Modeling and Analysis of Business Processes 2400-M2EPMiAPB
The main topics of the course include an overview of the process-oriented approach in organizations, process characteristics, fundamentals of process architecture design, characteristics of the BPM (Business Process Management) lifecycle, case studies of implementing process-oriented concepts, and analysis methods, including value-added analysis, cycle time, effective cycle time, costs, and quality.
Practical modeling tasks will be conducted using IT tools (ARIS and/or ADONIS systems) and selected modeling notations, primarily BPMN 2.0.
The course concludes with a test on the theoretical part and the evaluation of a team project. Activities during classes, homework assignments, and a team-prepared case study presentation will also be assessed.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A) Knowledge: Student knows and understands the essence of the process approach in organization management. Student has knowledge of the main concepts of process-based management, can explain the legitimacy of their use, advantages and limitations. Understands the impact of business process management on the efficiency of the organization.
B) Skills: Student is able to define the value chain of an organization, identify the main and support business processes. Student analyzes practical BPM case studies and proposes solutions to problems based on the features and principles of process construction. Student uses ARIS and / or Adonis IT tools to model business processes. Student uses analysis methods of time, quality and cost of processes. Student is able to propose improvements in the implementation of processes.
C) Social competences: Student is able to cooperate and work in a group during the analysis of case studies and practical projects. Student is able to complete and improve the acquired knowledge and skills.
Assessment criteria
Test on the theoretical part. Activities during classes, with active participation being graded. Homework assignments. Case study preparation in teams. Final project in teams.
Theoretical test (25%). Class activities and homework (25%). Team case study (25%). Team process modeling project (25%).
Business Process Management. Istota zarządzania procesami biznesowymi. PWN. 2022
Selected articles and case studies recommended by the lecturer.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: