Language culture 2700-P3KJ-SPNMIDK
Classes devoted to the essence of language culture, varieties of Polish, linguistic correctness, language functions, styles, and above all, the use of linguistic competences to build narratives by cultural institutions.
1. Language culture (meaning of the term, system, usus, language norm, language error)
2. Varieties of Polish - oral versus written. Colloquiality, officiality, neutrality
3. Criteria of linguistic correctness. Linguistic analyzes of various texts of contemporary culture, the language of the media and new media.
4. The concept of style. Style and text function
5. Language etiquette
6. Language skills and ways to improve it
7. The culture of language, the culture of words and the aesthetics of expression. Linguistic kitsch and its types. Promoting the culture of language (publishing houses, institutions, activities, etc.).
8. Media and language culture
9. Building a narrative by cultural institutions
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, student:
Knows and understands various ways of understanding culture as the subject scope of the sciences on cultural heritage institutions, the theory, methodology and terminology of the functioning of GLAM sector institutions and the use of new media, as well as their place in the humanities system, its subject and methodological specificity and place in the system sciences and relations to other disciplines.
Knows and understands the methods of analysis and interpretation of various products of culture for selected theories and research schools in the area of GLAM institutions.
Can identify the constituent parts of culture, carry out a critical analysis and interpretation in order to create a collection in the area of cultural heritage, organization of exhibitions and presentations using new media and a foreign language.
Has the ability to prepare written works and prepare the scenario of exhibitions and presentations using various sources from the area of GLAM institution activity and the skills to communicate with various audiences using specialized terminology.
Has the ability to present research results, formulate conclusions and prepare oral presentations on specific issues related to the functioning of GLAM sector institutions.
Other competences
Has a sense of responsibility for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, actively participates in cultural life, using the available opportunities.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment (current preparation for classes and activity), assesment of the written paper.
Practical placement
M. Bańko (red.), Polszczyzna na co dzień. Warszawa 2006.
J. Bralczyk, K. Mosiołek-Kłosińska (red.) Język w mediach masowych. Warszawa 2000.
W. Gruszczyński (red.), Język narzędziem myślenia i działania. Warszawa 2002.
M. Marcjanik, Grzeczność w komunikacji językowej. Warszawa 2008.
M. Marcjanik, Mówimy uprzejmie. Podręcznik językowego savoir-vivre'u. Warszawa 2009.
A. Markowski, Jak dobrze mówić i pisać po polsku. Warszawa 2000.
A. Markowski, Język polski. Poradnik Profesora Andrzeja Markowskiego. Warszawa 2003.
J. Miodek (red.), Mowa rozświetlona myślą. Wrocław 1999.
J. Miodek, O języku do kamery. Rzeszów 1992.
J. Miodek, Rozmyślajcie nad mową! Warszawa 1998.
K. Ożóg, Polszczyzna przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Wybrane zagadnienia. Rzeszów 2001.
W. Pisarek, Słowa miedzy ludźmi, Warszawa 2005.
E. Wolańska (red.), Polszczyzna publiczna początku XXI wieku, Warszawa 2007.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: