Modular facultative lecture: Issues of bilingualism 3200-L1-MPF1
The curriculum includes an overview of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of bilingualism and bilingual education.
The following topics are discussed: 1. the concept of "bilingualism"; 2. types of bilingualism; 3. criteria for the "assessment" of bilingualism and systematic measurement of bilingual competence; 4. age as a factor in the development of bilingualism; 5. bilingualism and language development of the child; 6. bilingualism and cognitive development (development of intelligence); 7. psychological and social factors in the development of bilingualism; 8. bilingual education in a family and bilingual environment; 9. bilingual and CLIL teaching.
Student workload:
Total point value = 3 ECTS
Contact hours (in the classroom) = 30h = 1 ECTS
Independent student work outside the classroom:
Current preparation for classes - 15h = 1 ECTS
Preparation of a case study of a bilingual person: finding a person for a study, preparing and conducting an interview, preparing an interview - a case study, preparation of written work, summary of the analysis results - 15h = 1 ECTS
Term 2023L:
see above: Podstawowe informacje o przedmiocie (niezależne od cyklu) [Basic information about the item (independent of the cycle)] |
Type of course
general courses
elective monographs
foreign languages
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
has basic theoretical knowledge in the field of bilingualism (K_W01), (K_W04);
knows and understands the most important concepts and theories in the history of research on bilingualism and the most important aspects of research on bilingualism (K_W01), (K_W03);
knows the basic terminology in the field of bilingualism (K_W02);
has basic knowledge about the main directions of development and the most important new scientific achievements in the field of research on bilingualism (K_W06);
knows and understands the basic methods of analysis of phenomena related to bilingualism and interpretation of research results on bilingualism (K_W07);
understands the binding rules of intellectual property protection (K_W08);
has the ability to independently develop knowledge in the field of bilingualism (K_U03);
has elementary research skills in case analysis (K_U02);
has the ability to independently prepare a case study of a bilingual person (K_U04), (K_U08).
Social competence:
can make contact with a bilingual person for research purposes (S_K01);
has the ability to independently prepare a case study of a bilingual person, in particular to conduct a targeted interview with a bilingual person (K_K01);
is able to properly define the priorities for the implementation of a task specified by himself or a tutor (K_K03);
can properly plan and carry out activities aimed at achieving the assumed research goal (K_K03);
is characterised by readiness to work independently on improving research skills and knowledge (S_K01).
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- activity assessment,
- assessment of the written work: a case study.
Assessment criteria:
- the student's presence in classes and being active are taken into account; the assessment is carried out as follows:
1. If a student did not exceed 3 unjustified absences in the semester and actively participated in the classes - s/he receives grade “satisfactory”;
2. If a student did not exceed 3 unjustified absences in the semester, s/he actively participated in the classes and made an attempt to prepare a case study of a bilingual person - s/he receives grade “good”;
3. If a student did not exceed 3 unjustified absences in the semester, he actively participated in the classes and made a successful attempt to prepare a case study of a bilingual person - s/he receives grade “very good”.
(a selection)
− Bach G., Niemeier S. (red) (2005), Bilingualer Unterricht. Grundlagen, Methoden, Praxis, Perspektiven, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
− Baetens Beardsmore H. (red.) (1993), European Models of Bilingual Education, Multilingual Matters Ltd., Clevedon.
− Bar-Adon A., Leopold W. (red.) (1971), Child Language. A Book of Reading, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
− Bokus B., Haman M. (red.) (1992), Z badań nad kompetencją komunikacyjną dzieci, Wydawnictwo Energeia, Warszawa.
− Dakowska M. i Olpińska M. (red.) (2014), Edukacja dwujęzyczna. Teraźniejszość i przyszłość. Studia Naukowe IKSI. Warszawa.
− Ehlich K. (red.) (1996), Kindliche Sprachentwicklung. Konzepte und Empirie, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen.
− Fletcher P., MacWhinney B.(red.) (1995), The Handbook of Child Language, Backwell Publ., Oxford.
− Genesee F. (1987), Learning through Two Languages. Studies of Immersion and Bilingual Education, Newbury House Publishers, Cambridge.
− Kurcz I. (2000), Psychologia języka i komunikacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa.
− Lambert W.E., Tucker R..G. (1972), Bilingual Education of Children. The St. Lambert Experiment, Newbury House Publishers, Rowley, Massachusets.
− Lauren Ch. (red.) (1994), Evaluatig European Immersion Programs. From Catalonia to Finland, Tutkimuksia No 185, Vaasa.
− Olpińska M. (2013), BilingualeKindererziehung, Studia Naukowe IKSi Warszawa.
− Olpińska M. (2013), Nauczanie dwujęzyczne w świetle badań i glottodydaktycznych, Studia Naukowe IKSI, Warszawa.
− Piaget J. (1969), Nachahmung, Spiel und Traum, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart.
− Rickheit G., Sichelschmidt L., Strohner H. (2004) Psycholinguistik, Stauffenburg Verlag , Tübingen.
− Shugar G.W. (1995), Dyskurs dziecięcy, Wyd. Energeia, Warszawa.
− Snow M.S., Brinton D.M. (red.), (1997), The Content-Based Classroom. Perspectives on Integrating Language and Content, Longman , New York.
Term 2023L:
see above: Podstawowe informacje o przedmiocie (niezależne od cyklu) [Basic information about the item (independent of the cycle)] |
Term 2023L:
see above: Podstawowe informacje o przedmiocie (niezależne od cyklu) [Basic information about the item (independent of the cycle)] |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: