Phonetics and Phonology (C)-Italian 3200-L1-FFCW
Classes are devoted to learning the principles of the correct pronunciation of the Italian language and the proper way of stressing. Phonematic transcription elements are also introduced.
The course is practical; students use audiovisual teaching materials that consolidate appropriate pronunciation features. Particular emphasis is placed on the accent, which in Italian is characterized by mobility. The most important aspects of syntactic phonetics are also presented.
The course ends with a discussion of the most important Italian dialects and their phonetic feature.
The Course covers the following topics: (1) word stress, sentence stress, Italian prosodic qualities, (2) classification of the Italian phonemes and sound system in general, (3) texts reading, (4) Italian prosodic features, (5) basic principles of Italian phonetic transcription - exercises, (6) Italian community language repertoire: the concept of standard, local varieties and dialects.
The knowledge of Italian sound system will allow students to improve their pronunciation, consciously avoid making mistakes typical of Polish speakers, as well as analyse and correct mistakes committed by their future students (in the case of choosing a teaching profession).
The students attending the Course will gain awareness of the complexity of Italian sound system and diversity ot language varieties present on the Italian peninsula.
Course workload for 2 ECTS:
- 30 hrs: in-class participation and work during the course = 1 ECTS
- 15 hrs: regular self-study (homework),
- 15 hrs: preparation for the midterm and final test = 1 ECTS
Term 2023Z:
Classes are devoted to learning the principles of the correct pronunciation of the Italian language and the proper way of stressing. Phonematic transcription elements are also introduced. |
Term 2024Z:
Classes are devoted to learning the principles of the correct pronunciation of the Italian language and the proper way of stressing. Phonematic transcription elements are also introduced. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
General: Classroom Blended learning | Term 2024Z: Blended learning Classroom | Term 2023Z: Blended learning Classroom |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student is expected to:
- know the specifics of Italian language as a system, have basic knowledge of importance and role of phonetics and phonology in language studies and understand their subject character (K1_W01),
- know basic terminology of phonetics and phonology (K1_W02),
- know and understand contemporary phonetics and phonology objects of study, have systematised knowledge of theory and research methodology with particular regard to Italian language.
- be able to communicate in a correct Italian language in typical communicative situations which require given techniques, strategies and the use of different communicate channels (K1_U05),
- know Italian language at B1-B2 level (CEFR): is able to stress the correct syllables in given Italian words, appropriately pronounce Italian language sounds, indicate the stressed syllables by using dictionaries, maintain the intonation patterns in order to convey a given meaning (K1_U09),
- explain key differences in pronunciation of Polish and Italian language sounds;
- be able to use Italian phonetic transcription.
- be ready to identify and solve the problems of interlanguage communication concerning asymmetry of the sound systems in Polish and Italian language, observing behaviour patterns and consulting experts (K1_K01),
- be ready to critically assess their own state of knowledge within Italian phonetics and phonology research objects, recognise the importance of research discussion in problem solving within the field (K1_K02).
Assessment criteria
The students’ achievements are assessed in accordance with the following methods:
- performing in-class, homework assignments and preparation for class: 25%
- midterm test and reading: 25%
- a written exam after completing the semester: 50%
The written test results are established in accordance with the following scale:
over 95% - 5!
90%-95% – 5
85%-89% – 4+
80%-84% – 4
70%-79% – 3+
60%-69% – 3
The reading assessment depends on the number of committed mistakes within: (1) Italian sounds (2) word stress, (3) intonation.
Calamai S., 2008, L’italiano: suoni e forme, Roma: Carocci.
Costamagna L., Batinti A., 1999, Fonetica efonologia dellalingua italiana, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
Costamagna L., 1996, Pronunciare l’italiano, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
Costamagna L., 1990, Cantare l’italiano, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
Dardano M. e Trifone P., 1997, La nuova grammatica della lingua italiana, Bologna: Zanichelli.
D'Achille P., 2003, L'italiano contemporaneo, Bologna: Il Mulino.
Perini E., 2009, Grammatica italiana per tutti, Firenze: Giunti editore
Widłak S., 2002, Gramatyka języka włoskiego, Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna.
Term 2023Z:
If it is not possible to conduct normal classes, the remote communication tools will be used, most likely Google Meet and other recommended by the University of Warsaw. |
Term 2024Z:
If it is not possible to conduct normal classes, the remote communication tools will be used, most likely Google Meet and other recommended by the University of Warsaw. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: