Effective data analysis in MS Excel 2400-ZEWW874
The course is aimed at people who are affected by at least one of the above points. Its program has been adapted to the latest trends on the market and employers' expectations, taking into account the novelties from Excel 365. The scope of the material covers all stages of data analysis - from data preparation, through analysis, to creating interactive forms and automatically updating reports presented in the form of business dashboards. Great importance is attached not only to the substantive and graphic content of the analyzes performed, but also to the indication of good work practices in Excel with the use of advanced functions and tools that enable the automation of all processes. Thanks to this, the analyzes we perform will be effective, and the templates we create will be easy to modify and use in future projects.
The scope of the training covers all the most important issues at an advanced level, e.g. advanced search and address functions, dynamic ranges, advanced functions of conditional calculations, database functions, dynamic arrays in Excel 365, advanced conditional formatting and data validation, advanced pivot tables, advanced charts, form controls, creating automatic reports, applications of Excel in business.
This course is dedicated to people who work in Excel on a daily basis and know it at least at an intermediate level (e.g. use logical functions and search, know relative/absolute references, can organize data and work with pivot tables), or have completed a course on "Introduction to data analysis in MS Excel".
Detailed subject of the course:
1. Advanced PivotTables
2. Advanced search and address functions
3. Advanced functions of conditional calculations
4. Dynamic arrays
5. Conditional formatting
6. Data validation
7. Form controls
8. The use of Excel in business
Note 1: hybrid form of classes - students can participate in classes in a stationary or remote form (to choose from).
Note 2: the course is part of the educational path "Economic data analysis in Microsoft Excel and the VBA programming language", upon completion of which participants receive a certificate. Details on the WNE UW website (Student> Educational Paths).
Note 3: The course requires a lot of student work and is delivered at an advanced level (prior knowledge of Excel at least intermediate level is required).
Note 4: The software version in the course is Microsoft Office 2021 or later (language version: Polish, operating system: Windows). It is not possible to use an earlier version (many functions are missing). The English language version is not a major problem, but the course a different operating system is (e.g. MacOS) due to the limitations of the Office suite (possible lack of necessary software components). The University of Warsaw does not provide participants with the necessary computer hardware or software.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student gained the ability to efficiently and effectively use MS Excel and its advanced tools and functions. The subject of the course covered the following topics: preparing data for analysis (text, search and address functions), working with databases (creating tables, dynamic references, defining dynamic ranges), data analysis (counting and conditional functions, database and table functions, advanced pivot tables), creating automatic reports (dynamic tables and Excel 365 news), creating a user interface for reports (conditional formatting, validation, form controls). The knowledge gained during the course allows for e.g. creating advanced reports and interpreting the results obtained in them.
Assessment criteria
The final grade consists of:
• collective homework
• additional activity in discussion forums
Score points
[0-50) 2
[50-60) 3
[60-70) 3.5
[70-80) 4
[80-90) 4.5
[90-100) 5
from 100 5!
own materials
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: