It is fun to be old? The consequences of an aging population 2400-PL3SL139B
During the seminar, students will select research topics for bachelor's theses. In the winter semester we will discuss (partly in the form of student presentations) basic issues like:
1. Changes in behavior and interpersonal relations,
2. Providing funds for old age,
3. Problems with financing the wellbeing of older people from public funds,
4. Problems of the labor market,
5. Pension system reforms,
6. The emergence of new sectors of the economy, changes in the demand for goods and services,
7. etc.
In addition, students will become familiar with the basic sources of data on population aging and basic literature.
In the summer semester, students will present the stages of their BA thesis:
1. Problem and purpose of work,
2. Data and methodology of the study,
3. Results and conclusions.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
a) Knowledge:
1. The student has a basic knowledge about the processes of population aging, knows how these processes can affect society, the country and the economy
2. The student knows the methods and tools to analyze the aging process of the population and its effects
b) Skills:
1. The student is able to analyze and interpret social and economic problems related to the aging of the population, using his theoretical knowledge
2. The student uses the acquired knowledge and carries out analyzes to solve the problems studied in the seminar
3. The student is able to carry out quantitative analyzes, select information, present the results obtained to the public and write a BA thesis on this basis.)
c) Social competences:
1. The student can properly determine the priorities in order to conduct his research
2. The student is able to supplement and improve the acquired knowledge and skills
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
The seminar is passed if the student writes a thesis, which will be accepted by the supervisor. In the winter semester, the pass is based on presentations during classes.
Examples of literature:
- Averting the Old Age Crisis. A World Bank Policy Research Report (1994), Oxford University Press.
- Clark, R.L., R.V. Burkhauser, M. Moon, J.F. Quinn, T.M. Smeeding (2004), The Economics of an Aging Society, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
- Góra Marek (2003), System Emerytalny, PWE, Warszawa
- Gruber Jonathan, David A. Wise (eds.) , Social Security and Retirement around the World, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1999.
- Muszyński W., Ubezpieczenia społeczne, PWN Warszawa 2004
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: