Programming in Python for psychologists 2500-PL-PS-FO7-04
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Term 2023L:
Programming skills are currently not a domain reserved for a narrow group of specialists. The necessity to independently extract and process data for one's own needs, as well as to create simple digital tools, requires acquiring new competences. Python is an ideal solution for psychologists (and representatives of other social sciences), who often do not have extensive mathematical / IT knowledge, and deal with data acquisition and analysis. It is one of the easiest to learn, yet most versatile and effective programming languages. Its continuous development makes it a basic tool, among others in the field of data science. However, Python applications extend beyond data analysis. Nowadays, it is also used to design web, desktop and mobile applications. The course is a response to the growing role of digital competences in modern science and practice. During the course, participants acquire knowledge of the basic syntax of the language, data types (basic/scalar and complex/collections), conditional statements, flow control, creating functions and writing useful algorithms and scripts. Self-created programs and their parts, considering the specificity of psychological data, are intended to enable the building of permanent skills in understanding the code, its creation and searching for various solutions to problems frequently encountered, e.g. in the course of scientific research. Class attendance is obligatory. In addition, during the course, participants will have to provide their solutions to at least three short programming tasks, which will be a condition for passing the course. The grade from the course will be based on the grade from the final test (minimum 50% points required). |
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
The student:
Understands what sources the data can be obtained from or how it can be generated (K_W03).
Knows the basics of programming in Python (K_W03).
Knows the possible applications of data processing and analysis methods using Python (K_W03).
Is able to use Python to search, collect and prepare data (referring to various psychological / social phenomena) for analysis (K_U04).
Is able to prepare an environment for the Python language with the necessary packages (K_U04).
Understands that programming skills provide universal competences enabling their application in psychology and other areas of knowledge (K_K02).
Understands that the use of the Python language requires constant development of own skills (K_K04).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: