(in Polish) Proseminarium magisterskie - j. włoski 3200-M1-0PROW
The main goal of the course is to develop students’ research skills and knowledge in order to allow them to prepare a complex Master’s thesis. In the first part of the course, given applied linguistics or literary issues are discussed and characteristics of academic language and formal register, in the second part the students are expected to prepare a presentation on a given subject and carry out a text analysis.
Students’ Course Workload:
Total ECTS points = 4 ECTS
- In-class activities: 30h = 1 ECTS
Self-study: 80h = 3 ECTS
- Classroom activities and preparation for tasks = 30h
- presentation: 10h
- preparation for a final test: 10h
- reading scientific texts in a foreign language: 30h
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: | Term 2025L: |
Learning outcomes
Linguistic Seminar
Upon completing the course, the student:
The student knows and understands:
Psycholinguistic, biological, cultural, and linguistic aspects of language use K2_W02,
Specialized terminology in the field of linguistics K2_W03,
Main directions of development and contemporary research trends in linguistics, as well as major research centers in linguistics K2_W05,
Research methods applied in linguistics K2_W07,
Professional-level concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law K2_W09,
Connections between linguistics and other scientific disciplines K2_W11.
The graduate can
Utilize acquired knowledge to conduct research in linguistics using appropriate methodology K2_U01,
Identify culturally characteristic elements and interpret socio-historical transformations within the studied linguistic area K2_U03,
Search, analyze, evaluate, and select information in the native language and foreign languages K2_U04,
Use advanced linguistic research tools and select research methods appropriately for the problems at hand K2_U05,
Communicate in the native and foreign languages in various professional situations with specialists, employing different channels and communication techniques K2_U07,
Express personal views and opinions orally and in writing in foreign languages and the native language, presenting the views and arguments of third parties in foreign languages and the native language K2_U08,
Use two foreign languages (B and C) in speech and writing at the C2 level of the European Language Education Description System K2_U09,
Independently acquire knowledge in linguistics and evaluate the utility of learned methods, practices, and procedures in their own professional activities K2_U11.
The graduate is ready to
Recognize the importance of the latest field-specific knowledge and critically assess received content K2_K01,
Recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and seek the opinions of experts K2_K05.
Literary Studies Seminar
Psycholinguistic, biological, cultural, and linguistic aspects of language use K2_W02,
Specialized terminology in the field of literary studies K2_W04,
Main directions of development and contemporary research trends in literary studies, as well as major research centers in literary studies K2_W06,
Research methods applied in literary studies K2_W08,
Professional-level concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law K2_W09,
Connections between literary studies and other scientific disciplines K2_W12.
The graduate can
Utilize acquired knowledge to conduct research in literary studies using appropriate methodology K2_U02,
Identify culturally characteristic elements and interpret socio-historical transformations within the studied literary area K2_U03,
Search, analyze, evaluate, and select information in the native language and foreign languages K2_U04,
Use advanced literary research tools and select research methods appropriately for the problems at hand K2_U06,
Communicate in the native and foreign languages in various professional situations with specialists, employing different channels and communication techniques K2_U07,
Express personal views and opinions orally and in writing in foreign languages and the native language, presenting the views and arguments of third parties in foreign languages and the native language K2_U08,
Use two foreign languages (B and C) in speech and writing at the C2 level of the European Language Education Description System K2_U09,
Independently acquire knowledge in literary studies and evaluate the utility of learned methods, practices, and procedures in their own professional activities K2_U12.
The graduate is ready to
Recognize the importance of the latest field-specific knowledge and critically assess received content K2_K01,
Recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and seek the opinions of experts K2_K05.
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- ongoing assessment: presentations, homework, classroom activities
- final task
- progress assessment during the classes – 50%
- final task – 50%
As far as the written assignments are concerned, the following criteria are adopted. They depend on correctness and an appropriate style:
• more than 95% – 5!
• 90%-95% - 5
• 85%-89% – 4+
• 80%-84% – 4
• 70%-79% – 3+
• 60%-69% – 3
Practical placement
Berruto G., Le varietà del repertorio, (in:) A. A. Sobrero (red.), Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. La variazione e gli usi. Roma-Bari, 1993, pp. 3 – 36.
D’Achille P., L’italiano contemporaneo, Bologna, 2003.
Balboni P.E., Le microlingue scientifico-professionali. Natura e insegnamento, Petrini, 2000.
Bruni F., et al., Manuale di scrittura e comunicazione per l’università per l’azienda, Bologna, 2013.
Devoto G., I dialetti delle regioni d’Italia, Firenze, 1972 (Introduzione / informazioni generali).
Diadori P., 2000, Bisogni, mete e obiettivi, (w:) A. De Marco (red.), Manuale di glottodidattica. Insegnare una lingua straniera, Roma, 2000, s. 87–115.
Sobrero A.A, Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. La variazione e gli usi, Roma-Bari, 1993.
Sobrero A., Introduzione all'italiano contemporaneo. Le struttura, Roma, 1998.
Term 2023L:
seminar in linguistics |
Term 2024L:
seminar in linguistics |
Term 2025L:
seminar in linguistics |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: