Descriptive Grammar - Russian 3200-L2-0GOBR
The aim of the course: development of skills necessary for work with scientific monographies, encyclopedias and dictionaries of linguistic terminology; acquisition of basic grammatical terminology belonging to Russian tradition as compared with Polish one; advancement of skills of morphological and word formation analysis employing proposed procedures (morphematic analysis, word formation analysis); description of certain similarities as well as discrepancies between Russian and Polish desinence and word formation; analysis of their implications for translation.Main topics:The object of grammar, methodology of linguistic studies and description; basic notions of morphemics: morphemic structure of the word; morpheme and morph; types of morphemes; morphemic analysis of the word; main notions of word formation: synchronic VS diachronic and etymological analysis; motivation; formants, types of formants; derivational meaning, derivational type and derivational category; productivity of the type; types of derivation; the place of morphology among other linguistic sciences, its object and tasks; morphological categories, their types, criteria of establishment of parts of speech; lexical semantic groups of various parts of speech; formal and semantic characterization of major and minor parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs, adverbs and "category of state", conjunctions, particles, interjections.
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Remote learning
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student
- Analyzes the morphemic structure of words;
- Explains most prominent morphological, semantic and syntactic properties of every part of speech;
- Differentiates between formal and non-formal categories, between classifying and “word-changing”, “reflecting” and interpretative categories;
- Explains the sense of noun and adjective gender, number, case;
- Explains the difference between “pronouns nouns” and standard nouns;
- Knows the most prominent aspectological theories (theory of completion, theory of terminativity, the theory of M. Glovinska, the theory of singularity VS multiplicity);
- Knows the most prominent theories of voice (passive voice as promotion of object, passive voice as demotion of subject);
- Knows the main uses of tenses, moods, persons
Assessment criteria
Semestral credit
Assessment criteria:
Assessed is knowledge of basic grammatical cetegories and ability of their detection:
99%-100% - 5!
98%-91% - 5
90%-86% - 4,5
85%-76% - 4
75%-71% - 3,5
70%-60% - 3
poniżej - 2 (nzal)
For correction test, criteria are the same
Absence from 2 classes is permissible
Nagórko A., 2002, Zarys gramatyki polskiej, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Novikov A., (red.), 1999, Sovremennyj russkij jazyk, Sankt-Peterburg: "Lan'"
Shvedova N.Ju. (red.), 1982, Russkaja grammatika, Moskva: "Nauka", tom 1,2
Wawrzyńczyk J., Zmarzer W., 1987, Gramatyka współczesnego języka rosyjskiego, pod red. A. Bartoszewicza i J. Wawrzyńczyka, część 3 - Morfologia, Warszawa, PWN
Zmarzer W., 1987, Gramatyka współczesnego języka rosyjskiego, pod red. A. Bartoszewicza i J. Wawrzyńczyka, część 2 - Leksyka. Słowotwórstwo, Warszawa, PWN
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: