Banking system stability as a public wealth; the financial safety net; hazard identification.
Models of financial, banking, currency crises; costs of financial crises. Panic and bank runs mechanism; institutional-legal and organizational frameworks: banking legal regulations; the financial responsibility.
The historical crises. Great Depression: the Wall Street crash (1929) and the phenomena of bank bankruptcies, their reasons and mechanisms.
Banking crises in the second half of the 20th century in the stable economies; crisis management and restoration of banking systems. Financial crises in the second half of the 20th century in the emerging economies: specificity of crises in Asia; significance of the behavioral factors; restoration programs.
Global financial crisis 2007-2010: a subprime mortgage crisis; a “systemic risk”; the financial contagion; the impact of the crisis by transmitting the financial shocks to the whole global economy
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows the theories and models explaining the reasons and mechanism of financial, banking and currency crises; understands the specifics of the financial and banking crises and their importance to the process of changes in the banking systems and to their legislative-institutional environment in the historical perspective.
The student is able to: perform an analysis of the financial, banking and currency crises from the past, using the up to date (present day) categories and economic instruments; explain the mechanism of infecting and transferring the crises among the sectors of economy and the financial institutions.
A student should be able to interpret and formulate his own conclusions, based on critical analysis of sources, views of different authors, premises and arguments.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
Assessment of the progress made by the seminar participants in their graduate thesis preparation (the plan of thesis, literature and current research analyses; the results of analysis; the final version of the thesis).
Baka W., Systemy gwarantowania depozytów w Polsce i na świecie, Warszawa 2005.
Bordo M. D., The Lender of Last Resort: Alternative Views and Historical Experience, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, “Economic Review”, Jan./Feb.1990.
Chancellor E., Historia spekulacji finansowych, Warszawa 2001.
Capiga M., Ryzyko w działalności banku, [w:] Działanie banków uniwersalnych. Wybrane problemy, Wyd. AE Katowice 2000,
Calomiris C., Gorton G., The Origins of Banking Panic: Models, Facts and Bank Regulation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1991.
Cull R., Senbel L., Sorge M., Deposit Insurance and Bank Intermediation in the Long Run, BIS Working Papers, July 2004, No 156.
Economic crisis in Europe: causes, consequences and responses, “European Economy” 2009/7, European Commission 2009.
Gruszczyński M., Kryzysy walutowe, bankowe i zadłużeniowe w gospodarce światowej, CeDeWu Warszawa 2013.
Hryckiewicz-Gontarczyk A., Anatomia kryzysów bankowych, Poltext Warszawa 2014.
Iwanicz - Drozdowska M., Determinanty bezpieczeństwa banków w świetle analizy wybranych kryzysów bankowych, SGH Warszawa 2000.
Iwanicz-Drozdowska M. (red.), Kryzysy bankowe. Przyczyny i rozwiązania, PWE Warszawa 2002.
Iwanicz-Drozdowska M., Nowak A., Ryzyko bankowe, SGH Warszawa 2002.
Kahn C., Santos J., Allocating bank regulatory powers: lender of last resort, deposit insurance and supervision, BIS Working Papers, Aug. 2001, No. 102.
Kaminsky G., Currency and Banking Crises: The Early Warning of Distress, IMF Institute, Dec. 1999.
Kaminsky G., The Twin Crisis: The Causes of Banking and Balance of Payments Problems, International Finance Discussion Papers, March 1996, No. 544.
Kindleberger Ch. P., Szaleństwo, panika, krach. Historia kryzysów finansowych, Warszawa 1999.
Krugman P., Currency Crises, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 2000.
Małecki W., Sławiński A., Piasecki R., Żuławska U., Kryzysy walutowe, Warszawa 2001.
Rothbard M., Wielki kryzys w Ameryce, Instytut Ludwiga von Misesa, Warszawa 2010.
Solarz J. K., Rozwój systemów bankowych, Warszawa 1996.
Szczepańska O., Podstawowe przesłanki, założenia i struktura sieci bezpieczeństwa finansowego w świetle teorii i doświadczeń międzynarodowych, “Bezpieczny Bank” 2005, nr 1.
Szczepańska O., Sotomska-Krzysztofik P., Pawliszyn M., Pawlikowski A., Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania stabilności finansowej na przykładzie wybranych krajów, „Materiały i Studia” NBP, 2004, z. 173.
Szczepańska O., Sotomska-Krzysztofik P., Pawliszyn M., Banki centralne wobec kryzysów w systemie bankowym, „Materiały i Studia” NBP, 2004, z. 179.
The consequences of the global financial crisis. The rhetoric of reform and regulation, ed. W. Grant, G. K. Wilson, Oxford University Press, 2012.
Wood J. W., Bagehot’s Lender of Last Resort. A Hollow Hallowed Tradition, “The Independent Review”, 2003, Vol. VII, No. 3.
Żywiecka H., Przyczyny i mechanizmy kryzysów walutowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczenia międzynarodowych przepływów kapitału, „Materiały i Studia” NBP 2002, z. 145.
Additional information
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