Contrastive Grammar - English 3200-L2-0GKA
The course covers theoretical and practical issues related to English-Polish contrastive grammar.
Issues discussed:
Transfer and intereference
Congruence and equivalence
Methodology of comparing languages
Selected syntactic issues - a contrastive approach
Selected semantic issues - a contrastive approach
seleted pragmatic issues - a contrastive approach
Course workload:
- 15 h - classroom activities - 1 ECTS
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2024L: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
has basic knowledge of the subject and methodological specificity within the field of contrastive linguistics; is able to state the place of contrastive linguistics within the system of scientific disciplines (S_W01; K_W01)
knows and understands the basic aspects of research methodology of contrastive linguistics (S_W04; K_W03)
knows the basic linguistic and grammatical terminology, theories and methodology of linguistics (S_W08; K_W04)
is able to apply basic research skills within the field of contrastive grammar of English; is able to select appropriate methods and research tools allowing to find solutions for complex problems in contrastive linguistics (S_U02; K_U02)
is able to search, analyse, evaluate and solve certain problems related to contrastive linguistics including the following fields: phonetics, syntax, morphematics and word formation (S_U06; K_U04)
Socio-cultural competencies:
is able to interact and work in groups/in pairs, taking different roles in them; is able to manage a small team, taking the responsibility for the results of the team work (K_K01, K_K02);
is able to properly define the priorities for the implementation of a task set by themselves and/or others; is able to manage the time appropriately and accomplish the tasks by the given deadline (K_K03)
is able to broaden the knowledge acquired during the Course of Contrastive Grammar; is conscious of the need to regularly search for new sources of information (texts, articles, dictionaries, etc.) (S_K05; K_K06)
Assessment criteria
IKSI (sem. zimowy):
Metody oceny pracy studenta/ udział w ocenie końcowej (100%)
1 ocena ciągła (bieżące przygotowanie do zajęć i wykonywanie zadań podczas zajęć) 20%
2 Praca zaliczeniowa 30%
3 Pisemny test końcowy 50%
Skala ocen:
55%-69% = 3
70%-74% = 3+
75%-84% = 4
85%-89% = 4+
90%-100% = 5
1. Nieobecności – dopuszczalne 3 nieusprawiedliwione nieobecności w semestrze
ILS (summer semester) - information on methods and criteria of student assessment (credit requirements) is provided at the particular instruction-cycle level (summer semester)
Bartmiński, J. (red.) 2001.Współczesny Język Polski. Lublin: UMCS.
Grucza F. 1986. O niemożności ukonstytuowania się stosowanej lingwistyki kontrastywnej. Przegląd glottodydaktyczny 7,7-34. Warszawa.
Krzeszowski, T. 2013. Time Works Wonders. Selected Papers in Contrastive and Cognitive Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Lukszyn, J. (red.) 1996. Gramatyki translacyjne. Warszawa: KJS.
Willim, E., Manczak-Wohfeld, E. 1997. A Contrastive Approach to Problems with English. Warszawa: PWN.
ILS (summer semesetr) - see information for the summer semester instruction cycle
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: