Professional Ethics in Applied and Experimental Psychology 2500-EN-PS-OB4L-1
In this course, students will also become knowledgeable about the
historic roots of modern professional ethical principles and guideline
within applied and experimental psychology practice, as well as the social
forces that have and continue to shape ethical challenges within the field
today. By engaging in an examination and discourse of such ethical issues
the student will become better prepared to anticipate and address ethical
dilemmas as a professional. Students will learn the need for and value of
constant self-appraisal of personal beliefs and values as a cornerstone of
ethical decision making. In addition, students will develop practical
problem solving strategies necessary for maintaining ethical standards,
fostering quality client services, and ensuring the protection of research
participants while adhering to the highest professional ethical principles
and guidelines set forth by the American and Polish Psychological
Associations and other relevant professional organizations.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course the student will have developed a
fundamental understanding of the historic foundations of professional
ethics, an appreciation of the value of studying professional ethics in
regard to best serving the public, the professional, and the profession. In
addition, the student will develop the practical skill of applying decision
making models, gain needed self-awareness, and become adept at
recognizing potential ethical violations. Finally, the student will gain
insight into the ethical challenges faced by the practicing professional in
the ever and rapidly changing modern world.
Assessment criteria
Students will be assessed through a combination of class participation,
examinations, reaction papers, a group project and two exams. Each
method is designed to test the student's ability to identify and apply
professional ethical principles and guidelines within the context of real
issues and dilemmas that may be confronted by the practitioner.
And Now, A Word About Grades
Grades and grading represent an imperfect measure of knowledge and
ability. We are never as dumb or as smart as we too often allow ourselves
to believe. Grades are useful only in terms of the degree to which they
can instruct the student about strengths and weaknesses as well as the
degree to which they serve to motivate the student to increase effort and
explore potential. Grades though important should not be the primary
reason or reward of scholarship. It should be remembered that a grade
of “C” is a fine grade and indicates the student has met all the basic
requirements of a given course. Everything above that point indicates
some level of achievement or understanding that exceeds the average
expectations of the course. While it is likely that everyone taking this
course has the potential to earn the highest grades, the difference
between grades is more often reflective of differing experience and
communicative skills rather than only intellect. Thus the difference may
rest in effort and attention to detail. In a writing sensitive course such as
this, such effort and attention can be rewarded and enhanced by paying
close attention to the writing tips and guidelines included in this syllabus.
That is what is commonly referred to as a hint.
Students will be required to successfully complete two examinations. One
will occur at the midpoint of the course and the second will be scheduled
for the last day of class. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice
questions as well as short answer/essay questions. The purpose will be to
reinforce learning and gauge the students grasp of fundamental concepts
as well as his/her ability to apply ethical decision making.
All testable material will come from information covered in lectures, films
and/or any assigned reading provided by the instructor. It should be
noted that I recognize there is no such thing as a perfect exam and that
there are occasionally reasons beyond a student’s control that may affect
his/her ability to perform at an optimum. Mistakes should not be fatal.
With that in mind I do not design exams to be “tricky” but you will need
to prepare. For this course, the best preparation is to attend classes, pay
attention, think, discuss, offer insight, and ask questions! In addition to
the need for preparation on your part, it is my policy to take some time
during the lecture prior to an exam to provide guidelines to help in your
preparation and reduce stress.
Finally, upon completion of grading. Exams will be reviewed in class and
any grading errors that may be detected are always correctable.
Class Participation
The nature and material of this course routinely invites and fosters class
participation and discussion. In addition, the concepts and principles
studied often defy linear thinking and can challenge personal beliefs and
values. Consequently, this can often lead to lively lectures/discussion and
that is welcome. Indeed, students are encouraged to add insights,
opinions, and questions. It should, however, be noted that participation is
not assessed simply upon speaking, sharing and questioning. I recognize
that some students can be more restrained than others and that should
not hinder a participation grade. Thus, participation is also assessed upon
your “presence” and I do not mean simply being in a seat but rather being
present in the moment; being attentive, respectful of others, alert, and
contributing to a positive group experience. As a result, sleeping in class,
arriving late and leaving early, being disruptive, inattentive, working on
other material, or otherwise being rude can adversely affect this part of
the grading criteria.
Writing Assignments
There will be three writing assignments; two reaction papers and one
group effort. Instructions for each assignment are provided in this
syllabus. All written assignments are expected to be completed and
submitted at the beginning of class on the scheduled date. Plagiarism
and/or fabrication like cheating can result in referral to Judicial Affairs
and can result in immediate dismissal from this University.
All papers must adhere to current professional guidelines and must be
submitted on the time and date given in this syllabus. All late papers will
have one letter grade deducted for each day late. Papers placed in the
Instructor’s mailbox or under his door will similarly be considered late and
will have grades deducted dependent upon when the Instructor actually
finds the paper. The only excuses considered for a late paper will be a
verifiable medical excuse specifically stating the students’ inability to
attend class OR a verifiable death in the family. “Verifiable” means
written proof. Weddings, graduations, family reunions, celebrations, tiger
tamings, revolutions, ship launchings, missed busses,
grounded aircraft, derailed trains, cars with flat tires, unreliable friends or
roommates, unrequited love, or printers that do not print, and discs that
do not work are NOT verifiable excuses. The same conditions govern all
examination as well as papers and group projects.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: