Environmental, social and governance reporting (ESG) 2400-ZEWW923
The following are the main topics that will be covered during the semester:
1. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting system
2. UN regulations – Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), SDG indicators and reporting examples
3. ESG concept implementation
4. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
5. "Green Economy" indicators, European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESSZR), European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
6. IFRS S1, and IFRS S2 standards
7. The Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards)
8. Workshops – the analysis of non-financial reports of enterprises
9. Workshops – improving non-financial reporting
10. Workshops and Discussions – challenges of reporting of non-financial indicators
11. Workshops - integration of financial and non-financial information
12. Workshops - detection of changes in companies behavior towards sustainable development
13. Workshops - Financing of green transformation
14. Group work - preparation of environmental, social and governance reporting, selection of indicators and methodology for their estimation
15. Presentation of the final group work results
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A) Knowledge
1. Students will obtain knowledge of the distinction between financial and non-financial reporting
2. Students will understand the importance of sustainability reporting
3. Students will aquire the knowledge of environmental, social and governance reporting standards
4. Students will understand the challenges of non-financial reporting and gathering data for sustainability indicators
5. Students will get information about international sustainability regulations
S1P_W06, S1P_W08
B) Skills
1. Students will be able to design a non-financial report
2. Students will have the ability to indicate the sources of non-financial information
3. Students will be able to formulate improvements of non-financial reporting systems of companies
C) Social expertise
1. Students will able to understand the role of sustainable reporting of companies in the society
2. Students understand the need of using non-financial indicators and will able to choose their own set of indicators for a given company
3. Students will have the necessary competencies in teamwork using integrated information included in financial and non-financial reports
S1P_K02, S1P_K05
Assessment criteria
Completion of the course is to pass the final exam and to prepare the final projects. In addition, the course completion requires active participation in workshop classes.
Attendance in class is mandatory. 2 unexcused absences per semester are allowed.
The learning outcomes are assessed on the basis of the final exam (50% of the final grade), and the teamwork projects (50% of the final grade). Attendance during the lectures is obligatory (max. 2 unexcused absences). The exam consists of 30 multiple choice questions (each question is worth 1 point).
Final grade is determined on the basis of the following scale:
Percentage of the total sum of points / grade
(0-50%) / 2
<50%-60%) / 3
<60%-70%) / 3.5
<70%-80%) / 4
<80%-90%) / 4.5
<90%-100%> / 5
Required literature:
• Bednarek J. (pod red.), ESG – przewodnik po regulacjach prawnych, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2023
• Read C., Understanding Sustainability Principles and ESG Policies: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Public and Corporate Responses to Climate Change, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023
• Global Reporting Initiative, GRI Standards
• IFRS (S1, S2)
• European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESSZR)
• The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Supplementary literature:
• The Global ESG Handbook, Globe Law and Business, 2023
• Thewissen J., Arslan-Ayaydin Ö., Westerman W., Dorsman A., The ESG Framework and the Energy Industry: Demand and Supply, Market Policies and Value Creation, Springer 2024
• Dolan C., Barrero Zalles D., Transparency in ESG and the Circular Economy: Capturing Opportunities Through Data, Business Expert Press 2021
• Zioło M., Filipiak B.Z., Wótowicz K., Ryzyko ESG w samorządzie terytorialnym, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2024
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: