Environmental Protection in the Enterprise 2400-ZEWW512
1. Environmental policy and enterprise:
- the subject, scope and subjects of environmental policy,
- key principles of environmental policy.
2/3. Methods of analysis of the impact on the environment:
- material flows,
- optimization and multi-criteria methods,
- environmental risk assessment,
- analysis of the 'life cycle',
- environmental impact assessment (EIA).
4/5. Methods of economic analysis:
- economic efficiency and cost effectiveness,
- cost-benefit analysis (CBA),
- time factor and discount rate,
- project cost-effectiveness measures,
- taking into account environmental costs and benefits.
6. Economic valuation of the natural environment:
- the concept of 'total economic value',
- the non-use value problem,
- internal and external costs and benefits,
- practical examples of estimation of environmental values.
7. Legal and administrative regulations in the field of environmental protection:
- command-and-control,
- emission, immission, technology and product standards,
- advantages and disadvantages of direct regulation,
- administration, control and monitoring.
8. Economic regulations in the field of environmental protection:
- concepts of using the market mechanism,
- advantages and limitations of economic regulation,
- classification of economic instruments,
- criteria for the evaluation and selection of economic instruments,
- the criterion of effectiveness and the cost of regulation,
- the issue of technical progress.
9/10. Economic instruments:
- emission, product, utility and administrative fees,
- deposit systems and ecological pledges,
- transferable permits to use the environment,
- taxes and ecological tax reform,
- subsidies,
- penalties.
11. Regulatory mechanisms and the enterprise:
- influence of direct regulation,
- impact of economic regulation,
- voluntary agreements,
- Porter's hypothesis,
- green company image.
12. New trends in environmental protection at the enterprise level:
- environmental accounting,
- liability for environmental damage,
- environmental insurance,
- ecological audit,
- certificates and labeling,
- voluntary agreements,
- integrated permits (IPPC),
- sustainable development and its measures.
13. International aspects of environmental protection:
- environmental protection in OECD countries,
- environmental protection in the European Union,
- international agreements and conventions.
14. Polish environmental policy:
- historical conditions,
- documents "Ecological Policy of the State",
- assessment of the implementation of national environmental policy,
- current tasks of environmental policy.
15. Financing environmental protection projects in Poland:
- funds for environmental protection and water management,
- Bank Ochrony Środowiska,
- financing environmental protection from EU funds.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
1. The student has knowledge of the basic principles of environmental policy.
2. The student knows the methods of analysis of environmental impact, including the assessment of environmental impact (EIA), environmental risk assessment, life cycle analysis.
3. The student knows the CBA method applied in relation to environmental protection projects. He knows and understands the problem of economic valuation of environmental goods and services. He knows the methods that are used for the economic valuation of non-market goods and services.
4. The student knows the tools of environmental policy. He knows legal and administrative instruments and economic instruments as well as principles and recommendations related to their application in theory and practice.
5. The student has knowledge about the cost effectiveness of economic intruments and knows the specificity of emission and product fees, deposit systems, negotiable permits for using the environment, taxes and ecological tax reform, as well as subsidies.
6. The student knows the regulatory mechanisms of environmental policy focused on the enterprise and conclusions from the Porter hypothesis. The student knows new directions in environmental protection at the enterprise level: environmental insurance, environmental audit, certificates and labeling, voluntary agreements, integrated permits (IPPC).
7. The student knows and understands the national policy of environmental protection in a historical perspective and in relation to current problems. He knows the instruments of environmental policy applied in Poland.
8. The student knows and understands the national system of financing environmental protection in Poland, in particular funds for environmental protection and water management as well as financing environmental protection from EU funds.
B. Skills
1. The student can properly assess the company's responsibilities in the field of environmental protection regulations.
2. The student is able to predict what activities and what methods will be effective in the process of adapting the company to regulation related to environmental protection.
3. The student can predict how environmental undertakings in the enterprise can be financed under national conditions.
C. Social competences
1. The student is aware that environmental protection belongs to the proper functioning of the enterprise and requires taking appropriate action.
2. The student is able to choose a procedure that will be economically justified and beneficial from the social point of view.
SU05, SU06, SK01, SK03, SU04, SU03, SU02, SU01, SW03, SW02, SW01, SW04, SW05, SK02, SK04
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the course is a test and presentation of a topic selected from the list of the most important issues raised directly in the classroom
Folmer H., Gabel L., Opschoor H. (red.), 1996. Ekonomia środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Krupski i S-ka, Warszawa.
Ison S., Peake S., Wall S., 2002. Environmental Issues and Policies. Pearson Education, Harlow.
Bergstrom J.C., Randall A., 2010. Resource Economics. An Economic Approach to Natural Resource and Environmental Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Chapman D., 2000. Environmental Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, Reading.
Famielec J., 1999. Straty i korzyści ekologiczne w gospodarce narodowej. PWN, Warszawa-Kraków.
Fiedor B. (red.), 2002. Podstawy ekonomii środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa.
Kapp K.W., 1960. Społeczne koszty funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw prywatnych. PWN, Warszawa.
Śleszyński J., 2001. Ekonomiczne problemy ochrony środowiska. Aries, Warszawa.
Tietenberg T., 2001. Environmental Economics and Policy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, Boston.
Żylicz T., 2004. Ekonomia środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: