Literature of B (German) Language Area 3200-L2-0LBN
This course covers the most important and characteristic authors and texts of the main periods and tendencies in German literature from the beginning (about 8th century), this means from the early middle-ages until present.
Based on selected fragments of the most important literary texts students will learn about the characteristic of a certain period. The texts were chosen in such a way that they show the typical topics and stylistic devices used to express them of a certain period, such as aesthetics, philosophical currents, political and social issues, etc. Literary works are critically analyzed, both in terms of formal and stylistic as well as in terms of their embedding in the historical and cultural context.
The course is supported by different audiovisual materials (e. g. fragments of films, songs, recordings etc.), which will contribute to a better understanding of the discussed texts. That way the students have the opportunity to learn about and to understand the most important trends and genres of German literature, its literary-stylistic features and its broader European historical and cultural context.
This course supports properly readings skills of literary texts from all periods (8th-21th century), the students are encouraged to formulate assessments about the discussed texts.
Course workload:
60 hrs – classroom activities (2 ECTS)
45 hrs – reading and analyzing of texts, preparing to take part in the discussion during the course (1,5 ECTS)
15 hrs – preparation for the exam (0,5 ECTS)
In the event of inability to conduct the traditional in-class lessons, the course’s contact hours will be conducted remotely with the use of the devices recommended by the University of Warsaw
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student is expected to:
- know the most important authors and texts of the history of German literature between the 8th an 21th century (K_W01, S_W05, S_W09)
- have structured knowledge about the characteristics of certain literary periods (K_W02, S_W05, S_W09)
- have structured knowledge about the characteristic stylistic and poetic features of texts from the periods of German literature between the 8th and 21th century (K_W04, S_W09)
- have additional knowledge about the most important social, historical or cultural phenomena, in which the texts of a certain period were written (K_W05, K_W10, S_W10)
- be able to read and understand properly literary texts in German written between the 8th and the 21th century (K_U01, S_U01)
- be able to autonomously acquire knowledge about the history of German speaking literature (K_U03, S_U02, S_U03)
- be able to distinguish literary, stylistic i poetic features in literary texts of certain periods (K_U04, K_05, S_U05)
- be able to formulate own assessments about the interpretation of the discussed texts (K_U06, S_U08)
- be able to enlarge his vocabulary in the language B (K_U10, S_U11)
Socio-cultural competencies:
- interact in a group and discuss with the other students about the gathered insights from the reading of a selected literary text (K_K01, S_K02, S_K04)
- be aware of cultural differences existing between the literature of German speaking countries and Poland (K_K04, S_K06)
- esteem the cultural tradition and heritage of the German speaking countries an is aware of his responsibility to preserve them (K_K05, S_K10)
- take an active part in the cultural life of the German speaking countries (K_K06, S_K10)
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
Credit at the end of the term, based on a written exam (eg. open questions, multiple-choice).
Assessment criteria (accepted rules for scoring the exam)
100% = 5!
90%-99%= 5
85-89%= 4,5
Credit (“zaliczenie”) at the end of the term, based on regualar attendance (max. 2 missed classes). Obligatory is also regular preparation for classes. In case of more than 2 missed classes during the semester additional work is arranged individually or they result in failure to complete the course.
Credit and written exam during the retake exam session will be held due to the same conditions as in the main session.
Balzer, B., Mertens, V. (eds.), Deutsche Literatur in Schlaglichtern, Mannheim/Wien/Zürich 1990.
Baumann, B, Oberle, B., Deutsche Literatur in Epochen, München 1985.
Best, Otto; Hans-Jürgen Schmitt (eds): Die deutsche Literatur. Ein Abriss in Text und Darstellung, 16 vol, Leipzig 2000.
Beutin, Wolfgang (eds.), Deutsche Literaturgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, 8th edition, Stuttgart 2013.
Curtius, Ernst R., Literatura europejska i łacińskie średniowiecze, Kraków 1997.
Czarnecka, Mirosława: Historia literatury niemieckiej, Wrocław 2011.
Honsza, Norbert, W blasku epok. Literatura niemiecka od średniowiecza do współczesności, Łódź 2010.
Karolak, Czesław.; Kunicki, Wojciech; Orłowski, Hubert, Dzieje kultury niemieckiej, Warszawa 2007.
Kaszyński, Stefan., Krótka historia literatury austriackiej, Poznań 2012.
Kluge, Rolf-Dieter; Świderska Małgorzata, Zarys historii literatury i kultury niemieckiej, Łódź 2010.
Kriegleder, Wynfrid: Eine kurze Geschichte der Literatur in Österreich: Menschen - Bücher – Institutionen, Wien 2018.
Rothmann, Kurt, Kleine Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, Stuttgart 2006.
Schlosser, Horst-Dieter, dtv-Atlas zur deutschen Literatur, München 2002.
Szyrocki, Marian, Dzieje literatury niemieckiej, vol. I, vol. II, Warszawa 1972.
All materials such as: course schedule, list of literaturę and the literary texts, PP presentations are successively placed on Moodle or in the virtual drive provided by the leading teacher, to which students receive a link at the beginning of the semester.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: