Dynamical social psychology 2500-PL-PS-FO6-07
The lecture will present a new perspective in psychology that concentrates on the dynamics and change of social and psychological processes. This approach is treating psychological phenomena as processes that can be studied by empirical methods and computer simulations.
The course will cover the following topics:
1. Dynamical vs. Static approach in psychology
2. Dynamics of social processes
3. Social judgments and attitudes
4. Action and control
5. Dynamics of affective processes
6. Coordination and consciousness
7. Dynamics of the self-structure
8. Close relationships
9. Coordination in groups
10. Social influence
11. Group processes
12. Social change
13. Extremely rare events in social dynamics
Grades will be based on a multiple choice exam
Term 2023Z:
The lecture will be devoted to the presentation of a new approach in social psychology, focusing on the dynamics of mental and social processes. Dynamic social psychology describes social phenomena as processes. These phenomena are studied empirically or by computer simulations |
Term 2024Z:
The lecture will be devoted to the presentation of a new approach in social psychology, focusing on the dynamics of mental and social processes. Dynamic social psychology describes social phenomena as processes. These phenomena are studied empirically or by computer simulations |
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning about dynamics od social and psychological processes. Getting to know the new approach to understading social and psychological phenomena as dynamics of complex systems.
Term 2023Z:
"Winkowska-Nowak, K, Batorski, D., Petigen H.O, , (2004) Wprowadzenie do dynamiki społecznej. Warszawa, Academica. K. Winkowska-Nowak, A. Rychwalska, Nowak A., (Eds) .(2007) Modelowanie matematyczne i symulacje komputerowe w naukach społecznych. (Mathematical modeling and computer simulations in social sciences). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SWPS Academica Nowak A., Borkowski W., Winkowska-Nowak, K. (2009) Układy złożone w naukach społecznych, wybrane zagadnienia (Complex Systems in the Social Sciences, selected topics), Warsaw: Scholar Literatura nieobowiazkowa: Nowak A., Vallacher R.R. (1998) Dynamical Social Psychology, New York, Gulford," |
Term 2024Z:
"Winkowska-Nowak, K, Batorski, D., Petigen H.O, , (2004) Wprowadzenie do dynamiki społecznej. Warszawa, Academica. K. Winkowska-Nowak, A. Rychwalska, Nowak A., (Eds) .(2007) Modelowanie matematyczne i symulacje komputerowe w naukach społecznych. (Mathematical modeling and computer simulations in social sciences). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SWPS Academica Nowak A., Borkowski W., Winkowska-Nowak, K. (2009) Układy złożone w naukach społecznych, wybrane zagadnienia (Complex Systems in the Social Sciences, selected topics), Warsaw: Scholar Literatura nieobowiazkowa: Nowak A., Vallacher R.R. (1998) Dynamical Social Psychology, New York, Gulford," |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: