The Literary Translation 3200-M1-0PL
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the specificity of translating poetic texts, with the most important contemporary and historical directions of research within the world and Polish schools of literary translation, as well as its philosophical aspects. Students get acquainted with the literature of the subject, carry out analyzes of translations of literary texts, deepen their knowledge of subject terminology, improve their translator's skills and prepare to conduct research in a given field. The content of education includes such issues as:
1. The specificity of translating a poetic text against other types of translations; features of the poetic text as a translation (prose, poetry, drama, literary essay).
2. Translation problems - stylistic, grammatical-syntactic, pragmatic problems; the consequences of the techniques and strategies adopted at the macro level.
3. Analysis and interpretation of a poem and its translations - diachronic and synchronous approaches; issues of translation criticism - various models.
4. Historical and contemporary directions and schools of literary translation in the world and in Poland.
5. Philosophical problems of translation. Culture-forming role of translation.
6. Literary translation and translation sociology - translation as a tool of colonialism, gender aspects of translation.
7. Translator of literary texts - its role and ethical dimension of its activities.
8. Outstanding Polish translations of great world literature. *
* NOTE: It is suggested that the main content should be discussed on the example of outstanding translations of Polish world literary works (selected in terms of linguistic specificity of the group on the course).
30 contact hours = 1 ECTS;
30 own student's work, including semester work = 1 ECTS
60 hours=2 ECTS
Term 2023L:
Program of classes (the most important points of the program in bold): 1. The concept of literary translation. |
Term 2024L:
Program of classes (the most important points of the program in bold):y). |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2024L: | Term 2023Z: |
Type of course
Learning outcomes
KNOWLEDGE - the student knows and understands:
1. Key concepts and terms related to literary (especially poetic) translation;
2. Translation strategies and techniques used in literary translation in various historical and translation contexts;
3. Historical and latest trends, problems and research methodologies in the field of literary translation and knows where the most important research centers of literary translation in Europe and in the world are;
4. Fundamental problems of literary translation as an interlingual and intercultural phenomenon;
5. The work environment of the translator of literature and the process of translating literary works;
6. The principles of protection of intellectual property and copyright in the context of literary translation.
SKILLS - the student can:
1. Use your knowledge of literary translation theory to solve complex translation problems by making a creative interpretation of the source text, the proper selection of sources, and an adequate evaluation of the translation function and evaluation of translation strategies;
2. Use the knowledge acquired to carry out research in the field of literary (especially poetic) translation using an appropriate methodology;
3. At the advanced stage, search, analyze, evaluate and select information in the field of literary translation in the mother tongue and foreign languages using the latest information and communication technologies;
4. Formulate and express own views and ideas, using arguments based on the views of other authors and independently formulate conclusions in the form of oral and written;
5. Acquire the knowledge of the theory, practice and critique of literary translation and assess the usefulness of the methods, practices and procedures learned in one's own professional activity.
1. Critical evaluation of original poems and their translations;
2. To recognize the importance of knowledge, including translatorial knowledge, in solving translation problems;
3. Critical evaluation of research in the field of literary translation, in particular published in journals and scientific monographs and popular science sources, as well as essays written by respected translators;
4. Responsible acting as a professional translator of literary texts, taking into account the changing social and market needs;
5. Maintaining the ethos of the translator's profession and adhering to and developing the professional ethics of the translator;
6. Accession to organizations associating translators of literary texts and undertaking activities to popularize the profession of translator of literature.
Assessment criteria
Continuous evaluation (basis: attendance check, ongoing preparation for classes and activity), grades from partial work and possibly tests; mark from semester work. Each of the possible requirements must be met individually, therefore their percentage share in the assessment is not specified here. The Teachers have freedom in this regard.
Cooperation rules: 2 absences allowed per semester, absences worked out according to the rules of the teachers, 50% of absences is the basis for failing the course.
30 contact hours = 1 ECTS;
30 own work, including semester work = 1ECTS
Total: 60 hours = 2 ECTS
The course is run for various language groups - the choice of academic texts is left to the individual teacher.
Term 2023L:
I. Theory of Literature. Linguistics 1. Seymour Chatman Story and Discourse, Cornell University Press, 1980. 3. Gérard Genette rozdz. „Tłumaczenie“ w Palimpsesty, Gdańsk 2014.,106226821.PDF 4. Gérard Genette Paratexts, Cambridge University Press ,1997. II. Translation theory 1. Stanisław Barańczak Ocalone w tłumaczeniu. Szkice o warsztacie poezji z dodatkiem małej antologii przekładów-problemów, Kraków 2004. („Manifest translatologiczny”): 2. Stanisław Barańczak „ Przekład artystyczny jako „samoistny” i „związany” obiekt interpretacji interpretacji (na przykładzie niektórych tłumaczeń Gottfrieda Benna” [w:] Z teorii i historii przekładu artystycznego, red. Jacek Baluch, Kraków 1974. 3. Karl Dedecius Notatnik tłumacza, Kraków 1974. 4. Edward Balcerzan Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), Katowice 1998. 5. Piotr Fast „O granicach przekładalności” [w:] Przekład artystyczny, T. I: Problemy teorii i krytyki, red. Piotr Fast, Katowice 1991. (ss. 19-31). 6. Adam Elbanowski „Przekład literacki z perspektywy pisarzy”, Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw, vol. 9/2019, s.67-85: file:///C:/Users/FAMILI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/llsw-journal-vol.-9-4.pdf |
Term 2024L:
Balcerzan E., 1996, Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), „Śląsk”(w szczególności: Poetyka przekładu artystycznego, s. 17- 31). Stanisław Barańczak „ Przekład artystyczny jako „samoistny” i „związany” obiekt interpretacji interpretacji (na przykładzie niektórych tłumaczeń Gottfrieda Benna” [w:] Z teorii i historii przekładu artystycznego, red. Jacek Baluch, Kraków 1974. |
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: