Teaching a foreign language (Russian language) to early primary school students 3200-L2-WNJCR
The course aims at confronting theoretical knowledge in the early school teaching of foreign languages with practice of teaching Russian in the kindergarten and in the primary school.
The following issues will be considered:
Foreign language in pre-school education; Integrated foreign language as a part of early school education; Teaching syllabuses and materials; The principles of teaching approaches, methods and techniques in early school teaching; Developing receptive and productive skills; Teaching aids and information and communication technologies in early school teaching; Teaching problem children and children with learning disabilities. Learning outcomes.
Type of course
pedagogical qualifications
Learning outcomes
- in-depth knowledge of developmental psychology factors in early school language teaching
- in-depth knowledge of basic differences between the specificy of teaching languages in the kindergarten, grades 1 - 3 and in the upper grades
- enriched knowledge in work organisation (the kindergarten, the school)
- student is able to identify and effect lesson aims
- student is able to teach a coherent lesson aimed at developing specific language skills - listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing
- student is able to adjust teaching strategies to different age groups
- student is able to evaluate teaching materials
- student is able to evaluate sts achievements
- student is able to prepare relevant teacher's documentation
- to build the profile of the 21st century teacher
- to modify behaviours according to the findings of foreign language teaching specialists and the Teachers' Board
Assessment criteria
Examination: Examination
The final grade is the average of grades for:
- 20% active participation in classes
- 20% Russian lesson and review of selected Russian language teaching materials
- 60% oral exam
Iluk J., 2002, Jak uczyć małe dzieci języków obcych?, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Gnome.
Języki obce w szkole – Wybrane artykuły
Kotarba M., 2007, Przedszkolak, język obcy i ...Ty. Metodyka nauczania języków obcych w przedszkolach, Pułtusk: Wyd. Akademii Humanistycznej im. Aleksandra Gieysztora.
Wczesnoszkolne nauczanie języków obcych, 2009, Dorota Sikora-Banasik (ed.), Warszawa: CODN.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: