Sentiment analysis 2400-ZEWW929
1. Introductory matters (labs 1).
a. What is sentiment analysis?
b. Levels of sentiment analysis.
c. What is the procedure for performing sentiment analysis and drawing conclusions?
2. Collecting textual data for sentiment analysis (labs 2).
a. Review of web scraping and crawling techniques.
b. Most common technical issues.
c. Ethics and possible legal problems.
d. Review of Python libraries: Selenium and Beautiful Soup with example codes.
3. Textual data preprocessing (labs 3).
a. Tokenization.
b. Stemming.
c. Lemmatization.
d. Stopwords.
e. N-grams.
f. TermFrequence (TF).
g. Inverse Document Frequency (IDF).
h. TF-IDF.
4. Lexicon based sentiment analysis (labs 4-5).
a. Dictionary based approach.
b. Corpus based approach.
5. Unsupervised machine learning methods for sentiment analysis (labs 6).
6. Supervised machine learning methods for sentiment analysis (labs 7-10).
a. Feature types, their extraction and selection for sentiment analysis.
b. Predicting sentiment polarisation vs. emotion detection.
c. Performance evaluation of supervised machine learning algorithms.
d. Review of basic machine learning classification algorithms: logistic regression, naive bayes, k-nearest neighbours, support vector machine and maximum entropy, decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting trees.
e. Neural networks algorithms: RNN, CNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, transformers.
7. Possible application of sentiment analysis (labs 11-13).
a. Opinion spam detection.
b. Implicit language detection.
c. Aspect extraction.
8. Students’ presentations (labs 14-15).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will learn how to collect textual data and prepare it for further analysis. Also, they will get to know the theoretical basis of various topic modelling algorithms. Students will be able to construct different frameworks for evaluating textual sentiment and assess its performance depending on the issue encountered. In addition, students will be aware of the most common applications of sentiment analysis.
Assessment criteria
Final grade is to be established based on points obtained for preparing a home-taken project (80%) and its presentation (20%).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: