Bachelor’s Degree Lecture:French Literature in 12 culinary scenes 3200-L3-0WL-LFR
The objective of this lecture is a synthetic yet non-standard presentation of the history of French literature – by combining the knowledge of literature with the knowledge of French cuisine and cooking.
Subsequent lectures will focus on presenting the periodization and characteristics of particular literary and artistic trends, as well as the works of representative writers of subsequent periods. First of all, works containing fragments relating to the culinary arts will be described.
Specific objectives:
- To present the main literary eras and currents as well as important authors;
- To sensitize students to the variety of themes taken up by authors in successive literary eras;
- To draw students’ attention to the possibility of analyzing literature in a non-standard way, taking into account motifs which are not usually associated with literary texts.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes;
• student is able to describe and define the most important features of literary and artistic currents in the history of French literature
• student will be able to name the most important French writers and allocate them to literary and artistic currents
• a student will be able to pay attention to the presence of a variety of themes in literature - including rare and surprising ones
• student is aware of the importance of literature as an integral part of French culture (European culture, global culture).
K_W01 has well-structured basic knowledge in the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to the field of philology, French language teaching, oriented towards practical applications in the selected sphere of educational activity
K_W02 has well-structured basic knowledge covering selected areas of science and scientific disciplines specific to his/her field of study, oriented towards practical applications in a selected field of activity
K_W03 knows basic terminology in the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to language teaching
K_U09 is able to argue substantively using the views of other authors and to formulate conclusions
K_U10 is able to communicate, using various communication channels and techniques, with experts in the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to his/her field of study, in Polish and in a foreign language
K_U11 is able to prepare typical written works in Polish and in a foreign language, considered to be fundamental for the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to his/her field of study, concerning detailed issues, using basic theoretical approaches and a variety of sources
K_U12 is able to prepare oral presentations, in Polish and in a foreign language, relating to specific problems, using basic theoretical approaches and a variety of sources
K_K02 is able to cooperate and work in a group, taking up various roles
K_K03 is able to determine priorities in order to accomplish a task defined by him/herself or others
K_K05 is aware of the responsibility for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the region, the country and Europe
Student’s workload during the semester:
- lecture participation: 30 hours
- self study: 30 hours (revising for the exam, reading literary texts, work necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes)
Assessment criteria
Four absences are allowed (regardless of their cause), failure to meet this limit will result in failing the course and its re-take.
The final grade is based on the final exam.
For the exam the student is required
- to know the issues discussed during the lecture
- to read 2 works (novels, theatrical plays, collections of short stories or poetry) - one from the old period (from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century, the other from the 19th - 21st century, chosen by the student)
The sources listed below include works which can help to broaden the knowledge of the issues discussed in the course of the lecture.
1. Brunel, P., Histoire de la littérature française. T. 1, Du Moyen âge au XVIIIe siècle, T. 2, XIX et XXe siècle, Bordas, Paris, 2003.
2. Calais E., Doucet R., Précis de littérature par genre et par siècle, Magnard, Paris, 1996.
3. Deptuła B., Literatura od kuchni, Wydawnictwo WAB, Warszawa, 2013.
4. Di Folco Ph., La littérature gourmande. De François Rabelais à Marcel Proust, Eyrolles, Paris, 2012.
5. Dominé A. (red.), Kulinaria francuskie, Köneman, Köln, 2001.
6. Léonard, M. , Histoire de la litterature française. T. 1, Moyen Age, XVIe siècle, XVIIe siècle, Nathan, Paris, 1988.
7. Meunier-Thouret M. (réd.), La gourmandise en poésie, Gallimard, Paris, 1982.
8. Mitterand H. (dir.), Langue et Littérature. Anthologie (2 vol.), Nathan, Paris, 1992.
9. Mitterand H. (dir.), Littérature – Textes et documents (5 vol.), Nathan, Paris, 1987-89.
10. Revel J.-F., Un festin en paroles : Histoire littéraire de la sensibilité gastronomique de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Tallandier, Paris, 2007
11. Warusfel-Onfroy, N., Histoire de la litterature française. T. 2, XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe, Nathan, Paris,1988.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: