Specialised Translations (C/A) - Italian/ Polish 3200-L3-2TSPCW
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the Italian language used in various domains in order to prepare them not only for translation in particular fields, but also for the proper use of specific language structures. In addition, the course is enriched with lexics, structures and expression genres typical of the fields. During the classes, students perform varied tasks and translation exercises that show them the specificity of the Italian LSPs, for example: they complement the missing elements in the text, analyze typical language structures and collocations, contrastively analyze texts in Polish and Italian, and translate texts fragments.
Student workload for 30h - 2 ECTS:
- 30 hours - attendance (1 ECTS),
- 15 hours - preparation of translation tasks at home,
- 15h - preparation for final exam (1 ECTS).
The course consists of two terms, each of them corresponding to 2ECTS (2x2ECTS = 4 ECTS)
Rules for cooperation with students:
• Absences - 2 unauthorized absences allowed in the semester.
• The student can submit up to 2 not prepared in the semester (eg unread texts, lack of materials, etc.).
• The student can approach the final exam after completing all tests. They have the right to improve each written test twice.
Term 2023:
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the Italian language used in various domains in order to prepare them not only for translation in particular fields, but also for the proper use of specific language structures. In addition, the course is enriched with lexics, structures and expression genres typical of the fields. During the classes, students perform varied tasks and translation exercises that show them the specificity of the Italian LSPs, for example: they complement the missing elements in the text, analyze typical language structures and collocations, contrastively analyze texts in Polish and Italian, and translate texts fragments. |
Term 2024:
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the Italian language used in various domains in order to prepare them not only for translation in particular fields, but also for the proper use of specific language structures. In addition, the course is enriched with lexics, structures and expression genres typical of the fields. During the classes, students perform varied tasks and translation exercises that show them the specificity of the Italian LSPs, for example: they complement the missing elements in the text, analyze typical language structures and collocations, contrastively analyze texts in Polish and Italian, and translate texts fragments. |
Type of course
Remote learning
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024: | Term 2023: |
Learning outcomes
The graduate:
K1_W07 knows and understands the relationships between languages and their role in culture,
K1_W08 knows basic terminology and has systematic knowledge of phonetics and phonology as well as descriptive grammar of the two foreign languages studied, as well as contrastive grammar (applies to the relationship between Polish and the selected foreign language),
K1_W10 knows in outline the culture and literature of the studied languages, understands the role of language in communication between people and cultures,
K1_W11 knows and understands cultural differences that are an important factor in the formation of multicultural societies, knows in general the socio-economic and legal systems in areas related to the studied languages,
K1_W12 knows and understands the role of cultural institutions and has knowledge in areas related to the studied languages,
K1_W13 knows and understands the principles of professional ethics
K1_W14 knows how to plan the path of one's own development
K1_W15 knows the standards, procedures and good practices in the field of professional activity
K1_W16 knows the principles of creation and development of various forms of activity on the translation market
S1.2_W01 knows the structure of language as a system, has basic knowledge of the importance of terminology and translation studies in the field of specialized translations, understands the specificity of these fields,
S1.2_W02 knows basic terminology in the field of translation studies and specialized and/or literary communication,
S1.2_W03 knows and understands the main trends and the most important new scientific achievements in the field of translation, lexicography and terminology
S1.2_W04 knows and understands typical grammatical terminology, has knowledge of selected pragmatic characteristics of the Polish language and the two foreign languages , recognizes typical structures of specialized texts, and understands the need to use appropriate translation strategies
S1.2_W05 understands what the translation system and translation equivalence are, knows different types of translations, knows and understands the principles and strategies of interlingual translation, especially within the two foreign languages studied and the Polish language,
S1.2_W06 knows characteristic syntactic structures, typical terminology and cohesion rules in specialized texts in selected domains of knowledge in the Polish language and two foreign languages studied,
S1.2_W10 knows and understands the terminology of selected fields of knowledge and professional activity, has basic knowledge of creating databases and other terminological resources, knows the centers of terminological activity in Poland and countries in the areas of the two foreign languages studied,
S1.2_W11 knows and understands contemporary theories and methodologies in the field of lexicography, is aware of the main trends and the most important new scientific achievements in this field,
S1.2_W12 knows and understands the paradigms and methods of analyzing specialized and/or literary texts, has structured general knowledge of the theory and methodology of text analysis, is aware of the possibilities of applying translation theory in the work of a translator of specialized and/or literary texts in the field of two studied foreign languages,
S1.2_W13 knows and understands the connections between domains such as translation and terminology with other scientific disciplines, understands the interdisciplinary nature of these domains, is aware of the possibilities of using media in the work of a translator,
S1.2_W14 knows the rules of professional ethics of a translator,
S1.2_W15 understands the need for self-education and deepening one’s knowledge,
S1.2_W16 knows the basic principles of work of a terminologist and translator on the domestic and international market, understands the basic principles of cooperation with institutions profiting from the services of a terminologist and translator.
The graduate:
K1_U01 is able to critically analyze texts, is able to find, analyze, evaluate and select authentic texts in Italian and develop professional skills in this language
K1_U03 is able to recognize characteristic cultural elements and properly interpret the ongoing socio-historical changes in relation to the realities of a given linguistic area (two foreign languages studied),
K1_U05 is able to communicate in the two studied foreign languages in typical professional situations requiring knowledge of strategies and various communication channels, and is able to encounter conflicts using language as a communication tool,
K1_U06 has the ability to prepare written works in Polish and the two foreign languages studied using basic theories in the field of applied linguistics and literary studies,
K1_U08 knows the rules of correct Polish at an advanced level and applies them in practice,
K1_U09 has language skills in two foreign languages studied in accordance with the requirements specified for level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
K1_U10 is able to appropriately apply theoretical knowledge in the field of studied fields (applied linguistics and literary studies) in typical professional situations, including team projects and interdisciplinary projects,
K1_U11 is able to independently acquire knowledge in the field of applied linguistics and literary studies, following the instructions of the academic supervisor; is able to assess the usefulness of the learned methods, practices and procedures for their own professional activity,
K1_U12 is able to define priorities and plan activities to implement them, understanding the need for self-education and continuous improvement of qualifications, including the improvement of practical language competences,
K1_U13 is able to solve problems and perform tasks in not fully predictable conditions, assessing and analyzing the situation and selecting appropriate methods and tools.
S1.2_U01 is able to solve problems and carry out tasks in the field of specialized and/or literary translations, analyzing the processes taking place in the professional communication system and the factors influencing these processes,
S1.2_U02 is able to select appropriate translation methods or language strategies in order to solve translation problems in the two studied languages,
S1.2_U03 is able to translate specialized and/or literary texts into the native language and two studied foreign languages, avoiding interference errors and using translation strategies and techniques appropriate to the type of translation; is able to use equivalent terminology, syntactic structures, and means of connection in the translation of specialized texts,
S1.2_U04 is able to recognize cultural elements in specialist and/or literary texts; is able to properly interpret given cultural phenomena related to specialized and/or literary communication,
S1.2_U06 is able to recognize terminology of Latin origin, independently search for the meanings of terms and skillfully explain concepts related to various domains of knowledge and professional activity,
S1.2_U07 is able to search for and critically evaluate equivalent forms in various types of lexicographic works, including text corpora, in the Polish language and two studied languages,
S1.2_U08 is able to use publicly available databases and other terminological resources to work with specialized texts, is able to critically evaluate the collected terminological data in a selected domain of knowledge and professional activity,
S1.2_U09 is able to determine the origin of specific terms and apply knowledge about the historical conditions of the two studied languages in translation practice,
S1.2_U10 is able to properly interpret lexicographic and terminological data, correctly identifies the features of a given specialized language, determines its level of terminologisation,
S1.2_U11 is able to critically analyze specialized and literary texts, is able to search, evaluate and select authentic texts in the two studied languages in order to develop his own translation skills in the field of specialized and/or literary translations,
S1.2_U13 is able to independently search for and use appropriate media to improve the translation process, is able to use translation software, word processing programs and spreadsheets
The graduate:
K1_K01 is ready to adequately identify and resolve interlingual communication dilemmas caused by the interlingual and cultural differences, observing ethical behavior patterns and seeking the opinions of experts,
K1_K02 is ready to critically assess his own knowledge in the field of applied linguistics and literary studies, appreciates the importance of substantive argumentation in solving research problems and practical problems (in professional situations),
K1_K03 is ready to participate in the cultural life of their region, country and Europe, using both traditional and modern media,
K1_K04 is ready to communicate preserving the cultural heritage of a given region or country,
K1_K05 is ready to lead a group responsibly in a team project, assuming responsibility for the effects of its work,
K1_K06 is ready to cooperate and work in a group, taking on various roles (including the role of a linguistic and cultural mediator) and ensuring compliance with the principles of professional ethics of a translator or teacher,
K1_K07 is ready to take up professional activities and challenges in a social environment, acting as a reflective practitioner
K1_K08 is ready to think and act in a creative way in translation, terminological or language teaching projects
S1.2_K01 is ready to properly identify and resolve specialized communication dilemmas caused by interlingual and cultural differences, observing ethical behavior patterns and seeking the opinions of experts,
S1.2_K02 is ready to mediate between the cultures of the areas of the two foreign languages studied and to participate in the cultural life using traditional and the latest media,
S1.2_K03 is ready to cooperate in a team or lead it, if required, to carry out a given translation task, ensuring compliance with the principles of professional ethics,
S1.2_K04 is ready to accept translation projects, properly determine the workload and search for linguistic and cultural data needed to complete a specific project,
S1.2_K05 is ready to mediate in interlingual specialized communication in selected fields of knowledge and professional activity as a professional linguistic and cultural mediator,
S1.2_K06 is ready to cooperate in terminological projects both for the needs of systematization of knowledge in a selected field and for the needs of translating selected specialist texts.
S1.2_K07 is ready to think and act in an entreprising way in terminology and translation projects as a participant or organizer, is ready to undertake individual activities on the domestic and international market.
Assessment criteria
Student's work evaluation methods:
- assessment of activity (performing tasks during classes) and preparation for classes;
- homework;
- written exam at the end of each module. The final mark consists of the marks issued for each module.
Assessment criteria:
Final rating of modules:
- continuous assessment from classes: 50%
- mark from written exam: 50%.
The final mark of the entire course is the arithmetic mean of all module marks.
Accepted scoring rules for current evaluation and written test:
• 96%-100% – 5!
• 90%-95% – 5
• 85% -89% - 4+
• 80% -84% - 4
• 70% -79% - 3+
• 60% -69% - 3
Cresti, E., Panunzi, A. (2013) Introduzione ai corpora dell’italiano. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Grucza, S. (2013) Lingwistyka języków specjalistycznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Kulturologii i Lingwistyki Antropocentrycznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Lukszyn, J. (ed., 2005) Języki specjalistyczne. Słownik terminologii przedmiotowej. Warszawa: KJS.
Mazzotta, P., Salmon, L. (eds., 2011) Tradurre le microlingue scientifico-professionali. Riflessioni teoretiche e proposte didattiche. Torino: UTET Università.
Pieńkoś, J. (2003) Podstawy przekładoznawstwa. Kraków: Zakamycze.
Scarpa, F. (2008) La traduzione specializzata. Un approccio didattico professionale. Milano: Hoepli.
Literature specified by the lecturers.
Term 2023:
Donatella Giovannini, Manuale di corrispondenza commerciale, A.Vallardi Editore, Milano 2001; Teresa Skrodzka, Raccolta di documenti italiani, Wydawnictwo Translegis, Warszawa 2008; Janusz Poznański, Danuta Kierzkowska, Dokumenty polskie, Wydawnictwo Translegis, Warszawa 2007; Dizionario interattivo Garzanti della lingua italiana; Biernacka-Licznar, K., Żuchowska, E. (2012) Egzamin na tłumacza przysięgłego. Zbiór dokumentów włoskich. C. H. Beck Forapani, D. (2003) Italiano per giuristi. AlmaEdizioni Grelewicz-La Mela, M., Nuzzo, B. (2003) Słownik prawniczy włosko-polski. Dom Wydawniczy ABC. Kwiatkowska, H. (2011) Słownik terminologii prawniczej włosko-polski, polsko włoski. C. H. Beck. De Palma, S. (2012) Dizionario di inglese legale applicato inglese-italiano ~ italiano-inglese. Filodiritto. Scarpa, F. (2008) La traduzione specializzata. Un approccio didattico professionale. Milano: Hoepli. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: