Introduction to psychological testing 2500-PL-PS-OB2Z-3
Lecture 1. Test as a tool of psychological assessment – essential concepts.
Lecture 2. Sorts of tests, brief history and ethical aspects of testing.
Lecture 3. Administration of the test (testing, scoring of answers and interpretation of test results).
Lecture 4. Differential measurement in psychology – basic assumptions.
Lecture 5-6. Test reliability – essential concepts and basic methods of reliability assessment.
Lecture 7-8. Test validity – the concept and three aspects: Content validity (and face validity), criterion-related validity (concurrent and predictive validity) and construct-oriented validity.
Lecture 9-10. Basic problems of test development – deductive, inductive and criterion-oriented strategy of test construction. Test development procedure.
Lecture 11. Response bias in psychological testing: Response sets, faking-bad and faking-good tendency in psychological testing (the role of the social desirability).
Lecture 12. Basic problems of cultural adaptation of tests: Translating (applying), adapting and assembling the test.
Lecture 13. Norms and sorts of standardized scales.
Lecture 14. Interpretation of test scores: clinical and statistical approach. The overview of the psychological testing.
Lecture 15. Overview of psychologiocal tests: The results of meta-analyses of psychometric properties of selected tests.
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: basic notions refering to psychometrics.
Abilities: ability to read papers refering to psychological tests and reasonable estimation of their properties.
Attitudes: ability to recognize different diagnostic problems (and among others - the ethical ones).
Assessment criteria
Final exam (100%) - criteria:
60%: 3
60%-70%: 3+
70%-80%: 4
80%-90%: 4+
90%-95%: 5
95%-100%: 6
Zawadzki, B., Hornowska, E. (2008). Psychometria. Konstruowanie i adaptowanie testów psychologicznych. W: D. Doliński i J. Strelau (red.). Psychologia. Podręcznik akademicki (s. 847-893). Gdańsk: GWP.
Hornowska, E. (2001). Testy psychologiczne. Teoria i praktyka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Hornowska, E., Paluchowski, W. J. (2004). Kulturowa adaptacja testów psychologicznych. W: J. Brzeziński (red.), Metodologia badań psychologicznych. Wybór tekstów (s. 151-191). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Additional information
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