Computer Systems Design 2400-IiE2PSI
1. Methodological principles of information systems design. Static and dynamic approach to modeling. Traditional and modern approach to modeling. Information systems engineering. Modeling methodology, techniques and tools.
2. Methods of information systems design – requirements. Typology of design methods. Categorization of design methods. Models of system life cycle. Hard and soft approaches to information systems design.
3. Structural methods. Examples of models and diagrams. Object-oriented methods. Social methods. Project teams building. Principles of creating complex applications in project teams.
4. Designing selected components of information system. Database design. Program design. User interface design. Multimedia and hypermedia systems. Knowledge management for information system.
5. Computer software supporting information systems design (CASE tools). Flexible approach to modeling. Problems of informatization strategy planning and management.
6. Information project management. Costs, outcomes, risk. Standards of projects management. Methods of evaluating investments in information technologies. Characteristics of selected evaluating methods. “Productivity paradox”. Modern information technologies and information systems design.
7. History and development of UML (Unified Modeling Language). UML as a standard of analyzing and designing information systems and business processes. Basic definitions, models and diagrams of UML. Object orientation in UML. Computer software supporting creating models and diagrams in UML. CASE tools for UML users.
8. Designing of requirements. Use case diagrams. Use cases, actors, associations, stereotypes.
9. Architecture of a system. Class diagrams. Classes, association classes, objects, attributes and operations, roles, multiplicity. Object diagrams.
10. Activity diagrams. Activities, subactivities, flows, decisions, parallel activities, swimlanes.
11. State diagrams. States, parallel and sequence substates. Transitions, events, guard conditions and actions.
12. Interaction diagrams: sequence and collaboration diagrams. Classifiers, instances, messages, lifelines activation boxes.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
A) knowledge
1. Student knows the aim and specificity of information systems design and the difference between information systems modeling and modeling in other domains. Student knows and understands problems and barriers in modeling, solutions of these problems, causes of failures and methods to prevent them.
2. Student knows and understands methodical basics of information systems modeling and software engineering.
3. Student knows model solutions which are the basis of modeling methods and is aware of possible modifications of these solutions according to circumstances. Student is able to use and join technical methods with “soft” elements in order to stimulate members of project group.
4. Student knows basics, advantages and disadvantages of three the most popular approaches to modeling: structural, social and object-oriented.
5. Student knows basics of structural methods models and diagrams: entity relationships, data flow, state flow, structure diagrams and their elements. Student knows the intended use of diagrams and understands the differences between them. Student knows techniques and tools of structural modeling, is able to indicate structural programming languages and to use software building rules according to structural approach assumptions.
6. Student knows the basic rules and techniques of social methods usage. Student is able to organize project group according to social approach assumptions.
7. Student knows and understands basic terms of object-oriented approach to information systems design. Student knows Unified Modeling Language (UML) basic concepts: models, diagrams and their elements. Student understands suitability of basic UML diagrams: use case diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence and collaboration diagrams and knows how and when to use them.
8. Student knows how to model databases, programs and interfaces.
9. Student knows Computer Aided Software/System Engineering tools: their scope of application, requirements and categories.
10. Student knows the basics of information project management and understands connections between project parameters essential for project management: scope, cost, time. Student knows how to control these parameters in order to successfully close the project.
11. Student knows and understands difficulties of information technology investment evaluation and their causes. Student knows opportunities and limitations of evaluation methods: COCOMO, FPA, EVA, TCO, Balanced Scorecard.
12. Student knows new trends in information technology development, such as: cloud computing, visualization, mobile solutions, modern methods of data analysis.
B) skills
1. Student can indicate disparities between different approaches to information systems design and apply suitable approach to model the information system.
2. Student is able to define requirements for information system to be designed and can analyze its implementation conditions.
3. Student can describe needs for enterprise informatization in the way understandable for IT specialist. Student is able to describe, using UML, and solve information system operating problem.
4. Student is able to indicate links between different diagrams built using UML in order to model the information system.
5. Student can define potential problems connected with information system modeling and implementation.
6. Student is able to apply appropriate CASE tool to design the information system.
7. Student can prepare elaboration of the given problem and present it on the public forum.
C) social expertise
1. Student understands the aim of information system modeling, is aware of problems connected with information systems design and is able to solve them.
2. Student understands the need to deepen his knowledge unaided.
3. Student is able to work in the IT systems design team and participate fully conscious in the enterprise information infrastructure creation process.
4. Student knows and understands legal issues fundamental for software licensing and using.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
Students are graded on the basis of: written exam held on computers, which proves their ability to solve practical problems - 40% of final grade, presentation on given topic - 40% of final grade, activity during classes - 10% of final grade, short tests - 10% of final grade.
1. familiarity with theory and problems presented during classes and included in subsidiary materials (principally PowerPoint presentations),
2. practical knowledge of UML,
3. knowledge included in the required literature.
Presence during classes is obligatory. In order to get credit students have to pass written exam (score at least 51%) and score at least 51% for presentation, as well as to gain 51% of all points during semester.
Required readings:
1. Dąbrowski W., Stasiak A., Wolski M., Modelowanie systemów informatycznych w
języku 2.1, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009
2. Lasek M., Projektowanie systemów informatycznych. Materiały pomocnicze do zajęć,
WNE UW, Warszawa 2009.
3. Sacha K., Inżynieria oprogramowania, PWN, Warszawa 2010
4. Wrycza S., Wyrzykowski K., Marcinkowski B., UML 2.0 w modelowaniu systemów
informatycznych, HELION, Gliwice 2005.
Subsidiary readings:
1. Jaszkiewicz A., Inżynieria oprogramowania, HELION, Gliwice 2007.
2. Szejko S. (red.), Metody wytarzania oprogramowania, MIKOM, Warszawa 2002.
3. Śmiałek M., Zrozumieć UML 2.0. Metody modelowania obiektowego, HELION,
Gliwice 2005.
4. Wrycza S., Analiza i projektowanie systemów informatycznych zarządzania. Metodyki,
techniki, narzędzia, PWN, Warszawa 1999.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: