Modular facultative lecture:Discourse Analysis 3200-L1-MPF-ADY
Discourse analysis examines the functioning of texts in specific social contexts. The aim of the course is to review the basic concepts, issues and methods of the field. These tools will be used to analyze the social functioning of selected French-language written texts, visual and audiovisual documents.
Course topics:
1. Registers and varieties of the French language.
2. Oral communication and written communication in French.
3. Multimodal nature of communication: verbal, paravernal and non-verbal elements.
4. Discursive use of figures in verbal communication.
5. Rhetoric of the image: the semiotic functioning of the metaphor, metonymy and other tropes and construction figures.
6. Journalistic discourse.
7. Advertising discourse (argumentation strategies, advertising slogan).
8. Political discourse (argumentation strategies; political slogan).
9. Discursive functioning of narration and description.
10. Mitigation (euphemization) and amplification in discourse.
11. Discursive image building of social actors; stereotypes.
12. Valuation and the manifestation of the point of view in the discourse; objectivism and subjectivism.
Classes - 30 hours
Preparation for classes - 30 hours
Writing a term paper - 30 hours.
Total 90 hours = 3 ECTS points
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course students should:
within the KNOWLEGDE category: know and define the key notions and issues in discourse analysis;
within the SKILLS category: be able to use the discourse analysis methods to analyze written and spoken French texts;
within the ATTITUDES category: be sensitive to the contextual, cultural and genre-related underpinnings of discourse.
Assessment criteria
• The pre-condition for the obtaining a passing grade is attendance. Two unjustified absences per semester are allowed.
• The condition for obtaining a passing grade is handing in a semester paper written in French and completing written and oral assignments given by the lecturer during the semester.
• The semester paper should consist in an analysis of a written text or multimodal document (20 points). In this analysis, a research question should be clearly formulated (5 points) and answered (5 points) using elements of the conceptual apparatus introduced in class or derived from at least two sources of further reading (40 points). The semester paper should be linguistically correct (15 points), coherent (10 points) and properly edited (5 points).
100% – 91% bdb
90% – 81% db +
80% – 71% db
70% – 61% dst +
60% – 50% dst
BONHOMME M., 2012. « Quand la publicité parodie la politique ». Mots. Les langages du politique 98 : 31-45.
BONHOMME M., HORAK A., 2009. « Stratégies rhétorico-pragmatiques de l’euphémisme dans le discours publicitaire ». Synergies Italie No spécial : 51-59.
DUNETON C.,1998. Le Guide du Français Familier. Paris: Seuil (“Introduction”).
GINGRAS A.-M., 1997. „Les métaphores dans le langage politique”. Politique et sociétés 30: 159-171.
MAINGUENEAU D., 2005. Analyser les textes de communication. Paris: Armand Colin.
MAINGUENEAU D., P. CHARAUDEAU, 2002. Dictionnaire d’analyse du discours. Paris: Seuil.
SULLET-NYLANDER F., 2005. “Jeux de mots et défigements à la Une de Libération (1974-2004)». Langage et société 112 : 111-139.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: