Participatory institutions 2700-P3IP-SPNMIDK
Classes devoted to the innovative concept of the work of cultural heritage institution as a place, whre the audience can create content, share it and get connected, interact between others and around this content.
Students learn about the sources of the idea of participation, also in cultural projects led by institutions of cultural heritage. They learn also about differences between „being audience” of the project and „participating” in the project and its content. Student learn how to create participatory projects and about methods of getting to know the real needs of recipients (audiens research). We discuss the advantages and disadventages of the participatory in the cultural life and in the work of the cultural heritage institutions. We are considering the consequences of the active participarion of audience in creation of the cultural heritage institutions’ offer and also consquences to the management of the insitution. We also wonder if the idea of participation is an universal proposal.
1. Term „participation”.
2. Taking part or participate.
3. The sources of participatory institution idea (on an example of museums: so called the second museum revolution, New Museology, audience development).
4. Participatory institutions of culture, participatory cultural projects.
5. Participatory culture and new media.
6. Idea of participation and needs of the diversify groups of audience.
7. Audience research as an introduction to every cultural project, also participarory one, and new media one.
8. Participatory project and what is not a participarory project.
9. Management of the institution that leads participarory projects and participatory management.
10. Traps of the idea of participation.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
Knows and understands various ways of understanding culture as the subject scope of the sciences on cultural heritage institutions, the theory, methodology and terminology of the functioning of GLAM sector institutions and the use of new media, as well as their place in the humanities system, its subject and methodological specificity and place in the system sciences and relations to other disciplines.
Has knowledge of the relationship between museology, book studies, and archival science with the scientific disciplines of the GLAM institution's area of operation and new media.
Has knowledge of the main directions of development and new achievements in the functioning of cultural heritage institutions.
Has research skills including the formulation and analysis of research problems, the selection of research methods and tools, the development and presentation of research results in the GLAM sector.
Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills, can use theoretical skills, research patterns and concepts specific to GLAM institutions and new media.
Can plan and coordinate activities related to the organization of exhibitions and cultural events, implementation of team projects, can cooperate and work in a group, assuming various roles in it.
Other competences
Can define priorities for the implementation of tasks defined by himself or others, goals of the cultural heritage institutions and their mission.
Has a sense of responsibility for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, actively participates in cultural life, using the available opportunities.
Assessment criteria
Presence control. Continuous assessment (current preparation for classes and activity).
Practical placement
Baranowski J., Kultura partycypacji a nowe media: między dobrostanem a stanem złobycia, „Zarządzanie w kulturze”2019, 20, z. , s. 1-17. (lub online: ).
Jagodzińska K., Granice partycypacji w muzeum?, „Muzealnictwo” 2016 (57), s. 112-121. (lub online ).
Jagodzińska K., Partycypacja publiczności w polskich muzeach, „Muzealnictwa 2021 (62), s. 189-197 (lub online
Laboratorium muzeum. Społeczność, Muzeum Warszawy, Warszawa 2015 ( ).
Laboratorium muzeum. Tożsamość, Dom Spotkań z Historią, Warszawa 2018. (lub online: ).
Laboratorium muzeum. Pamięć, Dom Spotkań z Historią, Warszawa 2018.
Miessen M., Koszmar partycypacji, bęc zmiana, Warszaw 2013.
Simon N., The Participatory Museum, Santa Cruz 2010. Lub online:
Simon N., Muzeum partycypacyjne, [w:] Laboratorium muzeum. Społeczność, Muzeum Warszawy, Warszawa 2015. (lub online: )
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: