Labour Economics 2400-M2EP
Topics covered during the course:
I. Labour market - introductory concepts and contemporary tendencies
1. The subject of labour economics. Static and dynamic model of the labour market.
2. Functioning of labour markets in selected countries - main problems.
3. Basics of the analysis of the functioning of the labour market.
II. The role of institutions and social determinants of the functioning of the labour market in shaping wages
4. Wage regulation, including the minimum wage
5. Trade unions and collective agreements
6. Employment protection legislation
7. Working time regulation
8. Labour market and fiscal redistribution
9. Retirement policy and the labour market
10. Family policy and labour supply
11. Education policy and training and the labour market
12. Active labour market policies
13. Passive labour market policies
14. Interdependence of different institutional settings on the labour market
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
In terms of knowledge
- knows the key phenomena occurring in the labour market, especially in the OECD countries, knows the basic facts characterizing the Polish labour market;
- knows and understands the basic theories relating to: labour market balancing mechanisms (including the theory of searching and matching), structural unemployment (including causes of permanent structural mismatches, hysteresis), labour market institutions (including legal regulations regarding individual employment contracts, collective agreements, work organization), impact of labour market policies (passive and active);
- knows the methods of empirical verification of the above theories.
In terms of skills:
- can find theoretical and empirical literature referring to selected problems of labour market at the national, regional and local level and is able to critically analyse it
- can collect data on the functioning of the labour market and explain it using statistical tools and using the knowledge of theory on the given topic
- knows how to identify problems that arise in the labour market under the influence of regulation and implementation of public policies and can analyse them
- has the ability to predict the consequences of regulations implemented on the labour market, knows how to evaluate them (in terms of costs and benefits)
- can write an essay on how to solve key problems of the labour market.
Social competence:
- is able to discuss and present topic in the form of a presentation and a paper during group work
- understands the necessity of using substantive arguments in the course of the discussion of important problems of the labour market and related economic and social problems
- is aware of the dynamic changes taking place on the labour market and the necessity to systematically observe in the field of methods of intervention on the labour market
KW01, KW02, KW03, KW04, KW05, KU01, KU02, KU03, KU04, KU05, KU06, KU07, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
In order to get a credit for the course it is necessary to fulfil the following conditions:
- attendance (max. 2 absences allowed)
- presentation of one topic prepared in teams (evaluation - up to 20 points, graded by students)
- presentation of one paper (semester work) prepared in a team as above (graded up to 35 points)
- colloquium (test, graded up to 35 points)
- participation in discussions (up to 10 points)
Boeri T., J.van Ours (2011) , Ekonomia niedoskonałych rynków pracy, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2011.
P. Calhuc, A. Zylberberg (2004), Labor Economics, MIT Press, chapters 1-4.
Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2018, European Commission, Brussels.
Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2017, European Commission, Brussels.
- OECD Employment Outlook2018, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- OECD Employment Outlook2017, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Abbritti M., Weber S. (2010), Labor Market Institutions and the Business Cycle, European Central Bank, Working Paper Series No 1183/2010.
Ashenfelter O., Layard R., (1999), Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol. I, II, North Holland, Amsterdam.
Kwiatkowski E. (2002), Bezrobocie, Podstawy teoretyczne, PWN.
Quintini G.(2011), Right For The Job: Over-Qualified or Under-Skilled? OECD Social, Employment And Migration Working Papers, Paris, OECD.
- Socha M., Sztanderska U. (2000), Bezrobocie strukturalne, PWN, Warszawa.
- Schmid G., J O'Reilly, K Schömann (1996) International Handbook of Labour Market Policy and Evaluation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Brookfield, US.
Other positions will be determined based on the selection of topics by students.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: