Cultural institutions in new media 2700-P1IKNM-SPNMIDK
Strategies for the dissemination of historical and cultural content are being developed in the reality of new media.It is through the use of technological benefits that each of the audience in a cultural institution can be treated very individually. This leads to the fulfillment of the tasks of heritage institutions, but it changes their offer addressed to the users (visitors).
The aim of the classes is to analyze the communication activities of cultural institutions, which have been designed using new media. Initiatives that used new communication channels with the viewer (e.g. social media), used modern technological solutions (e.g. virtual tours, VR, Augmented Reality) and those that created engaging narratives using websites or mobile applications .
The methods and cases presented during the classes will also be an attempt to answer the question of how to use new media and new technologies in the dissemination of national, cultural and historical heritage in GLAM-type institutions.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
- Has knowledge of the relationship between museology, book studies, and archives with the scientific disciplines of the area of operation of GLAM institutions and new media.
- Has knowledge of the main directions of development and new achievements in the functioning of cultural heritage institutions.
- Understands the need for continuous development and professional training.
- Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills, can use theoretical skills, research patterns and concepts specific to GLAM institutions and new media.
Other competences
- Can define priorities for the implementation of tasks defined by himself or others, goals of the cultural heritage institutions and their mission.
Assessment criteria
The pass mark for the course is to obtain a sufficient number of attendance and activity, as well as to prepare and present a group project.
The evaluation consists of two components:
1. preparation for classes (attendance and activity) – 40%
2. preparation of a project in a group and presentation of its results during classes – 60%
Practical placement
• Banaś A., Janus A., Laboratorium muzeum. Pamięć, Warszawa 2018.
• Golat R., Aspekty informacyjno-informatyczne działalności muzeów, “Muzealnictwo” 2020 (61).
• Lusińska A., Google jako narzędzie komunikacji marketingowej polskich instytucji kultury w opinii studentów, Zarządzanie w kulturze 2018 (19).
• Macalik J., Komunikacja marketingowa polskich muzeów w opinii ich publiczności – wnioski z badań empirycznych, “Zarządzanie w kulturze” 2019, nr 20.
• NEMO European Museum Conference, Museums 2030 – Sharing recipes for a better future, Tartu 2019.
• Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. (2015). Facebook i facepalm. Kontekstualizacja dziedzictwa w regionalnym muzeum wirtualnym. W: Fiń, A., Kapralska, Ł. (red). Sieć pamięci. Cyfrowe postaci pamięci społecznej. Nomos, Kraków.
• de Rosset T., Bednarz Doiczmanowa E., Tołysz A., Muzeum a pamięć – forma, produkcja, miejsce, Warszawa 2018.
• Rojek K. (red.), Nowe media, technologia i otwartość w instytucjach kultury, Gdańsk 2016.
• Wilkowski M., Nowoczesna instytucja kultury w internecie, Warszawa 2016.
• Wolska-Pabian K., Kowal P., Muzeum i zmiana. Losy muzeów narracyjnych, Warszawa 2019.
• Van Mensch P., Meijer-van Mensch L (red.), New Trends in Museology II, Celje 2015.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: