Psychophysiology and eye-tracking 2500-EN-COG-OB2Z-N-1
The course is divided into two parts. The first one (15h) covers a variety of methods used in psychophysiological research, the second one (15h)
covers eye-tracking methodology and practice. During the course, students will learn how to design and run psychophysiological and eye-tracking experiments, collect the data, as well as analyse and visualise the results according to the best standards. As a results of the course, students will gain in-depth knowledge regarding possible applications of psychophysiological and eye-tracking methodology and will be able to apply it in their own projects.
During the class the students will:
- learn about advantages and limitations of different
psychophysiological methods,
- design psychophysiological experiments,
- practice psychophysiological data collection,
- perform data preprocessing using dedicated Python or R libraries,
- perform statistical analysis using eyetrackingR,
- visualize the data.
- present the results of the analysis.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
- students will to discuss the basis of psychophysiological responses
and the relations between mental and psychophysiological processes
(K_W05, K_W08)
- be able to test hypotheses regarding the relations between
psychophysiological and mental processes (K_W01; K_W02; K_W03;
K_W06; K_W07; K_U01; K_K01)
- be able to perform psychophysiological data collection (K_K02)
- develop the skills required to process and analyze these data
(K_0U3, K_U04)
- present results of psychophysiological experiments
in written format (K_U06, K_U07)
Assessment criteria
For each part of the course students will be asked to:
- collect and preprocess raw data from a single subject
- perform group-level analysis
- present the results of the experiment during a group presentation (3-4 students per group)
- Prepare a written report describing the results of the experiment
Presence during each of two parts of the course is required. Two unexcused absences are allowed. In case of excessive absences, students will be asked to complete additional work.
Students must respect the principles of academic integrity. Cheating and plagiarism (including copying work from other students, internet or other
sources) are serious violations that are punishable and instructors are required to report all cases to the administration.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: