The basics of didactics 3200-L2-0PD
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of didactic research.
The following topics are discussed here: didactics as an independent scientific discipline, basic concepts (didactics) of didactics; history of didactics development, modern research results in the field of didactics, organization of teaching, educational system, the most important didactic problems: diagnosis, assessment, self assessment of the teache.r
Student workload:
Total value of points = 2 ECTS
Contact hours synchronous = 15h = 0,5 ECTS
Asynchronous independent work : 15h - 0,5 ECTS
Current preparation for classes - 15h = 0.5 ECTS
Preparation for the exam - 15h = 0.5 ECTS
The organization of work depends on the way of work online/in class and the decision of the lecturer.
Term 2023Z:
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of didactic research. Student workload: |
Term 2024Z:
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of didactic research. Student workload: |
Type of course
Blended learning
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Within the knowledge area the student knows and understands:
- The place of didactics in pedagogy, the content and role of contemporary didactics and the relations between general didactics and specific didactics;
- the concept of a school class as an educational environment supporting learning: styles of class management, the role of order and discipline in class, social processes in class, class integration and diversity of students’ cultures, social and economical status;
- contemporary teaching concepts and teaching aims – teaching principles, methods of teaching, managing teaching processes and students’ work;
- the role of a lesson as a teaching and learning unit, lesson models, ways of conducting a lesson, styles and techniques of teaching, classroom interactions and didactic aids;
- the need of designing educational activities adapted to the needs and abilities of learners, including individual differences, paces of learning and providing equal educational chances to all as well as identifying talents and preparation for educational contests; teacher autonomy;
- ways and techniques of assessing learners: formative asessment, types of testing, the role of external exams, assessment of teaching effectiveness and evaluation of school quality, the role of in-school system of assessment; educational added value;
- the role of language as a teaching tool: approaching learners with limited language proficency in Polish or with communication disorders; methods of interaction for educational purposes – the art of lecturing and asking questions, methods of enhancing learners communicative activity;
Within skills the student is able:
- to apply teaching methods to the diverse needs of learners: cognitive, cultural, or based in social and economical status;
- to design activities aimed at class integration;
- to select methods of teaching to the content and manage learners’ work;
- to select a model of a lesson and design its structure;
- to plan work with learners with special educational needs;
- to evaluate learners’ work and select appropriate ways of informing it to a learner;
Within social competences the student is ready to:
- creatively search for the best ways of teaching to support learners’ progres;
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria are formulated by the lecturer of a given group.
Literature is given by the lecturer of the given group.
Term 2023Z:
Literature is given by the lecturer of the given group. |
Term 2024Z:
Literature is given by the lecturer of the given group. |
Term 2023Z:
The course prepares for the professional internships. |
Term 2024Z:
The course prepares for the professional internships. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: