Communicative Competence Development of Language C - French, level 3 3200-L2-KKKCF3
A compulsory course for year 2 BA students with Frenchas the second language of students’ specialization (C)
During the 2nd year of the course, students’ communicative competence in French continues after the 1st year at an advanced level, equivalent to level B2+ within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The aim of the course is to further develop and improve the students’ communicative competence in French by the end of the 2nd year at a proficient, C1 level within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
During the 2nd year the teaching process continues to stimulate integrated development of several communicative competences, such as the pragmatic competence, sociolinguistic, as well as intercultural and metalinguistic competences, with the continuous focus on the skills of speaking and pronunciation, writing, listening and reading comprehension, as well as control over vocabulary and grammar structures at the C1 level by the end of the 2nd year. The content of the course conforms to the level of language skills among students and is designed for the studies with the major in Applied Linguistics, especially to professional requirements in academic, glottodidactic and translation domains. During the 2nd year the course comprises of the following thematic components:
WRITING- short writing
ACADEMIC WRITING – long writing
These components continue to improve the students’:
- lexical competence (by further contributing to their growing control over a vast range of vocabulary contained in the 2nd year teaching programme at a C1 level CEFR);
- grammatical competence (by furhter contributing to their growing receptive and productive skills of comprehending grammatically complex texts and utterances and creating such texts and utterances in keeping with grammatical standards covered by the 2nd year teaching programme);
- phonological competence (by further contributing to the development and practice of the correct articulation in French proper intonation and fluency);
- discursive competence in speech and in writing (by further contributing to their growing skills of composing logically, grammatically and stylistically consistent and complex texts and utterances at C1 level).
- functional and sociolinguistic competence (by further contributing to the development of the skill of applying the appropriate forms of expression to communicative situations and its recipients in the context of selected cultural aspects associated with French at a C1 level)
Contact hours (in-class): 180 hrs
Self-study/individual work:
- working with assigned texts – 30 hrs
- practical grammar assignments – 20 hrs
- preparing oral presentations and written assignments – 40 hrs
- revising and preparation for the end-of-year exam – 10 hrs
Self-study/individual work total: 100hrs
In the event of inability to conduct the traditional in-class lessons, the course’s contact hours will be conducted remotely with the use of the devices recommended by the University of Warsaw
Type of course
Remote learning
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student:
- has the knowledge of the language at C1 level (CEFR), understands its structure and specificity (K1_W01);
- knows morphosyntactic structures, understands oral statements at C1 level, interprets written texts at C1 level, knows word definitions, synonyms and idioms, has a grounded knowledge of lexical, grammatical and phonetic issues regarding the French language, as indicated in the course description(K1_W01);
- understands the complexity of the French language at C1 level (CEFR) (K1_W03);
- knows and understands the elements of selected French-speaking countries’ culture, understands the role of language in intercultural and cultural communication (K1_W07, K1_W10);
- knows and understands cultural differences, constituting important factors in the process of creating multicultural societies in the modern world, has a general knowledge of the reality, socio-economic and legal conditions of selected French-speaking countries (K1_W11)
The student:
- possesses linguistic skills at C1 level (CEFR), also in typical professional situations which require the knowledge of techniques, strategies and different communication channels (K1_U05, K1_U09);
- is able to critique cultural texts, search for, analyse, evaluate and select authentic texts in French and develop professional skills in French (K1_U01);
- can identify characteristic cultural elements and correctly interpret phenomena regarding the French language, react properly in every communicative situation while considering the cultural context and using customary expressions (K1_U03);
- can prepare written assignments in French on discussed subjects (K1_U06);
- can prepare speeches in French using properly selected source materials (K1_U07);
- can set priorities and plan activities in order to perform specific linguistic, communicative and professional tasks in French, understands the need of self-study and the necessity of continuous development of skills (K1_U12);
- can solve problems and perform linguistic tasks in French at C1 competence level in conditions which are not fully predictable, through assessing the situation and choosing appropriate methods and tools (K1_U13)
The student is:
- prepared to cooperate and work in a group, assume various roles and respect rules of good communication in French (K1_K06);
- prepared to identify and properly solve communicative dilemmas between French and Polish, which result from the asymmetry in linguistic systems and cultural variety (K1_K01);
- prepared to participate in cultural life in Poland and selected French- speaking countries, promote their cultures while using both traditional and modern forms of communication and media (K1_K03).
- prepared to take measures in inter-linguistic communication in order to preserve the cultural heritage of Poland and France (K1_K04)
Assessment criteria
Teaching methods: description, short talk, explanation, discussion, anegdotes, discussing mistakes
Didactic methods searching solutions to problems: solving problems in class based on the use of various sources, analysis of source materials, in-class tasks, question-and-answer, individual case solving cases
Exposing didactic methods: role playing of situational cases, simulation, preparing for power point presentation
Work methods: group/pair work/ homework assignments, individual feed-back consultations, lexical-grammatical exercises, discussions, listening/reading comprehension (with understanding of culture-bound items), individual analysis of a specialized texts, power-point presentations
- Berchoud Marie-José, 2008, Les épreuves sur texte : le résumé, le commentaire, l'analyse de texte, La Documentation Française
- Bentolia A. 2002, Vocabulaire. Paris. Nathan
- Birks R. 1998, Le français en gros plans. Paris. Didier
- Cotentin-Rey G. 1991, Le résumé, Paris, CLE International
- Crépin F. 1994, Français. Méthodes et techniques. Paris, Nathan
- Dubost M., Turque C. 2014, Améliorer Son Expression Écrite et Orale, Ellipses
- Lesot A, 2018, Bescherelle poche Mieux rédiger : L'essentiel pour améliorer son expression, Hatier
- Lesot A, 2013, Bescherelle Le vocabulaire pour tous : Ouvrage de référence sur le lexique français, Hatier
- Le Lay J. 2016, Savoir rediger, Larousse, Paris
- Matteï P, 2015, Apprendre à rédiger, Librio
- Niquet G. 1987, Structurer sa pensée, structurer sa phrase. Paris. Hachette
- Peyroutet C. Desaintghislain C, 2015, L'expression écrite, Nathan
- Spicher A. 2011, Bien Ecrire bien Rédiger, Ellipses
- Sabbah H. 1991, Le résumé initiation, Paris, Hatier
- Samuel P., Lancien B. 2017, J'assure à l'oral. Pour une prise de parole efficace, Ellipses
- Stalloni Y. 1998, La Contraction de Texte : Méthodes, Exercices et Epreuves, Ellipses
- Artykuły prasowe
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: