Culture and History of B Language Area - Russian 3200-L3-0KOJBR
Lectures last for 2 semesters. The main aim of teaching this subject is to familiarize students with the history and culture of Russia in the context of political and social life, to get acquainted with the aesthetic values and basic cultural codes of this country. One of the key aspects of the course is to provide an explanation of how geopolitical, historical, religious and cultural factors exert an influence on the emergence of the mentality of the average Russian, on the Russians’ way of life and patterns of thought. The course relies on references to knowledge of folklore, history of art, philosophy and music, all of which are indispensable for the acquisition of cultural competence.
Course content:
- the concept of culture and culturology
- common, Slavic and Russian culture
- history as an integral part of culture
- Orthodoxy and its importance in shaping the Russian mentality
- Kiev Rus in history and culture
- Novgorod and its importance in Russian culture
- Moscow as a symbol of the new political system
- Polish-Russian historical and cultural discourse
- Soviet imperialism and its education
- Develop art, literature, theater, architecture in Russia
- Romanovs
- The philosophy of war in the history and culture of Russia
- Cyclicity of Russian history
- Golden age in Russian culture
- religious philosophy as a key in the understanding of Russian culture
- the role of Dostoyevsky's art in culture
- modernism
- training revolutionary consciousness
- red terror in history and culture
- Stalin worship
- the victim and executioner in Russian culture
- gender discourse in Russian culture
- 20th-century wars
- the world of dystopia
- a new culture of the twentieth century
- the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Putin's era
- postmodernism
Student workload:
Total value of ECTS points = 4 (2 semesters)
Value of ECTS points = 2 (1 semester):
- lectures (contact hours) - 30 hours (every semester) = 1 ECTS;
Independent student work = 1 ECTS
- independent preparation for each class - about 1,5 hours (together: 20 hours);
- preparation for passing - 5 hours.
(together in the lessons and yourself: about 60 hours = 2 ECTS).
Course subject:
- Russian culture and history
Forms of work:
- reading and analyzing texts at home, discussed in class
- discussion on cultural and historical issues
- teamwork with different roles
- text analysis
- watching video materials
- going to the cinema and theater, analysis
- cognitive trips
Methods of work: activating (didactic discussion, brainstorming); programmed (using a computer), outdoor (cinema, theater, presentations, trips).
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
In terms of knowledge, the student:
- has basic knowledge about the place and importance of culture in the system of science (K_W01);
- knows the basic terminology in the field of culture (K_W02);
- has structured detailed knowledge in the field of culture (K_W04);
- knows and understands the basic methods of interpretation of various products of Russian culture (K_W07);
- has basic knowledge of cultural institutions and orientation in contemporary cultural life of Russia (K_W10);
- demonstrates knowledge of the main political events and social phenomena of Russia; knows the artistic and intellectual achievements of the epochs discussed. He knows the most important state and social institutions functioning today in the countries of language B. and C (S_W10);
In terms of skills, the student:
- is able to make cross-sectional analyzes of selected issues (K_U01);
- has elementary research skills in the field of Russian culture and history being the subject of applied linguistics research (K_U02);
- can recognize the characteristic cultural elements of Russia and properly interpret the socio-historical changes taking place in relation to the area of the Russian language (K_U05);
- is able to use basic theoretical knowledge and obtain data for analyzing specific social phenomena using authentic source texts; characterizes the basic principles of modern political systems of Russia; recognizes the most important characters of modern public life; shows knowledge of the world of Russian media; characterizes basic contemporary social and religious problems of Russia (S_U02);
In terms of attitudes, the student:
- is ready to cooperate and work in a group, assuming various roles in it and ensuring compliance with the rules of communication in Russian (K_K01);
- is able to properly determine the priorities for the implementation of a task specified by itself or others (K_K03);
- is ready to adequately identify and resolve communication dilemmas in Russian and Polish, caused by the asymmetry of language systems and cultural differences (K_K04);
- is open to intercultural differences and shows interest in them (K_K05).
- is ready to participate in the cultural life of Poland, Russia and, to a certain extent, Russian-speaking countries, for the mutual promotion of cultures through modern forms and media (K_K06);
- is aware of the responsibility for the transferred knowledge not only concerning the Russian language, but also the cultural aspects and realities of the Russian language area (S_K06).
Assessment criteria
Continuous rating based on:
- presence (2 absences allowed);
- preparation for classes (reading of texts, openness to discussion, presentation of one paper);
- quality of work during classes (answers to questions, active discussion);
- timeliness of commissioning commissioned works;
- mid-term tests (2 tests) to check knowledge with the transferred knowledge
- pass the final written test or an oral discussion on the topics presented.
Assessment criteria:
1. Criteria for evaluating tests:
- sufficient mark (3.0) after obtaining 12 out of 20 points, i.e. correct answers to questions in the test (12 out of 20);
- good (4.0) evaluation after obtaining 15 out of 20 points, i.e. correct answers to questions in the test (15 out of 20);
- very good (5.0) after getting 18 out of 20 points, ie correct answers to questions in the test (18 out of 20).
2. Criteria for the current activity assessment:
For an active participation in each class, the student receives a partial grade "+". At the end of the semester, "+" are added up.
The assessment of activity for the entire semester is calculated in proportion to the highest number of "+" obtained by the best student in the following way:
0-25% of the highest number of points - 2
25-50% of the highest number of points - 3
50-75% of the highest number of points - 4
75-100% of the highest number of points - 5
3. Criteria for assessing semester-written tests:
criteria for obtaining a sufficient mark (3.0):
- the student answered half of the proposed problem questions; - the answers concerned only general questions, there were many redundant elements (not on the subject);
- the student's attitude to the problem posed in the question is only indirectly marked;
- the student cited debatable / questionable arguments in support of his answer;
- in his argumentation, the student showed knowledge of the basic facts, he gave little concrete facts, names, concepts, numbers; there were numerous technical errors;
- the student's statement was formulated with numerous linguistic mistakes, although the message remained understandable.
criteria for obtaining a good mark (4.0):
- the student answered the majority of the proposed problem questions; - the answers referred directly to the questions asked, although there were also unnecessary elements (not on the subject);
- the work shows what is the student's own attitude towards the problem posed in the question;
- the student supported his position with at least two arguments, not entirely accurate;
- in his argumentation the student showed a good knowledge of the facts, cited several specific facts, names, concepts, numbers; there were substantive errors;
- the student's statement was formulated with attention to the rules of linguistic correctness, although linguistic mistakes occurred.
criteria for obtaining a very good grade (5.0):
- the student answered all of the proposed problem questions;
- the answers were on the subject, they referred directly to the questions asked;
- the student clearly stated his position towards the problem posed in the question;
- the student supported his position with several factual arguments;
- in his argumentation the student showed a very good knowledge of the facts, cited specific facts, names, concepts, numbers;
- the student's statement was formulated in accordance with the rules of linguistic correctness.
4. Criteria for obtaining a semester grade:
The grade for the course includes:
- 30% - continuous assessment, that is, ongoing preparation for classes (presence, active participation in classes, doing housework, paper);
- 40% - 2 control tests (each test by 20%);
- 30% - 1 final test or discussion.
Grading scale:
99% -100% - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4,5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3.5
70% - 60% - 3
below - 2
Main literature:
Дж. Фрэзер. Золотая ветвь.
Н.А. Кун. Легенды и мифы Древней Греции.
Н.А. Бердяев. Русская идея.
Повесть временных лет
М.Ю. Лотман. Беседы о русской культуре: быт и традиции русского дворянства (XVIII – начало XIX века).
Ф. Ницше.Так говорил Заратустра.
М. Шолохов.Тихий Дон.
В.И. Новодворская. Над пропастью во лжи.
А. Рыбаков. Дети Арбата.
С. Алексиевич. Время секонд хэнд. Цинковые мальчики. Чернобыльская молитва.
А.И. Солженицын. Как нам обустроить Россиию?
Additional literature:
Albumy z zakresu filmu, teatru, plastyki, architektury.
Bagnowskaja N., Kulturologia, Moskwa, 2006.
Bazylow L., Historia Rosji, Warszawa, 1985.
Borisow N., Lewandowski A., Shhetinow J., Kluch k istorii otiechestwa, Moskwa, 1995.
Heller M., Historia Imperium Rosyjskiego, Warszawa, 2000.
Konstytucja Federacji Rosyjskiej, Moskwa, 1995.
Korzeniewska-Bierczyńska J., Mosty kultury. Dialog poliakow i russkich, Minsk, 2006.
Wiereshhagin J., Kostomarow W., Jazyk i kultura, Moskwa, 1976/83.
Term 2023:
Main literature: Additional literature: |
Term 2024:
Main literature: Additional literature: |
Term 2023:
Together with C language. |
Term 2024:
Together with C language. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: