Propensity Score Matching 2400-ZEWW696
The aim of the course is to make students aware of the role of quasi-experimantal techniques in the social sciences, and their formal methods for practical purpose. The current state of knowledge concerning the treatment effects estimator's distributions will be presenteed.
[1] Introducrion and course outline.
[2] A controlled and randomized experiments
Neyman J., O zastosowaniu teorii prawdopodobieństwa do eksperymentów rolniczych. Eseje o regułach. Część 9, „Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych” 1923, nr X, s. 1-51.
[3-4] The foundations of counterfactual analysis and diversity of treatment effects
Rosenbaum P., Rubin D., The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects, „Biometrika” 1983, nr 70, s. 41-55.
[5-6] The PSM and regression, LaLonde (1986).
[7] PSM and controlled experiments, Dehejia and Wahba (1999)
[8-9] PSM and controlled experiments, Smith and Todd (2005)
[10] PSM and controlled experiments, Dehejia i Wahba (2005)
[11] PSM and controlled experiments, Smith and Todd (2005b).
[12-13] Laboratory workshop.
[14] The distributions of PSM estimators.
[15] Final open book exam.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Po ukończeniu kursu uczestnik:
Zna metodę propensity score matching. Rozumie istotę kontrolowanych eksperymentów. Zna metody quasi-eksperymentalne. S2A_W06
Potrafi rozpoznać problem w którym posłużono się metodą quasi-eksperymentalną albo eksperymentalną S2A_W06.
Potrafi wykorzystać metodologię quasi-eksperymentów do oceny zjawisk ekonomicznych i gospodarczych, oraz oceniać rezultaty modele opisywanych w literaturze przedmiotu w sposób krytyczny S2A_U04, S2A_U07
Potrafi wykonać prezentacji wyników i napisać raport z przeprowadzonego badania empirycznego S2A_U09, S2AU_10.
Znajomość podstawowymi funkcji pakietu statystycznego pozwala na rozszerzenie wiedzy we własnym zakresie. S2A_K01
Na podstawie przedstawionych interpretacji uzyskanych wyników potrafi być krytyczny w stosunku do przedstawionych modeli i prawidłowo identyfikuje i rozstrzyga dylematy wykorzystaniem tych metod w prowadzeniu własnej firmy lub pracy zawodowej S2A_K04, S2A_K07.
Assessment criteria
The student is obliged to be present during classes. According to the provisions of paragraph 33 of the University of Warsaw Studies Regulations, students absent from classes send a request to the lecturer to justify their absence without undue delay. Absences exceeding 3 are not excused and result in a student's lack of classification.
The grade for the classes will be issued on the basis of a written open book exam and student activity during classes. Assessment criteria will be adapted to the stage of study.
Abadie A., Imbens G., Large Sample Properties of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects, „Econometrica” 2006, nr 74, s. 235-267.
Abadie A., Imbens G., Matching on the Estimated Propensity Score, mimeo, 2011b.
Angrist J., Pischke J., Mostly Harmless Econometrics, Princeton University Press, 2009.
Caliendo M., Kopeinig S., Some Practical Guidance for the Implementation of Propensity Score Matching, „Journal of Economic Surveys” 2008, nr 22, s. 31–72.
Crump R., Hotz J., Imbens G., Mitnik O., Dealing with Limited
Overlap in Estimation of Average Treatment Effects, „Biometrika” 2009, nr 96, s. 187-199.
Dehejia R., Wahba S., Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs, „Journal of the American Statistical Association” 1999, nr 94, s. 1053-1062.
Dehejia R., Wahba S., Propensity Score Matching for Nonexperimental Causal Studies, „Review of Economics and Statistics” 2002, nr 81, s. 151-161.
Dehejia R., Practical Propensity Score Matching: A Reply to Smith and Todd, „Journal of Econometrics” 2005, nr 125, s. 355-364.
Fr¨olich M., Finite Sample Properties of Propensity-Score Matching and Weighting Estimators, „The Review of Economics and Statistics” 2004, nr 86, s.77-90.
Hirano K., Imbens G., Ridder G., Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effect Using the Estimated Propensity Score, „Econometrica” 2003, nr 71, s. 1161-1189.
Imbens G., Angrist J., Identification and Estimation of Local Average Treatment Effects, „Econometrica” 1994, nr 62, s. 467-475.
LaLonde R., Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data, „The American Economic Review” 1986, nr 76, s. 604-620.
Lee M-J., Micro-Econometrics for Policy, Program and Treatment Effects, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005.
Neyman J., O zastosowaniu teorii prawdopodobieństwa do eksperymentów rolniczych. Eseje o regułach. Część 9, „Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych” 1923, nr X, s. 1-51.
Rosenbaum P., Rubin D., The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects, „Biometrika” 1983, nr 70, s. 41-55.
Rubin D., Matching to Remove Bias in Observational Studies, „Biometrics” 1973a, nr 29, s. 159-183.
Rubin D., Matched Sampling for Causal Effects, Cambridge University Press, Nowy Jork 2006.
Rubin D., Thomas N., Matching Using Estimated Propensity Score: Relating Theory to Practice, „Biometrics” 1996, nr 52, s. 249-264.
Smith J., Todd P., Reconciling Conflicting Evidence on the Performance of Propensity-Score Matchig Methods, „The American Economic Review” 2001, nr 91, s. 112-118.
Smith J., Todd P., Does Matching Overcome LaLonde Critique of Non-Experimental Estimators?, „Journal of Econometrics” 2005a, nr 125, s. 305-355.
Smith J., Todd P., Rejoinder. Experimental and Non-Experimental Evaluation of Economic Policy and Models, „Journal of Econometrics” 2005b, nr 125, s. 365-375.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: