Translation of economics-related texts (C language)-Russian 3200-M1-1TEKCR
Translation of economics-related texts (B language) - Russian.
Direction of translation: A to C and C to A.
Student’s workload:
30 class hours
30 hours of preparation for classes
Total 60 hours = 2 ECTS.
The course is aimed at teaching translation of specialised economics-related texts. Students translate short and long specialised and quasi-specialised texts (e.g. press articles that combine specialised and colloquial language) from Russian into Polish and from Polish into Russian – with the use of both traditional tools and computer-aided translation (CAT) tools. Students get acquainted with with the specificity of specialised translation of economics-related texts, deepen their knowledge of translation strategies, analyse the existing texts in the given field, learn how to make the right choice of sources, including dictionaries, as well as similar and parallel texts and master their ability to adapt the translation to the target recipient. They also make glossaries and practice the ability to assess the value of equivalents they come across.
- specificity of various types of economics-related texts
- deepening the knowledge of translation strategies
- princliples of translation of economics-related texts
- adequate selection of dictionaries and classification of sources
- edition of translated texts
- specialised terminology and collocations
- making glossaries
- teaching a professional approach to assignments and clients, according to translation ethics.
Topics of economics-related texts:
- types of partnerships and their structure
- functioning of enterprises
- labour market
- marketing and advertising
- key concepts and instruments in national economy
- operacje w handlu krajowym i zagranicznym
- export and import
- key branches in industry
- commercial correspondence
- contracts
- translation at home; the texts are then discussed during classes
- discussing various versions of individual or team translations
- translation of short texts during classes
- team work with with the use of various roles
- parallel text analysis
- analysis of incorrectly translated texts that are provided by the lecturer
- working with term bases and other sources of terminological data
- creating glossaries
- translation with the use of computer-aided translation (CAT) tools (MemoQ or Trados) during classes
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student:
- masters and adequately uses specialised vocabulary and collocations that make it possible to correctly translate a simple economics-related text
- has a basic knowledge on translation of economics-related texts
- knows strategies and techniques of translation of economics-related texts
- adequately classifies a text type
- makes practical use of adequate translation strategies and justifies their choice
- selects specialised dictionaries and texts, as well as is able to assess their value and use them
- correctly translated specialised and non-specialised economics-texts
- is able to justify and critically assess their own translation choices
- is able to verify their own or others' translation
- is able to perform autocorrection
- is able to create an adequate visual form of a translated text
- is able to create a glossary
- has a basic competence in the use of computer-aided translation (CAT) tools (creating a projest, translation, document export).
- is able to perform their work with due diligence
- complies with formal and ethical requirements related to the market of economics-related text translation (diligence, punctuality, confidentiality etc.)
- has mastered the competence of teamwork (e.g. during a translation project)
Assessment criteria
Continuous evaluation on the basis of:
- attendance check, ongoing preparation for classes, quality of work during classes
- independent translations, including those performed with the use of computer-aided translation (CAT) tools
- preparing translations on time
- written mid-semester tests (verification of the knowledge on terminology)
- creating glossaries
- passing the final test and/or semester translation
- attendance (maximum 2 missed classes per semester)
- quality of work and tests (see the scale below)
- preparing translations on time - the criteria are given in the syllabus
Grading scale:
99% - 100 - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4.5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3.5
70% - 60% - 3
less than 60% - 2 (failing grade).
maximum number of missed classes per semester: 2.
Requirements for correction (in the case of "nzal", i.e. no credit, was granted):
• positive grade from all partial tasks;
• positive grade from additional translation.
- Dzierżanowska H., 1977, Tłumaczenie tekstów nieliterackich, Warsaw: WUW.
- Gęsicki Ł. i Gęsicki M., Słownik terminów ekonomiczno-prawnych, Agencja Wydawnicza Interfart.
- Kielar B. Z., 1991b, Problemy tłumaczenia tekstów specjalistycznych, in: F. Grucza ed.), Teoretyczne podstawy terminologii, Warsaw: Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, 133-140.
- Lipiński K. 2004, Mity przekładoznawstwa, Cracow: Egis.
- Maliszewski J., 2005, Strategie translatoryczne w tłumaczeniu tekstów specjalistycznych w biznesie: tłumaczenie, przekład, komunikacja, Częstochowa: Sekcja Wydawnictwa Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej.
- Maliszewski J., (ed.) 2003, Wybrane Aspekty Przekładu Literackiego i Specjalistycznego. Tłumaczenie – Przekład – Komunikacja. Czestochowa: Wyd. WZ P. Cz.
- Mono- and bilingual general and specialised dictionaries
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: