Local Government Economics 2400-PLSM019C
1. During the first part of the course, students (with the supervisor help) will select from the proposed subjects' area (sample list below):
Financing and/or operations of local government units in different countries
Taxes as local government incomes - theory and practice
Decentralization in Poland, assumptions and effects of reforms
Financial market instruments as source of local government financing
Trans-border cooperation and cooperation between local government units
Local government management with focus on financial management
Local government in EU and in transitions countries (European Charter of Local Government)
Factors for local/regional development. Local government as stimulating agent.
Role of local government in delivery of local services (education, health, security, water, sewage) Management and financing
Other methods of financing local government. Privatization, PPP
2 Basic information about paper setup, information about formal requirements
3 Information about required readings
4 Presentation of individual findings
5 Consultations
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student has an extensive knowledge of the subject of his thesis, social structures and institutions related with this subject, including standards and legal rules. The student has an extended knowledge of the methods and tools of economic analysis of local finance and more generally local government. The student knows and understands the basic principles of copyright law
Student is able to correctly interpret and explain the phenomenon, which he describes in the thesis. He is also able to correctly analyze the causes and results. He uses theoretical knowledge to this description, as well as the appropriate method. Student works alone (with supervisor help) on his thesis, and independently solves theoretical and practical problems associated with this task. He also is able to present the results of his job.
The student understands the need for continuous acquisition and completion of knowledge, not only in the field of local finance but also other disciplines. Student is able to properly prioritize tasks related with his thesis.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KU03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
Preparation of stages of final paper based on individual time schedulle
Bailey SJ; Local government economics. Principles and practice; MacMillan 1999 r.
papers and materials: OECD Fiscal Federalism Network
A. Kopańska; Zewnętrzne źródła finansowania zadań jednostek samorządu terytorialnego; DiFin; Warszawa 2004
J. Kleer (red); Samorząd terytorialny- dobro publiczne; CeDeWu; Warszawa 2008
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: