Translation of texts related to national law (C language) - Russian 3200-M1-1TPKCR
The workshop lasts one semester and is devoted to the translation of domestic law texts, such as civil law documents (particularly contracts and powers of attorney), company law documents, and other texts related to legal issues.
Teaching contents:
- specificity of specialized translation of domestic law texts;
- translation strategies for domestic law texts;
- editing of translated text (continued);
- proper selection of dictionaries, analogical and parallel sources and texts: assessment of their reliability and the value of obtained equivalents;
- role of glossaries in the translation of domestic law texts;
- problem of adapting translation to the recipient;
- proper terminology in domestic law texts and hierarchy of sources;;
- role of institutional guidelines and terminological and documentary databases in the translation of legal texts;
- advantages and limitations of CAT tools in translation of domestic law texts;
- translator's ethics in legal translation.
Student's workload:
Scheduled study hours (classes) – 30 contact hours;
Independent study hours – c. 1 hour of self-preparation for each class per week = c. 15 hours in total;
Independent study hours for final assessment – 5 hours;
Total: c. 50 hours.
Polish law
- preparing translations at home by students on their own, which are then discussed in class;
- discussing different versions of individual and/or team translations;
- translating short texts made by students during classes;
- teamwork with different roles;
- parallel text analysis;
- analysis of samples of incorrect translations provided by the lecturer;
- working with terminology databases and other sources of terminology;
- working with documentary databases;
- preparation of glossaries (traditionally or using a CAT tool, e.g. SDL Trados TermBase);
- preparation of a translation project: in teams or individually;
- in-class translation using CAT tools (MemoQ or Trados).
Working methods: activating (class discussion, "brainstorming"); programmed (using a computer); project; translation and language exercises (so-called production exercises).
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student:
- has acquired the specialized terminology and phraseology allowing for adequate translation of national law texts from and into a foreign language;
- has basic knowledge in the field of translation of national law texts;
- knows the strategies and techniques of translation of national law texts;
- knows the specificity of translating national law texts;
- adequately classifies the type of text (genre);
- is able to use the relevant translation strategies and to justify their choice;
- is able to select specialist dictionaries and text sources, assess their value and use them properly;
- is able to translate specialized texts in the given domain in a correct, comprehensible and accessible language;
- is able to justify and critically assess own translation choices;
- is able to verify own translation;
- has the ability of self-correction;
- is able to prepare the translated text in a suitable graphic format;
- is able to prepare a glossary;
- is able to use the basic functions of a CAT tool (create and complete a project with translation memory and glossary, retain the original formatting, perform quality control, export in a given format to a designated location).
- demonstrates diligence at work;
- complies with formal and ethical requirements typical for the legal translation services market (reliability, timeliness, confidentiality, etc.);
- has improved teamwork skills (e.g. through a translation project).
Assessment criteria
Ongoing assessment based on:
- attendance, preparation for classes, quality of work during classes;
- self-prepared translations, including those in the CAT programme
- on-time delivery of assignments;
- terminology tests;
- the preparation of glossaries;
- passing the final written test and/or semester translation.
- presence: 2 absences allowed;
- quality of work and results of tests: grading scheme below;
- timeliness.
Grading scheme:
99% -100 - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4.5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3.5
70% - 60% - 3
below - 2 (Fail).
Specified individually by particular teachers.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: