Teaching systems and language skills language C - French 3200-L2-NSSJCF
the aim of the course is to acquaint students with issues in learning and teaching foreign in upper classes of primary school
- planning of the lesson and organization of the lesson
- developing linguistics competences
- teaching vocabulary
-teaching grammar structures
- evaluation of linguistic competences - portfolio
-new technologies and teaching a foreign language in primary school
Student workload:
Participation in classes: 30 hours
Preparation for classes: 10 hours
Completing course assignments: 15 hours
Preparation for the exam: 5 hours
Total: 60 hours
Term 2023L:
the aim of the course is to acquaint students with issues in learning and teaching foreign in upper classes of primary school Student's work: |
Term 2024L:
the aim of the course is to acquaint students with issues in learning and teaching foreign in upper classes of primary school Student workload: |
Type of course
pedagogical qualifications
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Having completed the course student
within knowledge category
knows methods and techniques used in glottodidactics
within skills category
can plan a lesson
can set and implement aims of a lesson: linguistic, communicative and intercultural
can use various strategies of teaching language systems and skills in accordance with learners’ characteristics
can select methods and techniques of teaching appropriately to learners’ needs
can use various didactic aids
can organize a lesson in upper classes of primary school
can enhance autonomy and self-study strategies of learning a foreign language
within social attitudes category
can identify learner’s needs
can adjust teaching methods and techniques to various educational contexts
adopts a good teacher’s qualities – of a guide in foreign language learning process
Assessment criteria
Conditions for obtaining credit for the course /june and september/:
Obligatory presence in class, 2 absences allowed;
In-class presentation of a micro-lesson;
Preparation of a dossier for the end of the semester ( the grade for the dossier constitutes 100% of the final grade)
Criteria for the assesment/evaluation of the dossier:
Very good (5) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated including the introduction and conclusions
Good plus (4+) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated ; minor linguistic deficiencies, or small defects in the introduction/ conclusions;
Good (4) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated ; minor linguistic deficiencies and small defects in the introduction/ conclusions;
Satisfactory plus (3+) minor linguistic deficiencies, and small defects in the basic part of the dossier;
Satisfactory (3) minor linguistic deficiencies, small defects in the introduction/conclusion parts of the dossier and small defects in the basic structure of the dossier
- Conseil de l ;Europe, Cadre Europeen des Langues Vivantes, 2002, Conseil de l;Europe, Strasbourg/Didier
- Courtillon, J., 2003, Elaborer un cours de FLE, Hachette, Paris
- Łuczak-Łomża, A., Metera-Debaene, E., 2002, „Zanim wybierzesz podręcznik Metody oceniania materiałów do nauki języków obcych, Fraszka edukacyjna, Warszawa
- Komorowska H., 2001, Metodyka Nauczania Języków Obcych. Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna Sp. z o.o.
- Komorowska-Janowska, H.,/pod red/, 2002, Ewaluacja w nauce języka obcego, wyd. UwB, Białystok
-- Komorowska, H., /pod red/, 2009, Skuteczna nauka języka obcego, CODN, Warszawa
- Komorowska H., 2012, Podstawy metodyki nauczania języków obcych, Warszawa
- Pfeiffer W., 2001, Nauka języków obcych: Od praktyki do praktyki, Poznań
-- Podstawa programowa do nauczania języków obcych, szkoła podstawowa, 2018, MEN
- Siek-Piskozub,T., 2001, Uczyć się bawiąc. Strategie ludyczne na lekcjach języków obcych, PWN, Warszawa
-Vanthier, H., 2009, L’enseignemnet aux enfants en classe de langue”, CLE International, Paris
- Wilczyńska W., 2005, Introduction a la didactique du francais langue etrangere, Flair, Poznań
-"Języki Obce w Szkole",
- Etude de Linguistique Appliquee
- Le Francais dans le Monde .
Term 2023L:
Bibliografia: -"Języki Obce w Szkole", |
Term 2024L:
Bibliografia: -"Języki Obce w Szkole", |
Term 2024L:
PTTD i TU - II stopień studenci uzupełniający uprawnienia z I stopnia |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: