(in Polish) Zarzadzanie projektami inwestycyjnymi 2600-MFBRz1ZPI
1. Introduction to project management. Specifics of projects. Projects versus processes. Roles and competencies of people involved in projects. Methodologies of project management. Criteria for project success. Limitations and causes of failures.
2. Project environment analysis. Project initiation, defining the objective and requirements. Criteria for evaluation of investment projects. Groupthink syndrome, brainstorming, elevator test.
3. Decision-making for selection of investment projects. Scoring models. Evaluating projects in progress. Make or buy decisions.
4. Defining requirements in projects. Requirements analysis. ToR document (Terms of Reference). MoSCoW analysis. Contractor and project criteria. RFI (Request For Information), RFP (Request For Proposals).
5 Project Planning. Tools and techniques to help define the project. Preparation of a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) document.
6. Introduction to software programs that support project management. Functions and benefits of using IT tools in project management. ProjectLibre program - practical exercises in project budgeting and scheduling.
7. Control of costs and progress of work in the project. Cost reduction. Analysis of the value generated in the project (EVM - Earned Value Management). Deviations of costs, time of task completion. Issues of eligibility of expenses in publicly funded projects.
8. Risk management in projects. Project implementation and change management in the organization. Social aspects of projects. Project versus organization structure and organizational culture.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
in terms of knowledge:
• uses terminology related to project management correctly (K_W01);
• lists basic theoretical models in project management (K_W01);
• explains the practical applicability of project management methodologies (K_W01);
• discusses the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship related to initiating and developing investment projects (K_W07);
in terms of skills:
• conducts the evolution of a project idea using design thinking (K_U01);
• defines goals and requirements for a specific project (K_U01);
• performs a stakeholder analysis for the project (K_U06);
• creates documents, such as a WBS (work breakdown structure), schedule, and budget (K_U06);
• conducts a risk analysis for the project (K_U06);
• plans teamwork related to project tasks (K_U08);
• recognizes personal self-education needs in the field of project management (K_U09);
• enhances acquired qualifications in project management while working on a team task (K_U09);
in terms of social competencies:
• assesses the advantages and disadvantages of project management methodologies in relation to different
• projects and their conditions (K_K01);
• evaluates the impact of organizational culture on project implementation and change management (K_K01);
• initiates actions that benefit the community, society, or environment, as well as actions for the common good (K_K03);
• identifies market gaps, opportunities, and threats (K_K04);
• proposes original ideas for addressing market gaps, opportunities, and threats (K_K04);
• recognizes the ethical dimension of decisions related to the planning and execution of investment projects (K_K05).
Assessment criteria
Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge will be verified during class discussions and a written colloquium.
Learning outcomes in terms of skills will be verified on an ongoing basis with the help of tasks (individual and group) performed by participants during classes.
Learning outcomes in terms of social competence will be verified during class discussions and a written colloquium.
Basic literature:
Dąbrowski, M., Wieczne opóźnienie. Zaradzanie projektami IT, Gliwice:Helion, 2021
Pawlak M., Zarządzanie projektami, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2012
Additional literature:
Sońta-Drączkowska E., Zarządzanie projektami we wdrażaniu innowacji, Warszawa: Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2018
Project Management Institute (2003) Kompendium wiedzy o zarządzaniu projektami (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge). PMBOK Guide 2000 Edition. Wyd. MT&DC Warszawa (oraz nowsze wydania
Accesss to ProjectLibre: www.projectlibre.org (versions for: Windows, Mac OS i Linux).
Kisielnicki J., Zarządzanie projektami: ludzie, procedury, wyniki, Warszawa: Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, 2011.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: