Databases Reporting 2400-ZU1INF02
Topic 1
Basic concepts of databases, definitions, issues related to the database. Starting the reports editor.
Topic 2 Selecting the information from the database.
Topic 3 Sorting and filtering data, selecting queries. Conditional selection of data. Using relational operators.
Topic 4 Selecting data using ranges. Eliminating data duplicates.
Topic 5 Functions of aggregation for analyzing the data group.
Topic 6 Data grouping and its use. Combining information from several data tables.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the course the student is able to:
- present knowledge of database management,
- analyze patterns of relational databases,
- create and modify the structure of queries to database,
- integrate queries into coherent analytical queries,
- assess the correctness of the queries,
- interpret the databases queries.
SU05, SU06, SK01, SK03, SU04, SU03, SU02, SU01, SW03, SW02, SW01, SW04, SW05, SK02, SK04
Assessment criteria
In order to complete courses, students will send their solving results through e-learning platform. The correct solution allows to pass the course. Participants who wish to obtain a higher grade can take the assessment test, its date will be determined at the end of the course. The test will be held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the computers on the base of conducted activities.
Required readings:
- P.Beynon_Davies, "Systemy baz danych", Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 2003
- Ben Forta, Poznaj SQL w 10 minut, Intersoftland, Warszawa 2000
Suggested readings:
Adam Majczak, SQL od podstaw, wyd. I, Translator s.c., Warszawa 2001
- Richard Stones, Neil Matthew, Bazy Danych i MySQL, Helion, Gliwice 2003
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 od środka: Mechanizm składowania danych, APN Promise, Warszawa 2007
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 od środka: Zapytania w języku T-SQL, APN Promise, Warszawa 2006 Ewa Łuszczyk, Mirosława Koperkowska, Ćwiczenia z Access 2003 - wersja polska, wyd. Mikom, Warszawa 2004
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: