Contrastive Grammar - Italian 3200-L2-GKW
The course covers the following topics:
1. Presentation of the subject of contrastive grammar, normative, descriptive, historical, confrontative and contrastive grammar, with particular emphasis put on translational grammar features;
2. Theoretical basis of contrasting grammatical systems of Italian and Polish language, explanation of such concepts as: equivalence, language isomorphism, congruence, transfer, interference, false friends (falsi amici), translation strategy;
3. Differences and similarities between the Italian and Polish grammatical terminology and grammatical categories;
4. The most significant differences between the phonetic system of both languages: pronunciation sounds "typical" Polish and "typically" Italian, homonymy and polysemy;
5. The parts of speech in Polish and Italian;
6. Nominal group in Polish and Italian: functions of definite and indefinite articles in Italian and selection of appropriate structures in Polish, determinants, order of elements in the noun group, types of nounss, types of adjectives, numerals, pronouns, prepositional phrases, Polish declination and Italian prepositions - the analysis and translation of individual structures;
7. Verb group: verb aspect and how to express in Polish and Italian active and passive, how to express si passivante and impersonale, possible translations into Polish, modes and tenses of Polish and Italian;
8. Syntax: word order of a single and complex sentence;
9. The word formation: derivation, altrrnation;
10. Grammatical analysis of output texts and their possible translations.
Course workload for 2 ECTS:
- 30 hrs: in-class participation and work during the course = 1 ECTS
- 10 hrs: regular self-study (homework),
- 10 hrs: preparation for the midterm and final test,
- 5 hrs: assigned reading during the course = (25 hrs) 1 ECTS
Term 2023Z:
The course covers the following topics: |
Term 2024Z:
The course covers the following topics: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student in expected to:
- know basic terminology in the field of contrastive grammar, comparative research and translational grammar;
- know and understand the most important differences and similarities between Italian and Polish grammar.
K1_W08; P6S_WG
-be able to translate specialized and / or literary texts into native language and italian language, avoiding interference errors and using translation strategies and techniques appropriate to the type of translation,
-be able to use equivalent syntactic constructions, terminology and means of connectivity in translating specialized texts from / into studied foreign language and from / to Polish (S1.2_U03)
-be able to identify, analyze and solve problems in the field of contrastive linguistics covering such areas as: phonetics, morphematics, word formation and syntax (S_U06);
-has the ability to translate lexemes, phrases and sentences into the native and foreign language, eliminate negative transfer from the native language, avoid interference errors in the abovementioned ranges of contrastive linguistics (SU_07);
K1_U05, K1_U08, K1_U09
- be prepared to put into practice the acquired knowledge of Polish and Italian grammar;
- be prepared to work independently on expanding language skills in further linguistic and translational education;
- be prepared to supplement and improve acquired knowledge about the foreign language and about his own language;
- be prepared to properly identify and resolve dilemmas of specialist communication caused by asymmetry of different language systems and cultural differences, observing ethical behavior patterns and consulting experts,
-is aware of the need to constantly search for new dictionary and text sources.
S1.2_K02, K1_K03, K1_K04, K1_05, K1_07
Assessment criteria
- continuous assessment of activity and preparation for classes;
- classes end with an exam covering the material of all course modules.
Credit conditions:
- systematic homework (20%);
- mid-term colloquium (80%);
After passing the student is admitted to the written exam.
Assessment criteria (colloquium / exam):
55% -69% = 3; 70% -74% = 3.5; 75% -84% = 4; 85% -89% = 4+;
90% -100% = 5(!)
1. Absences - three unexcused absences in a semester are allowed.
Own materials;
J. Bartmiński (red.).,Współczesny język polski, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2001;
M. Dardano, P. Trifone, Grammatica italiana con nozioni di linguistica, Zanichelli, Bologna 1995;
H. Jadacka, Kultura języka polskiego. Fleksja, słowotwórstwo, składnia, PWN, Warszawa 2005;
J. Lukszyn (red.), Gramatyki translacyjne, KJS, Warszawa 1996;
A. Nagórko, Zarys gramatyki polskiej, PWN, Warszawa 2006;
L. Renzi, G. Salvi, Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione, vol. I – III, Il Mulino, Bologna 1991;
St. Widłak, Gramatyka języka włoskiego, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 2004;
Kwapisz – Osadnik K., Podstawowe wiadomości z gramatyki polskiej i włoskiej, WUŚ, Katowice 2012
Term 2023Z:
If it is not possible to conduct normal classes, the remote communication tools will be used, most likely Google Meet and other recommended by the University of Warsaw |
Term 2024Z:
If it is not possible to conduct normal classes, the remote communication tools will be used, most likely Google Meet and other recommended by the University of Warsaw |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: