Social Sciences - Sociology 3200-L-NS-SOC
What is sociology?
The bases of socjety: biology or culture?
What is „socjety”? (Different theories).
Society as a process (ideas of G.H.Meada)
Social factors of personality. Studying attitudes and problems with identity.
Problems with identity. Groups participation and stereotypes.
Nation i national state. National tradition and globalization.
Democratic state and civic society, cz.I i II.
How sociology studying social life and social processes?
The summary discussion.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- Has in-depth knowledge about the place of sociology in the system of sciences, including its possible applications in other academic disciplines
- Is reflective and critical of the problem of social differentiation and inequalities
- Has in-depth knowledge about the processes underlying social stability and change and is reflective and critical of their interpretation
- Is reflective and critical in interpreting the processes occurring in Polish as well as global society and their consequences for social attitudes and institutions
- Can independently form and verify judgments about the causes of selected social phenomena.
Assessment criteria
Exam in the form negotiated with students.
1. A. De Tocqueville, O demokracji w Ameryce (np. ostatnia część);
2. Podstawy życia społecznego w Polsce, pod red. M. Marody i E. Gucwy – Leśny;
3. S. Ossowski, O osobliwościach nauk społecznych;
4. M. Weber. Trzy czyste typy prawomocnego panowania, w: Elementy teorii socjologicznych;
5. A. Sułek, Sondaż polski;
6. Młodzież szkolna o rynku i demokracji, pod red. K. Koseły
7. I. Krzemiński, „Solidarność”. Projekt polskiej demokracji;
8. Czy Polacy są antysemitami?, pod red. I. Krzemińskiego;
9. P. Śpiewak, Ideologie i obywatele;
10. Z. Bauman, Socjologia;
11. P. Berger, Zaproszenie do socjologii;
12. A.Giddens, Socjologia. Zwięzłe i krytyczne wprowadzenie
Literature could be changed.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: