Teaching systems and language skills language B - Spanish 3200-L2-NSSJBH
The aim of the course is to familiarise students with basic knowledge and practical skills in the methodology of teaching Spanish as a foreign language, preparing them for pedagogical practice and the future teaching profession.
The following topics will be discussed in class:
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing vocabulary knowledge
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing grammar
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing mastery of pronunciation
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing reading
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing writing
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing listening comprehension
Techniques for teaching, consolidating and assessing speaking
Creation, adaptation and use of textbooks and digital teaching materials.
Student’s time investment:
30 class hours;
15 hrs preparation;
5 hrs final assignment or test preparation.
In sum: 50 hrs, corresponding to 2 ECTS.
If classroom learning is impossible, the class will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
pedagogical qualifications
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
1. conventional and unconventional teaching methods, including activating methods and the project method, the process of learning by doing,.
2. the methodology of implementation of particular educational contents within the Spanish language classes - substantive and methodical solutions, good practices, adaptation of interactions to the needs and abilities of students with different potential and learning styles.
3. ways of organising the classroom space; didactic means (textbooks and educational packages), teaching aids
In terms of skills the graduate is able to:
1. create teaching situations for activity and language skills development
2. select classroom working methods and didactic aids, including information and communication technology.
In terms of social competence, the graduate is ready to:
1. develop students' cooperation skills
2. develop in students curiosity, activity and independence of cognition as well as logical and critical thinking
3. develop the habit of systematic learning through independent work.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria- in class
- Continuous assessment (preparation for class, reading of articles, preparation of microlectures)
Percentage of final grade: 40%
- Final exam: 60%
All tests and assignments are graded according to the following criteria:
0-59% = failed, (2.0)
60-67% = satisfactory (3.0)
68-75% = satisfactory plus (3.5)
76-83% = good (4.0)
84-91% = good plus (4.5)
92-98% = very good (5.0)
99-100% = very good! (5.0!)
Students are required to attend all the classes of the course. The allowed number of absences is 2 per 30 contact hours. When the number of allowed absences is exceeded, the student will be given extra-tasks aimed at making up the missing material from the classes.
Failing one part of the exam results in a failing grade from the entire exam in the summer exam session and the need to retake the exam in the same form during the retake exam session.
Gargallo, I. S., (2004) Vademecum para la formación de profesores: Enseńar espańol como segunda lengua (L2)/lengua extranjera (LE). Madrid: SGEL.
González Argüello, M.Vicenta et. al. (2022) Innovación y creatividad en el aula de español. Nuevas formas de entender la enseñanza de una lengua. Barcelona: Difusión.
Karpeta-Peć B. (2013). ''Otwarty, aktywny, samodzielny. Alternatywne formy pracy. Przewodnik dla nauczycieli języków obcych'', Fraszka Edukacyjna
Komorowska H. (2002). Metodyka nauczania języków obcych. Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna.
Ruiz Campillo, J.P et. al. (2018). Enseñar gramática en el aula de español. Nuevas perspectivas y propuestas. Barcelona: Difusión.
Sans, N. (2017). Enseñar léxico en el aula de español. El poder de las palabras. Barcelona: Difusión.
Verdía, E. (2013)"Las Competencias clave del profesorado y la Parrilla del perfil del profesor de Idiomas (EPG): dos documentos de referencia para el desarrollo." Studia Iberystyczne 12: 295-314.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: