter operates within the translation market (K_W01; K2_W02, K2_W10, K2_W13, S2.3_W01, S2.3_W04, S2.3_W07, S2.3_W10); is familiar with various sources of knowledge (standard and e-dictionaries, parallel texts, etc.), in English and Polish (K2_W01; S2.3_W01); knows how to use intellectual property protection (K2_W09, S2.3_W07, S2.3_W09, S2.3_W10);
The Student is able to accurately select a translation strategy and translation techniques when translating a text from English into Polish and vice versa, can translate in writing/orally and on sight (K2_U09, S2.3_U01); is able to select, analyze and evaluate authentic texts in English and Polish (K2_U04, S2.3_U03); is able to translate a specialist text from English into Polish and vice versa using proper terminology, style, and register (K2_U03, K2_U09, S2.3_U06, S2.3_U07, S2.3_U08); knows how to cooperate and work in a team, assuming the role of a language mediator (K2_U10); is able to use advanced linguistic research tools and match research methods to the problems encountered (K2_U05); acquire and apply, without assistance, the knowledge of literary studies and evaluate the suitability of the methods, practices, and procedures learned in their own professional life (K2_U02, S2.3_U02); (K2_U08, K2_U07), communicate with specialists in foreign languages and one's mother tongue in various professional situations, using various channels, techniques and strategies of communication; express, verbally and in writing, one’s own views and opinions in foreign languages and in one’s mother tongue, and present the views and opinions of third parties in foreign languages and in one’s own mother tongue; (K2_U13) independently plan and implement own education using the knowledge of foreign languages.
Socio-cultural competencies:
The Student is able to interact and work in groups/in pairs, assuming various roles in them (e.g. of a translator); is able to manage a small team (K_K01, S2.3_K05); is able to effectively identify and resolve profession-related problems (K_K01, S2.3_K01, S2.3_K03, S2.3_K06); is able to extend and refine the acquired knowledge of languages; regularly searches for new dictionary and text sources, is ready for constant professional development (S_K05; K_K06, S2.3_K01, S2.3_K08); K2_K03 constantly and actively to participate in cultural life using modern and traditional forms and means of communication; K2_K02, adequately to identify and resolve inter-lingual communication problems; K2_K04, work as a linguistic mediator in compliance with professional ethics; K2_K05 recognise the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems, and consult experts; K2_K06 verify and assess applying science-based criteria various types of translation, including specialist translation; S2.3_K07, use adequate, scientifically argued criteria for the evaluation of different terminological resources and different genres of translated texts;
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
- continuous assessment – 20%,
- homework assignments – 30%,
- midterm test – 20%,
- final test – 30%.
Grading criteria:
0-59% = ndst, (2.0)
60-67% = dst, (3.0)
68-75% = dst+ (3.5)
76-83% = db, (4.0)
84-91% = db+, (4.5)
92-98% = bdb. (5.0)
99-100%= bdb.! (5.0!)
A student is entitled to 2 unjustified absences per semester. If the student is absent more than twice, the instructor will set additional requirements for the award of credit.
The students are to attend all course classes, be prepared and contribute to class discussions.
Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson
If holding in-person classes is impossible, the course will be held online via Google Meet and other means of remote communication recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Legal translation:
Terminology test (40%)
90%-100% – 5
85%-89% – 4+
75%-84% – 4
70%-74% – 3+
60%-69% – 3
Translation assignment (40%)
Accurate translation, without stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, proper register and phraseology, proper punctuation and spelling - 5
Accurate translation, few stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, mostly proper register and phraseology, mostly proper punctuation/spelling - 4.5
Accurate translation with some stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, small mistakes as to register and phraseology, small punctuation/spelling mistakes 4
Work with translation mistakes, containing stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, small mistakes as to register and phraseology, small punctuation/spelling mistakes - 3.5
Work with translation mistakes, containing some stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, some mistakes as to register and phraseology, some punctuation/spelling mistakes - 3
Translation with errors, containing very many stylistic, syntactical, or lexical mistakes, considerable mistakes as to register and phraseology, considerable punctuation/spelling mistakes -2
Continuous assessment (20%) - preparedness and participation
Assessment objectives:
- evaluating the quality of the student’s performance, who should be able to apply appropriate interpreting strategies and techniques and know the required vocabulary,
- evaluating the student’s progress in developing his/her fluency in interpreting throughout each of the two semesters,
- evaluating the student’s participation in the interpreting exercises and his/her own work,
- evaluating the student’s results in the interpreting and vocabulary tests at the end of each of the two semesters. (He/she must know the vocabulary from all the pieces interpreted during the semester.)
Assessment criteria / proportion in the final grade:
1. Continuous assessment of the student’s progress (preparation for and active participation in the classes): 70%.
2. Final oral test: 20%.
3. Other (knowledge of the vocabulary from the materials interpreted during the semester): 10%
Baker, M., Saldanha, G. (eds.) (2011). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Routledge.
Belczyk, A. 2004. Poradnik tłumacza: z angielskiego na nasze. Kraków: Wydawnictwo IDEA.
Gillies, A. 2007. Sztuka notowania. Poradnik dla tłumaczy konferencyjnych. Kraków: Tertium.
Hejwowski, K. 2004. Translation: a Cognitive-Communicative Approach. Olecko: Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Mazurskiej.
Hejwowski, K. 2009. Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu. Warszawa: PWN.
Jones, R. 2002. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. Rozan, J. F. 2004. Note taking in Consecutive Interpreting. Notatki w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnym. Kraków: Tertium.
Archutowska, J. 2005. English for Finance. Warszawa: Poltext.
Boakes, K. 2009. Reading and Understanding Economics. London: Prentice Hall.
Ćwiklińska, J. 2004. Effective Business Writing. Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH.
Kopestyńska, Z. 1990. English for Banking and International Finance. Warszawa: PWE.
Kopestyńska, Z. 1996. English for the Capital Market. Warszawa: PWE.
Douglas Kozłowska, Ch., 1998. Difficult Words in Polish-English Translation. PWN.
MacKenzie, I. 2002. English for Business Studies. Cambridge University Press.
Mackenzie, I. 2002. Financial English. Thomson.
Mamet, P. 2006. Business English Readings. C.H. Beck.
Mishkin, F. 2003. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Addison Wesley Publishing.
Neymann, M., Ruhan T., 2005. Legal Business English. Poltext.
Resche, C., 2013. Economic Terms and Beyond: Capitalising on the Wealth of Notions. Peter Lang.
Additional materials:
Books, e-books and others materials published by such Polish authorities as Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) and its foreign counterparts (e.g. The Office for National Statistics), the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), Warsaw Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.
Magazines: "The Economist", "Financial Times", "The Forbes", "Puls Biznesu”.
Authentic documents related to mergers and acquisitions, financial markets, various types of securities, banking, companies.
1. Berezowski, Leszek, Jak czytać i rozumieć angielskie umowy? Praktyczny przewodnik, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2009;
2. Myrczek, E. The Art of Drafting Contracts, Edukacja Prawnicza, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2008;
3. Konieczna-Purchała, Anna, Przekład prawniczy. Język angielski. Praktyczne ćwiczenia. 2 wydanie, C.H.Beck, Warszawa 2016
4. http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary.aspx
5. authentic materials and articles from websites and blogs (e.g. lawinsider.com, codozasady.pl)
Winyard, G. 1992. A Guide for Health and Beauty Therapists, vol. II, The Body, Longman Scientific & Technical.
Baggaley (ed.) 2001. Human Body, Dorling Kindersley.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2004. Deluxe Edition CD-ROM.
Źródła internetowe:
Hasła dotyczące pojęć medycznych z witryny Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy: www.merck.com/mmpe/index.html
Ciecierska, J., B. Jenike, K. Tudruj. 1989. English in Medicine. PZWL.
Ciecierska, J., B. Jenike, K. Tudruj. 1999. English for Medical Purposes. PZWL.
Glendinning, E.H., B.A.S. Holmström. 1998. English in Medicine. Cambridge University Press.
Kuropatnicki, 1997. A Guide to Practical Medical English. PZWL.
Murray, J.P., J. Radomski, W. Szyszkowski. 1999. English in Medical Practice. PZWL.
Pohl, A. 2002. Test Your Professional English: Medical. Penguin English.
Brieger, N., Pohl A. 2002. Technical English. Vocabulary and Grammar. Oxford: Summertown Publishing Ltd.,
Domański, P. 1996. English in Science and Technology. Warszawa: WNT.
Praca zbiorowa 2001. Leksykon naukowo- techniczny. WNT, Warszawa.
Voellnagel, A. 1998. Jak nie tłumaczyć tekstów technicznych. Warszawa: TEPIS.
Additional materials:
Howstuffworks website: www.howstuffworks.com
Websites of Polish and foreign manufaturers of consumer appliances and professional organizations (e,g. Cembureau, American Canoe Association).
O. Tokarczuk, "Dom dzienny, dom nocny"
Homer, "Odyseja"
G. Saunders, "Lincoln in the Bardo"
L. Berlin, "A Manual for Cleaning Ladies"
Shakespare, "Hamlet"
G. Herbert, "Virtue"
M. Atwood, "The Handmaid's Tale"
M. Baker et al., „Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies” (2005)
J. Boase-Beier, „Stylistic Approches to Translation” (2010)
C. Wright, "Literary Translation" (2016)
J. Jarniewicz, „Tłumacz między innymi: szkice o przekładach, językach i literaturze” (2018)
Additional materials:
Own and audiovisual materials, depending on the group's needs and interensts, and the works of literature discussed.
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: