Specialised interpreting of texts for special purposes (B/A) - Italian/ Polish 3200-L3-2TSUBW
The course focuses on translation strategies of consecutive and a vista translation in the field of texts with medium degree of terminology in the areas of economy, trade, industry, climate (change) and geography. During the course, students perform both terminological and translation exercises based on texts and audio-visual recordings provided by the teacher. In order to consolidate the vocabulary and develop translation skills, students analyse terminology and find Polish equivalents and definitions of Italian terms. What is more they practice summarizing fragments of texts heard both in Italian and Polish and finding key information, as well as interpreting from Italian into Polish audio-visual recordings.
Principles of cooperation with students:
Absences - allowed 3 unexcused absences per semester
Students’ workload:
Total value of ECTS points = 2
Contact hours (in the classroom) = 30h
(25-30h = 1 ECTS)
Independent student's work at home:
Ongoing preparation for classes - 30 h = 1 ECTS
Term 2023L:
The course focuses on translation strategies of consecutive and a vista translation in the field of texts with medium degree of terminology in the areas of economy, trade, industry, climate (change) and geography. During the course, students perform both terminological and translation exercises based on texts and audio-visual recordings provided by the teacher. In order to consolidate the vocabulary and develop translation skills, students analyse terminology and find Polish equivalents and definitions of Italian terms. What is more they practice summarizing fragments of texts heard both in Italian and Polish and finding key information, as well as interpreting from Italian into Polish audio-visual recordings. Principles of cooperation with students: Students’ workload: |
Term 2024L:
The course focuses on translation strategies of consecutive and a vista translation in the field of texts with medium degree of terminology in the areas of economy, trade, industry, climate (change) and geography. During the course, students perform both terminological and translation exercises based on texts and audio-visual recordings provided by the teacher. In order to consolidate the vocabulary and develop translation skills, students analyse terminology and find Polish equivalents and definitions of Italian terms. What is more they practice summarizing fragments of texts heard both in Italian and Polish and finding key information, as well as interpreting from Italian into Polish audio-visual recordings. Principles of cooperation with students: Students’ workload: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
The student:
K1_W07 knows and understands the relationship between languages and their role in culture,
K1_W08 knows basic terminology and has systematized knowledge of phonetics and phonology and descriptive grammar of the studied two foreign languages, as well as contrastive grammar (applies to the relationship between Polish and one chosen foreign language),
K1_W10 knows the culture and literature of the studied languages, understands the role of language in communication between people and cultures,
K1_W11 knows and understands cultural differences that are an important factor in the formation of multicultural societies in the modern world, knows in general the socio-economic and legal realities in the areas related to the studied languages,
K1_W12 knows and understands the functioning of cultural institutions and has an orientation in areas related to the studied languages,
K1_W13 knows and understands the principles of professional ethics
K1_W14 has knowledge of designing a path for one's own development and professional advancement
K1_W15 knows the norms, procedures and good practices used in the area of professional activity
K1_W16 has basic knowledge of creation and development of various forms of entrepreneurship on the translation market
S1.2_W01 knows the structure of language as a system, has basic knowledge of the place and importance of terminology and translation studies in the field of specialized and literary translation, understands the subject specificity of these fields,
S1.2_W02 knows the basic terminology of translation studies, translation methods, specialized and/or literary communication,
S1.2_W03 knows and understands the main directions of development and the most important new scientific achievements in the field of translation studies, lexicography, terminology with regard to specialized languages and literary texts,
S1.2_W04 knows and understands typical grammatical terminology, has knowledge of selected pragmatic conditions within Polish and two studied foreign languages, recognizes characteristic structures of specialized text and understands the need to use appropriate translation strategies to translate this type of texts
S1.2_W05 understands what translational arrangement and translational equivalence is, knows different types of translation, knows and understands the principles and strategies of interlingual translation, especially within the two studied foreign languages and Polish,
S1.2_W06 knows characteristic syntactic constructions, typical terminology and means of connectivity in specialized texts of selected fields of knowledge and professional activity within Polish and two studied foreign languages,
S1.2_W10 knows and understands the terminology of selected fields of knowledge and professional activity, has basic knowledge of the creation of databases and other terminological resources, knows the centers dealing with terminological activity in Poland and in the countries of the areas of the two studied foreign languages,
S1.2_W11 knows and understands the peculiarities of contemporary theories and methodologies in lexicography, knows the main directions of development and the most important new scientific achievements of this field in the areas of two studied foreign languages,
S1.2_W12 knows and understands the paradigms and methods of specialized and/or literary text analysis, has a structured general knowledge of the theory and methodology of text analysis, is oriented in the possibilities of applying translation theory in the work of a translator of specialized and/or literary texts in the field of two studied foreign languages,
S1.2_W13 knows and understands the connections of fields such as translation studies and terminology with other scientific disciplines, understands the interdisciplinary character of these fields, is oriented in the possibilities of applying media in the work of a translator,
S1.2_W14 knows the principles of professional ethics of a translator
S1.2_W15 understands the need for self-education and deepening of translation and terminological knowledge throughout life
S1.2_W16 knows the basic principles of operation of terminologist and translator within the framework of various forms of entrepreneurship in the domestic and international market, understands the basic principles of cooperation with institutions that use the services of terminologist and translator.
The student:
K1_U01 can critically analyze texts as products of culture, can search, analyze, evaluate and select authentic texts in two studied foreign languages and develop professional skills in applied linguistics and literary studies,
K1_U03 is able to recognize characteristic cultural elements and correctly interpret the ongoing socio-historical transformations in relation to the realities of the given language area (of the two studied foreign languages),
K1_U05 is able to communicate in two studied foreign languages in typical professional situations requiring knowledge of communication techniques, strategies and various channels, and knows how to counteract conflicts using language as a communication tool,
K1_U06 has the ability to prepare written papers in two studied foreign languages and in Polish using the basic theories of applied linguistics and literary studies,
K1_U08 has advanced knowledge of the principles of correct Polish and applies them in practice,
K1_U09 has language skills in two studied foreign languages in accordance with the requirements specified for the level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,K1_U10 is able to appropriately apply theoretical knowledge of the fields studied (applied linguistics and literary studies) in typical professional situations, including team projects, also in projects of an interdisciplinary nature,K1_U11 is able to independently acquire knowledge in the field of applied linguistics and literary studies, following the guidance of the academic supervisor; is able to assess the usefulness of the learned methods, practices and procedures to his/her own professional activity,
K1_U12 is able to determine priorities and plan activities for their implementation, understanding the need for self-education and continuous improvement of skills, including practical language competence,K1_U13 is able to solve problems and perform tasks in conditions that are not fully predictable by assessing and analyzing the situation and selecting appropriate methods and tools.S1.2_U01 is able to solve problems and perform tasks in the field of specialized and/or literary translation by analyzing the processes occurring in the system of professional communication and the factors affecting these processes,
S1.2_U02 is able to appropriately select translation methods or linguistic strategies to solve translation problems in two studied languages,
S1.2_U03 is able to translate specialized and/or literary texts into his/her mother tongue and two studied foreign languages, avoiding interference errors and applying translation strategies and techniques appropriate to the type of translation, is able to apply equivalent syntactic constructions, terminology and connective means in translation of specialized texts from/to two studied foreign languages and from/to Polish,
S1.2_U04 is able to recognize cultural elements present in specialized and/or literary texts; is able to correctly interpret given cultural phenomena concerning specialized and/or literary communication,
S1.2_U06 is able to recognize terminology of Latin origin, independently search for the meanings of terms, and skillfully explain concepts in various fields of knowledge and professional activities
S1.2_U07 is able to search for and critically evaluate equivalent forms in various types of lexicographical works, including text corpora, in Polish and two studied languages,
S1.2_U08 is able to use publicly available databases and other terminological resources to work with specialized texts, is able to critically evaluate the collected terminological data of the selected field of knowledge and professional activity,
S1.2_U09 is able to determine the origin of specific terms and apply in translation practice the knowledge of historical conditions of two studied languages,
S1.2_U10 is able to properly interpret lexicographic and terminological data, properly interpret the features of a given specialized language, determine its degree of terminologization,
S1.2_U11 is able to critically analyze specialized and literary texts as cultural products, is able to search, evaluate and select authentic texts in the two studied languages in order to develop own translation skills in the field of specialized and/or literary translation,
S1.2_U13 is able to independently search for and apply appropriate media in translation work to improve the translation process, is able to use translation programs, word processing programs and spreadsheets to a basic degree.
Social competence:
The student:
K1_K01 is ready to adequately identify and resolve interlingual communication dilemmas caused by asymmetry of linguistic systems and cultural differences, observing patterns of ethical behavior and consulting experts,
K1_K02 is ready to critically evaluate his/her own state of knowledge in applied linguistics and literary studies, appreciates the importance of substantive argumentation in solving research and practical problems (in professional situations),
K1_K03 is ready to participate in the cultural life of the region, the country and Europe, using both traditional and modern forms and media,
K1_K04 is ready to take action in interlingual/multilingual communication to preserve the cultural heritage of a region or country,
K1_K05 is ready to responsibly lead a group (within a team research or practical project - e.g. educational, multicultural and multilingual), accepting responsibility for the results of its work,
K1_K06 is ready to interact and work in a group, assuming different roles in it (including the role of a linguistic and cultural mediator) and taking care to observe the principles of professional ethics (depending on the chosen module - professional ethics of a translator or a teacher),
K1_K07 is ready to undertake professional activities and challenges in a social environment demonstrating the characteristics of a reflective practitioner.
K1_K08 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner in translation, terminology or language teaching projects
S1.2_K01 is ready to correctly identify and resolve dilemmas of specialized communication caused by asymmetry of different language systems and cultural differences, observing patterns of ethical behavior and consulting experts,
S1.2_K02 is ready to mediate between the cultures of the areas of the two foreign languages studied and to participate in the cultural life of the countries concerned, using traditional as well as the latest media,
S1.2_K03 is ready to cooperate in a team or to lead it, if the realization of a given translation task requires it, taking care to observe the principles of professional ethics,
S1.2_K04 is ready to accept translation projects, appropriately determine the workload, and search for linguistic and cultural data needed to complete a particular project,
S1.2_K05 is ready to mediate interlingual specialized communication in selected fields of knowledge and professional activities as a professional linguistic and cultural intermediary,
S1.2_K06 is ready to cooperate in terminological projects both for the systematization of knowledge of the selected field and for the translation of selected specialized texts.
S1.2_K07 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner in terminology and translation projects in which he/she participates as a participant or organizer, is ready to undertake individual activity in the domestic and international market of services in these sectors.
Assessment criteria
Student work assessment methods:
The student's systematic homework is assessed: students prepare glossaries of orally translated texts that are assessed on an ongoing basis. Inter-semester oral credit with a grade, in pairs. At the end of the semester, oral assessment with a grade, during which students translate by interpreting.
Assesment criteria:
continuous evaluation and mid-term assessment 50%, final oral exam 50%.
Grade percentage for the current assessment and credit with a grade:
51%-60% = 3
61%-70% = 3+
71%-80% = 4
81%-90% = 4+
91%-100% = 5
Materials prepared by the lecturer.
Gillies A., Conference Interpreting Tłumaczenie ustne, Tertium, Kraków, 2004.
Gillies A., Sztuka notowania. Poradnik dla tłumaczy konferencyjnych, Tertium, Kraków, 2007.
Florczak, Jacek. Tłumaczenia symultaniczne i konsekutywne. Teoria i praktyka, C.H.Beck, 2013.
Florczak, Jacek. Tłumaczenia symultaniczne i konsekutywne. Teoria i praktyka, C.H.Beck, 2013.
Kiełbawska, Amelia., Funkcje komunikacji niewerbalnej w interakcji mówcy i tłumacza, Universitas, 2012.
Rozan J.F., Notatki w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnym, Tertium, Kraków, 2004.
Tryuk M., Przekład ustny konferencyjny, PWN, Warszawa, 2007
Tryuk M., Przekład ustny środowiskowy, PWN, Warszawa, 2006
Term 2023L:
As in the description of a particular group. |
Term 2024L:
As in the description of a particular group. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: