Lost in translation. Words, constructions and concepts in English-Polish translation 3003-C33TGO1
The topics to be discussed include e.g.:
1. ‘What did Arwen really look like,’ or the linguistic worldview in the source language and in the target language.
2. ‘Chcemy kupić drzewko świąteczne,’ or loan translations.
3. ‘Does «reason» always mean «powód»?,’ or on the insufficiency of dictionaries.
4. ‘To translate is to serve two masters,’ or facts and myths about translating.
5. ‘What do we do with…,’ or on translation as teamwork.
6. ‘Lost and found in translation,’ or the various decisions the translator makes and their outcomes.
7. ‘Kanga’ and ‘Gurek,’ or on texture and iconicity in translation.
8. ‘Wszelkie informacje poufne nie mogą być ujawniane,’ or on how to edit and revise translated texts.
9. ‘Dead-end relationship,’ or on conceptualization in source language and in the target language.
10. ‘In front of or behind,’ or on viewpoint and empathy in translation.
11. 'Does "trolley" mean "tramwaj," or on various types of translation mistakes.
12. 'My love is like a red red rose,' or on intertextuality in translation.
13. 'Clickbait - klikołap?,' or what to do with new lexical structures in translated texts.
14. 'Kuchenne krzesło tronem twym,' or translating songs.
15. 'It's all been done before,' or information technology in the field of translation.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completing the course, the student:
- translates short texts from English into Polish;
- skillfully uses monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, as well as specialized lexicons;
- properly employs the Internet resources while revising the translated text;
- edits translated texts and corrects mistakes in translation;
- is aware that the process of translation consists in interlingual and intercultural communication and is shaped by many factors
Assessment criteria
Basic requirements: attendance (2 absences per semester allowed), active participation, coming forward with translation proposals during teamwork.
Grading: on the basis of 2 or 3 written assignments. Factual errors and language mistakes will be taken into account (detailed grading criteria and deadlines for the assignments shall be discussed in class). During the course, we will make use of the COME digital repository (www.kampus.come.uw.edu.pl). Any breach of academic integrity in submitted work (e.g. plagiarism, collusion, ghostwriting) shall result in a fail grade.
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: