Research of education and employment market 2400-PL3SL152A
Initial meetings in the first semester will be devoted to the following topics:
1. Basics of micro- and macroeconomic determinants of the functioning of the labour market
2. Problems of education and problems of the labour market as potential subjects of individual undergraduate thesis
3. Review of research and sources of information on the labour market
4. The structure of the BA thesis
Further seminar meetings will be used to discuss individual theses prepared by the students:
- presentations of a thesis topics,
- discussion of work plans,
- presentation and discussion of basic theories referring to the subject of the BA theses
- presentation and discussion of seminar participants' research.
The theses should use theoretical knowledge and collect and analyse existing empirical research on the subject. In the case of seminar participants interested in independent research, it will be possible to conduct them and use existing GUS databases (eg. PLSF, Household Budget Survey etc.), data on local labour markets or educational services, graduate surveys, as well as data sources provided by OECD, ILO, Eurostat and other institutions. You can also construct an independent survey that will be used to collect data and then analyse them.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student
In terms of knowledge:
- is able to identify key problems of the labour market and education (mainly in Poland but also in the EU and OECD countries),
- knows at the basic level the main theories referring to the labour market and education and at the intermediate level theories referring to the problems of the BA thesis he/she has chosen,
- understands theories’ relationship with the basics of micro- and macroeconomics,
- knows the methods of labour market and education analyses that were used to explain the problems he/she chose for the topic of BA thesis,
- knows what results in the field of his/her interest were achieved in research, can compare and explain them,
- has an orientation in the data describing the labour market and the education system as well as statistical databases on this topic (domestic and selected foreign).
In terms of skills:
- he is able to choose the theory and empirical research to describe the phenomenon of interest,
- is able to choose data that would allow him/her to analyse the problem selected as the topic of the BA thesis and propose a way to use them
- is able to present the research problem in public, its genesis, research devoted to it, as well as its intentions and results of analyses,
- is able to comprehensively write an analysis of a selected problem concerning the labour market in theoretical or empirical terms.
Social competence
- is able to discuss the problems of the labour market and education using substantive arguments, especially those related to the labour market policy and educational policy
- is able to indicate difficult / unresolved problems in both areas, including those that may affect him/her or people in his/her environment.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
Getting a credit criteria:
First semester
- preparation of at least one presentation regarding the topic selected as the subject of the diploma thesis,
- presentation of own research plan,
- presentation of basic theories relating to the topic of the BA thesis
Second semester
- description of selected research (methods and results) in the field of the thesis,
- carrying out your own research,
- submission of the diploma thesis.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: