(in Polish) System ubezpieczeń 2600-MFBRz1SU
As an introduction, the history of insurance will be presented, including the key developments in the world and in Poland (from ancient times to the XXI century).
As regards insurance regulations, both EU and Polish legal acts will be outlined (the process of harmonization of Community law, the single insurance market in the EU, key EU directives, key Polish acts and regulations, etc).
As to supervision of the insurance market in Poland, first of all, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) will be presented (organization, tasks, operational framework, etc.). In addition, other public institutions will be presented, such as the Insurance Guarantee Fund, the Financial Ombudsman, the Polish Insurance Chamber, and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau.
Next, characteristics and structure of the Polish insurance market will be discussed, including the main forms of insurance activity, classification of insurance products (sections I and II), entities operating on the Polish market, insurance intermediaries (agents and brokers), etc.
The discussion on insurance products offered on the market will focus on personal insurance (life insurance, insurance with capital funds, etc.) and property insurance (real estate insurance, motor insurance, travel insurance, business insurance, agricultural insurance, etc.).
In terms of social insurance, the course will focus on pension, disability, accident and sickness insurance. In addition, health insurance (compulsory and voluntary) will also be discussed. Also, some key public institutions will be presented, in particular the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the Social Insurance Fund.
Selected issues related to the financial management of insurance companies will include: the balance sheet of an insurance company, technical and insurance reserves, investment policy of insurance companies, etc.
The financial performance of the Polish insurance sector will also be outlined, e.g. revenues and costs (premiums/compensations), financial and technical results, assets and liabilities, etc. (based on the publications of the Central Statistical Office and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority).
Finally, the issues of reinsurance and coinsurance will be outlined, i.e. methods of transferring and sharing risk in the insurance market.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
In terms of knowledge:
• correctly uses terminology in the field of business law and history in the context of the insurance system (K_W01),
• interprets the principles and practices of the insurance system in organizations, taking into account legal regulations and the characteristics of the insurance market in Poland and globally (K_W02),
• analyzes economic models of the insurance system in organizations, considering legal regulations and financial aspects (K_W03),
• lists legal regulations related to the functioning of the insurance system in organizations and the financial system of the economy (K_W04),
• recognizes legal regulations, economic models, and the social value of insurance, as well as their impact on financial decisions in organizations and the functioning of the entire insurance system (K_W05)
In terms of skills:
• diagnoses problems related to legal regulations, insurance products, and organizational finances in the context of the insurance system (K_U01),
• interprets changes in legal regulations concerning insurance and technological innovations in risk management, and their impact on the functioning of organizations (K_U02),
• analyzes, as a team, issues related to atypical problems in the insurance system (K_U06),
• collaborates in a team to prepare case study analyses (K_U08),
• supports others in the process of preparing team assignments (K_U09)
In terms of social competences:
• assesses complex phenomena related to the functioning of organizations in the context of the insurance system (K_K01),
• develops entrepreneurial strategies of action in presented case studies, considering insurance regulations and the financial performance of insurance companies in Poland and globally (K_K04),
• promotes adherence to ethical standards in the area of insurance, particularly in the processes of selling insurance products, customer service, and claims management (K_K05)
Assessment criteria
Learning outcomes will be assessed both on an ongoing basis during classes (discussions and presentations in class, individual and team homework, etc.), as well as after the end of classes (final exam – colloquium).
Basic literature:
• M. Iwanicz-Drozdowska (ed.), Ubezpieczenia, PWE, Warsaw 2024
• W. Ronka-Chmielowiec (ed.), Ubezpieczenia, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016
Additional literature:
• D. Ostrowska, P. Jamróz (ed.), Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze i społeczne w Polsce, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2021
• J. Kuźniar (ed.), Ubezpieczenia społeczne, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2022
• Ubezpieczenia społeczne, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2024
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: