Phonetics and Phonology (C)-German 3200-L1-0FFCN
The course program includes the following topics: (1) a formal description of the phonetic system, in particular such distinctive phonemes as: / a /, / e /, / u /, / o /, / i /, / ü /, / ö /, / t /, / d /, / g /, / k /, / p /, / b /, / h /, / f /, / v /, / s /, / z /, / r /, and diphthongs and afrykat / au /, / eu / äu /, / ai /, / ts /, (2) prosody, including prosody of declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences as well as prosody in terms of basic emotions, (3) symbols of phonetic transcription of IPA, (4) metalanguage of phonetics with elements of phonology.
The program of the course assumes the development and improvement of competences in the area of identifying, distinguishing and correctly implementing phonemes through exercises with the teacher and through individual exercises. In addition, during the course the student learns to recognize and independently write the signs of phonetic transcription IPA and transcribe words and short sentences taken from current newspaper articles or textbooks. The student develops the ability to correctly read different types / types of texts and learns to describe phonemes, diphthongs and affricates using the terms meta-language of linguistics.
The course program is supported by a variety of audiovisual materials, including (1) short films with dialogue texts, (2) short reports, radio columns, (3) recordings of traditional songs, (4) recordings of authentic dia- and / or monologues. These materials significantly complement the basic textbooks (see literature) and contribute to an even more intense (multimodal) development of (inter-) cultural competences. The course therefore puts emphasis on using the latest (available) technologies, such as a computer, laptop or iPad. For this purpose, the lecturer systematically applies interactive display of the student's work results on the screen of the monitor. However, the student presents the results of his work through a PowerPoint or Knote presentation and learns to use the 'praat' program, used for the visualization and description of individual phonemes, so-called spectrograms and oscillograms.
The student's work implementing the subject is understood as follows: 30 hours attendance, including 15 hours reading and repetition (sounds, familiarity etc.), 5 hours speaking in group / pair, 2 hours preparation of the presentation for classes (work at home), 3 hours preparation for passing, 5 hours of independent work.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student has:
● has basic knowledge about the phonetic system of German
● knows the symbols of IPA transcription
● has knowledge of basic subject literature (pronunciation dictionaries, scientific books)
● he can identify, distinguish and correctly implement phonemes of German
● can correctly read different types of German texts
● can independently write words and sentences in the IPA transcription
● can describe using the terms metalanguage of the phoneme of German
● recognizes the schemes for the implementation of German phonemes
Social competence:
● is aware of the differences between Polish and German phonetic systems
● understands the need to improve on the correct articulation of phonemes, phrases and sentences of German language and the correct interpretation of texts, including prosody
● is prepared to work in a group and understands the communication needs resulting from this fact
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
The final grade of the course consists of the following elements:
● Oral test (audio recording) - 50%, mastery of the theory - 20%, reading - 20%, phonetic transcription IPA - 10%
The final evaluation criteria are calculated according to the following values:
● over 90% – 5
● 85%-89% – 4,5
● 80%-84% – 4
● 70%-79% – 3,5
● 60%-69% – 3
Internet sources:
● Phonetic system (formal description, IPA and exercises)
● IPA transcription
● Standard pronuntation
● Program 'Praat’'-Download
● Praat. Interpretation of sonograms
Materials for the course:
● Middleman, D., 1996. Sprechen-Hören-Sprechen. Übungen zur deutschen Aussprache. 3 CD, Hueber
● Stock, E., 1996. Deutsche Intonation. 2 Kasseten - digitalisiert, Langenscheidt
● Tertel, R. K., 1989. Wymowa niemiecka. Wiedza Powszechna
Materials for independent work:
● Bunk, J. S. Gerhard, 2009. Phonetik aktuell mit 2 CD, Hueber
Materials for independent work:
● DUDEN.Das Aussprachewörterbuch (2015). 7., komplett überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Bearbeitet von Stefan Kleiner und Ralf Knöbl in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dudenredaktion, S. 11–13; 23–29; 32–55
● Altman, Hans/ Ziegenhain, Ute (2010): Prüfungswissen Phonetik, Phonologie und Graphemik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, S. 14-122,
● Ostaszewska, Danuta/ Tambor, Jolanta, 2000. Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego, Warszawa, PWN, 84-90
Optional materials:
● Pompino-Marschau, B., 2009. Einführung in die Phonetik, W. Gruyter, Seiten 182-229
● Rues, Beate / Redecker, Beate / Koch, Evelyn, 2007. Phonetische Transkription des Deutschen: Ein Arbeitsbuch mit CD, Narr Studienbücher
● Bredel, U. 2010/2011. Übungskompendium zur segmentalen Phonologie Transkriptionsaufgaben zur sicheren Anwendung des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets
● Hirschfeld, Ursula & Stock, Eberhard (Hg.): Phonothek interaktiv. Das Phonetikprogramm für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. CD-ROM. Berlin & München: Langenscheidt 2000
● Rausch, I.,/ Rausch, R., 1995. Deutsche Phonetik für Ausländer. Langenscheidt
● Stock, E., 1996. Phonetik der deutschen Sprache. Langenscheidt
● Dieling, H.: 1992. Phonetik im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch . München
● Dieling, H. / Hirschfeld, U.: 1995. Phonetik lehren und lernen. Goethe-Institut Langenscheidt
● Hakkarainen, H. J., 1995. Phonetik des Deutschen. UTB 1835
● Hirschfeld, U.: 1992. Einführung in die deutsche Phonetik. Videokurs. Berlin / München.
● Hirschfeld, U., Hg. 1995. Fremdsprache Deutsch 12: Aussprache. München
● Hirschfeld, U. / Reinke, K., 1998. Simsalabim. Übungskurs zur deutschen Phonetik. (Video, Kassette, Arbeitsbuch). Goethe-Institut / Langenscheidt
● Meinhold, G. / Stock, E., 1982. Phonologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache.
● Schiff, M., 1991. Sprachschulung und Redetechnik. Heyne
● Cauneau, I., 1992. Hören – Brummen – Sprechen. Angewandte Phonetik im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Klett
● Göbel, H., Graffman, H., et., 1985. Ausspracheschulung – Deutsch. Nettesheim
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: