How to prepare company’s long-term strategy on Far East markets, case of airline 2400-ZEWW724
Each workshop will be dedicated to as following:
1. Definition of area of interest.
2. Countries of the Region as econonomic partners of Poland.
3. Approach to business, cultural differences.
4. Airlines’ Industry of the Region, current situation and perspectives of growth.
5. Partners of the Polish airline companies, possible ways of cooperation.
6. Quality requirements and expectations while serving air services to the Region.
7. In-depth analysis of countries of the Region.
8. Direct vs transit traffic. Can Warsaw become a hub?
9. Market reaserch and forecasting. Econometric methodology.
10. Revenue optimization.
11. How to work-out optimum strategy. Legal land international environment.
12. Competiotion and cooperation.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. Presentation of international and legal environment, with special attention paid to North-East Asia destinations.
2. Knowledge of air market reasearch and network development methodology.
3. Knowledge of strategy optimization methodology.
4. Knowledge of specifics of Far East air markets.
5. Presentation of doing business if Far East region
SU05, SU06, SK01, SK03, SU04, SU03, SU02, SU01, SW03, SW02, SW01, SW04, SW05, SK02, SK04
Assessment criteria
active presence at workshops
final credit with workshops
1. Prof. Marek Żylicz – International Aviation Turnover. Economoc and Legal Aspects. 1972.
2. Air Law – July 3, 2002.
3. Manual on Ait Traffic Fprecastng – ICAO
4. International Statistics Yearbook – Central Statistical Office of Poland.
5. Polsh Foreighn Trade Statistical Yearbook – Central Statistical Office of Poland.
6. Aviation Demand Forecastng. A Survey of Methodologies – Transporattion Research Bard, National Research Council
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: