Power, war, exchange. Celts and Germans in the last centuries BC. 2800-DFWOJ
In the La Tène (Pre-Roman) Period, covering approximately the last five centuries BC, not only did the numerous barbarian tribes migrate, but also were subjected to the intense transformations. In the case of the Celts, some centers of power that shaped new political beings and identities emerged and some other disappeared at that time. At the same time, we are observing the militarization of this community, which from the archaeological point of view is manifested in the ever-increasing frequency of burials with weapons, which - apart from its purely practical functions - also played an important role in rituals. All this, in addition to information from written sources, indicates a marked increase in the importance of the warrior ethos among the Celts at the time. The implementation of the male career has been participation in subsequent expeditions of a looting, and sometimes even colonizing character, which in turn was usually associated with the emergence of another new center of power... On the other hand, in the Celtic world there are also the first urbanization phenomena, a network of far-reaching links emerges in for the trade in products of specialized craft. These processes lead to rapid civilization and economic development of the Celts. All these phenomena were not without relation to maintaining intense contacts with the centers of Mediterranean civilizations. Transformations of a similar nature also occur with some delay among Germanic communities, but this process has a different course and finale than in the case of the Celts.
The subject of classes is the analysis and comparison of these changes, together with an attempt to determine the accompanying social mechanisms and historical conditions in which they occurred. The analysis is conducted on the basis of archaeological sources, using ancient written texts as well.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
- Activity during the classes
- Written test at the end of the semester
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Berecki S.
2015 Iron Age settlement patterns and funerary landscapes in Transylvania (4th-2nd centuries BC), Târgu Mureş.
Bochnak T.
2013 Przyczyny zaniku ceramiki toczonej na ziemiach polskich w początkach i w. po Chr. –
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2003 Hjortspring. A Pre-Roman Iron Age warship in context, Roskilde.
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2003 Starożytni Celtowie, Warszawa.
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2009 Przemiany kulturowe w zachodniej Małopolsce w okresie od III do I wieku przed Chr. Przyczynek do kontaktów między Celtami a Germanami, (in:) M. Karwowski, E. Droberjar (ed.), Archeologia Barbarzyńców 2008: powiązania i kontakty w świecie barbarzyńskim. Materiały z IV Protohistorycznej Konferencji Sanok, 13–17 października 2008, Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis XIII, Rzeszów, 11–35.
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2012 Grób wojownika z młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego z miejscowości Mutyn na północno-wschodniej Ukrainie, „Materiały i Studia Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego” XXXIII, 155-174.
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2010 2010 Interesujący zespół grobowy z nowych badań na cmentarzysku kultury przeworskiej w Gołębiewie, pow. Nidzica (d. Taubendorf, Kr. Neidenburg), (in:) A. Urbaniak i in. (ed.), Terra Barbarica. Studia ofiarowane Magdalenie Mączyńskiej w 65. rocznicę urodzin, Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Series Gemina II, Łódź-Warszawa, 367–386.
2015 Handwerk, Handel und Heirat? Neues über Kontakte der Boier mit den Germanen anhand von Fibelfunden, (in:) M. Karwowski, V. Salač, S. Sievers (ed.), Boier zwischen Realität und Fiktion. Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in Český Krumlov vom 14.–16.11.2013, Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 21, Bonn, 273-293.
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2002 The Introduction of the Weapon Burial Rite in Southern Scandinavia during the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age. New Perspectives in the Light of Recent Chronological Research, (in:) C. von Carnap-Bornheim i in. (ed.), Bewaffnung der Germanen und ihrer Nachbarn in den letzten Jahrhunderten vor Christi Geburt. Akten der Internationalen Tagung in Nałęczów, 23. bis 25. September 1999, Lublin, 229-265.
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Woźniak Z.
1974 Wschodnie pogranicze kultury lateńskiej, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków – Gdańsk.
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